BSD 4_3 release
[unix-history] / usr / contrib / apl / src / ay.c
static char Sccsid[] = "ay.c @(#)ay.c 1.1 10/1/82 Berkeley ";
* APL Buffered I/O routines
* The following routines perform all of the I/O required by APL.
* They are designed to maximize buffer utilization while maintaining
* reliable operation. For a machine such as the PDP-11, the number
* of buffers, defined in apl.h, should be around 4 for best results.
* For a machine such as the VAX 11/780, a larger number may be desirable
* for better results.
#include "apl.h" /* Header definitions */
#ifdef NBUF /* Don't do any of this unless buffering
* was requested by defining NBUF
#define realfd(x) files[x].fd_dup
openf(fname, mode)
char *fname;
int fd;
/* The first order of business is to open the
* file. If this fails, return -1.
if ((fd=open(fname,mode)) < 0) return(fd);
/* Now, perform all of the work necessary for setting
* up the file tables. This code is shared by "openf"
* and "creatf" since both open files.
creatf(fname, mode)
char *fname;
int fd;
/* The first order of business is to create the
* file. If this fails, return -1.
if ((fd=creat(fname,mode)) < 0) return(fd);
/* Now, perform all of the work necessary for setting
* up the file tables. This code is shared by "openf"
* and "creatf" since both open files.
struct stat stat_buf;
register struct fds *p, *q;
register j;
/* Try to perform an "fstat" call on the file. This
* information is required for all file descriptors
* to prevent reading from a file while data destined
* for that file is still buffered for output. If for
* some reason the "fstat" fails, arbitrarily set
* the major/minor number and inode number to zero.
if (fstat(fd, &stat_buf) < 0){
write(2, "Can't \"stat\" new fd\n", 20);
stat_buf.st_dev = 0;
stat_buf.st_ino = 0;
/* Copy the information into the "files" structure, which
* maintains such data on all open files.
p = &files[fd];
p->fd_dev = stat_buf.st_dev; /* Major/minor device numbers */
p->fd_ind = stat_buf.st_ino; /* Inode number */
p->fd_open = 1; /* File is open */
p->fd_buf = -1; /* No buffer is currently assigned */
p->fd_dup = fd; /* All it duplicates is itself */
p->fd_lastop = 0; /* Lastop was read (default) */
p->fd_pipe = !!lseek(fd, 0L, 1); /* Seek will fail if a pipe */
/* Determine if the new fd is unique or not. If not,
* make sure any matching fd's know that they no longer
* are either.
p->fd_uniq = 1; /* Assume uniqueness */
for(j=0; j<NFDS; j++){
if (!files[j].fd_open) continue; /* File not open */
q = &files[realfd(j)];
if (p->fd_ind == q->fd_ind && p->fd_dev == q->fd_dev)
p->fd_uniq = q->fd_uniq = 0;
check(); /*DEBUG*/
int fd2;
register struct fds *p, *q;
/* Duplicating a file descriptor does not require an "fstat"
* on the new file descriptor, because its device and inode
* are already recorded. However, duplicate file descriptors
* complicate I/O because they MUST be linked to the same
* buffer.
if ((fd2=dup(fd)) < 0) return(fd2); /* Get new fd */
/* Copy all of the information into the "files" for the new
* file descriptor. The uniqueness of the original fd is copied
* to the new fd -- they both represent the same thing.
p = &files[fd]; /* Point to appropriate places */
q = &files[fd2];
q->fd_dev = p->fd_dev; /* Major/minor device number */
q->fd_ind = p->fd_ind; /* Inode number */
q->fd_buf = -1; /* Buffer is assigned to princ. fd */
q->fd_uniq = p->fd_uniq; /* Uniqueness of dev/inode */
q->fd_dup = p->fd_dup; /* Point new entry to old one */
q->fd_open = 1; /* File is now open */
q->fd_lastop = p->fd_lastop; /* Last operation is the same */
return(fd2); /* Return new fd */
register j;
register struct fds *p, *q;
int fd2, count;
/* Closing a file is easier than opening it, but some precautions
* are necessary. For instance, if a "dup" was performed to
* obtain some new file descriptor and the original file is
* now being closed, the duplicated file must retain all
* pertinent information. Thus, the first order of business
* is to scan the list of file descriptors for duplicates.
