added multiple file version of bugfiler
[unix-history] / usr / src / libexec / bugfiler / bug.h
* Copyright (c) 1986 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
* @(#)bug.h 1.1 (Berkeley) 11/25/86
#define BUGS_HOME "owner-bugs@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU"
#define BUGS_ID "bugs"
#define MAIL_CMD "/usr/lib/sendmail -i -t -F \"Bugs Bunny\" -f owner-bugs@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU"
* the METOO definition has the bugfiler exit with an error (-1) status
* if there's a problem. Sendmail then mails off a copy of the problem
* mail to "owner-bugs". This is great if you would have otherwise lost
* the bug report. It's not so great if you get a whole bunch of mail
* that you really don't want.
#define METOO
#include <sys/file.h>
#define GET_LOCK { \
if (flock(lfd,LOCK_EX)) { \
perror(LOCK_FILE); \
exit(ERR); \
} \
#define REL_LOCK { \
if (flock(lfd,LOCK_UN)) { \
perror(LOCK_FILE); \
exit(ERR); \
} \
/* files */
#define ACK_FILE ".ack" /* acknowledge file */
#define DEF_DIR "mail" /* top-level directory */
#define DIST_FILE ".redist" /* redistribution file */
#define ERROR_FILE "log" /* error file */
#define LOCK_FILE "bug:lock" /* lock file name */
#define SUMMARY_FILE "summary" /* summary file */
#define TMP_BUG "errors/BUG_XXXXXX" /* tmp bug report */
#define TMP_FILE "/tmp/BUG_XXXXXX" /* tmp file name */
/* permissions */
#define DIR_MODE 0750 /* directory creation mode */
#define FILE_MODE 0644 /* file creation mode */
#define CHN (char *)NULL /* null arg string */
#define COMMENT '#' /* comment in redist file */
#define EOS (char)NULL /* end of string */
#define ERR -1 /* error return */
#define MAXLINELEN 200 /* max line length in message */
#define NO 0 /* no/false */
#define OK 0 /* okay return */
#define YES 1 /* yes/true */
typedef struct {
short found, /* line number if found */
redist; /* if part of redist headers */
int (*valid)(); /* validation routine */
short len; /* length of tag */
char *tag, /* leading tag */
*line; /* actual line */
#define DATE_TAG 0 /* "Date:" offset */
#define FROM_TAG 1 /* "From " offset */
#define CFROM_TAG 2 /* "From:" offset */
#define INDX_TAG 3 /* "Index:" offset */
#define MSG_TAG 4 /* "Message-Id:" offset */
#define RPLY_TAG 5 /* "Reply-To:" offset */
#define RET_TAG 6 /* "Return-Path:" offset */
#define SUBJ_TAG 7 /* "Subject:" offset */
#define TO_TAG 8 /* "To:" offset */
/* so sizeof doesn't return 0 */
#include <sys/param.h>
extern char bfr[MAXBSIZE]; /* general I/O buffer */