p = &files[fd]; /* Entry for dying fd */
count = 0; /* Number of remaining dups */
fd2 = -1; /* New fd reference for dups */
if (p->fd_dup == fd) for (j=0; j<NFDS; j++){
if (j == fd) continue; /* Don't look at fd */
q = &files[j];
if (!q->fd_open) continue; /* Not open */
if (q->fd_dup != fd) continue;
if (fd2 == -1){
fd2 = j; /* New reference */
q->fd_buf = p->fd_buf; /* Vital data */
q->fd_open = 1;
q->fd_lastop = p->fd_lastop;
q->fd_dup = fd2;
/* Flush and release the buffer associated with this fd. */
newbuf(files[realfd(fd)].fd_buf, -1);
/* Mark the entry in the file descriptor table as "closed"
* and check the uniqueness of any remaining fd's pointing to
* the same area. Be sure the buffer is released.
p->fd_open = 0;
p->fd_dup = fd;
p->fd_buf = -1;
for(j=0; j<NFDS; j++){
if (j == fd) continue; /* Skip the same fd */
q = &files[fd];
if (!q->fd_open) continue; /* Skip closed files */
if (p->fd_dev == q->fd_dev && p->fd_ind == q->fd_ind) break;
if (j<NFDS) q->fd_uniq = 1; /* Assume new fd is unique */
while(++j < NFDS){ /* Now check to be sure */
p = &files[j];
if (p->fd_dev == q->fd_dev && p->fd_ind == q->fd_ind)
p->fd_uniq = q->fd_uniq = 0;
/* Actually perform the close of the fd, and return the status
* of that system call.
/* Initialize buffer structure, then use "openup" to set up
* file descriptors 0, and 1, which should already be
* open from parent process. If 0 and 1 have the same inode
* and major/minor number they will be considered to be
* duplicates. Fils descriptor 2 will be closed and set to
* duplicate file descriptor 1.
register j;
register struct fds *p, *q;
/* Initialize file descriptor table */
for(j=0; j<NFDS; j++){
files[j].fd_open = 0; /* Closed */
files[j].fd_dup = j; /* Dup = fd */
files[j].fd_buf = -1; /* No buffer */
files[j].fd_pipe = 0; /* Not pipe */
/* Initialize buffer table */
for(j=0; j<NBUF; j++) iobuf[j].b_fd = -1; /* Available */
/* "Open" devices 0, and 1 */
p = &files[0];
q = &files[1];
if (p->fd_ind == q->fd_ind && p->fd_dev == q->fd_dev){
q->fd_dup = 0;
p->fd_uniq = q->fd_uniq = 1;
/* File descriptor 2 duplicates fd 1 */
newbuf(bufnum, fd)
register struct iobuf *bp;
register struct fds *fp;
register j;
static int bufcnt = 0;
/* The two arguments for this routine specify a buffer to
* be operated upon and a file descriptor. There are three
* legal cases:
* bufnum < 0, fd >= 0 -- assign new buffer to file descriptor fd
* bufnum >= 0, fd >= 0 -- assign buffer "bufnum" to fd
* bufnum >= 0, fd < 0 -- de-assign buffer "bufnum"
if ((bufnum < 0 && fd < 0) || bufnum >= NBUF || fd >= NFDS)
return(-1); /* Invalid args */
fd = (fd < 0) ? fd : realfd(fd); /* Handle dups */
/* Step one -- if a buffer was specified, flush it. If the
* last operation was a write, then write out the rest of
* the buffer. If the last operation was a read, then perform
* a seek backwards on the corresponding fd to reposition the
* next read.
if (bufnum >= 0){
bp = &iobuf[bufnum];
if (bp->b_len && (bp->b_fd >= 0))
if (files[bp->b_fd].fd_lastop)
write(bp->b_fd, bp->b_buf, bp->b_len);
lseek(bp->b_fd, (long)-bp->b_len, 1);
bp->b_len = 0; /* Reset length */
bp->b_next = 0; /* Reset next position */
/* Step one point five -- if a file descriptor was
* specified, check to insure that it is open. Then,
* reassign the buffer to that fd.
if(bp->b_fd >= 0) /* Drop old assignment */
files[bp->b_fd].fd_buf = -1;
bp->b_fd = fd; /* Give buffer new fd */
if (fd < 0) return(0); /* If fd < 0, done */
fp = &files[fd]; /* Point to new structure */
if (!fp->fd_open){ /* New file is not open */
bp->b_fd = -1; /* Drop assignment */
fp->fd_buf = bufnum; /* New assignment */
/* Step two -- if no buffer was specified, but a file descriptor
* was, then some existing buffer must be allocated to that fd.
fp = &files[fd];
/* First, check to see if a buffer is already assigned */
for (j=0; j<NBUF; j++)
if (iobuf[j].b_fd == fd){
bufcnt = j;
goto recursive;
/* Next, scan the table of buffers looking for one
* which is not assigned.
for (j=0; j<NBUF; j++) if (iobuf[j].b_fd < 0){
bufcnt = j;
goto recursive;
/* If no vacant buffer was found, then a buffer must
* be allocated arbitrarily. The static local variable
* "bufcnt" is used for this purpose. It contains the
* number of the last assigned buffer. Buffers are
* switched in a sort-of "round robin" approach.
j = bufcnt;
do {
bp = &iobuf[j];
fp = &files[bp->b_fd];
if (fp->fd_pipe && (!fp->fd_lastop) && bp->b_len > 0)
bufcnt = j;
goto recursive;
} while((j = (j+1)%NBUF) != bufcnt);
/* Now, with a recursive call to this routine,
* switch to the new buffer.
recursive: return(newbuf(bufcnt, fd));
#ifndef realfd
register struct fds *fp;
/* Process duplicate file descriptors. If the main fd is
* nonnegative, use the value of the dup number for the true fd.
* No change is made if the file is closed.
fp = &files[fd];
if (!fp->fd_open) return(fd);
return(fp->fd_dup < 0 ? fd : fp->fd_dup);
readf(fd, buffer, length)
char *buffer;
register struct fds *fp;
register struct iobuf *bp;
register j;
int change, trlog, again;
/* Handle duplicate files first. If this file descriptor is
* a duplicate of another one, then the other's buffer and
* other information must be used.
fd = realfd(fd);
/* If a read is to be performed on a file, all output to that
* file must first be flushed. If the file descriptor's last
* function was output, use "newbuf" to flush the output,
* retaining the buffer, and then set the mode to input. This
* must be done for all entries in "files" which have the same
* major/minor number as the current file.
fp = &files[fd];
if (!fp->fd_open) return(-1); /* File not open */
if (fp->fd_uniq){
if (fp->fd_lastop && fp->fd_buf >= 0)
newbuf(fp->fd_buf, fd);
} else for(j=0; j<NFDS; j++){
fp = &files[realfd(j)];
if (fp->fd_dev == files[fd].fd_dev
&& fp->fd_ind == files[fd].fd_ind
&& fp->fd_open
&& fp->fd_lastop
&& fp->fd_buf >= 0){
newbuf(fp->fd_buf, j);
/* The above code nicely took care of any buffer associated
* with the current fd. Now, set the last operation on this fd
* to read, and if no buffer is currently assigned, get one.
fp = &files[fd];
fp->fd_lastop = 0;
if (fp->fd_buf < 0)
if (newbuf(-1, fd) < 0) return(read(fd, buffer, length));
/* The flag "again" determines whether or not the read buffer
* should be refilled when the end of it is reached. Basically,
* "again" is set to 0 when a read of less than one buffer length
* occurs. This way, terminal reads can stop at the carriage
* return, but disc reads can still buffer in BLEN-byte chunks
again = 1;
/* The variable "trlog" keeps track of how many bytes have been
* transferred into the buffer supplied by the routine which
* called "readf". Initially, this number is -1 (EOF).
trlog = -1;
/* The main loop is rather simple -- the buffer is continually
* emptied and refilled until all of the requested data has been
* transferred.
bp = &iobuf[fp->fd_buf];
if (length <= 0) return(trlog);
if (bp->b_len == 0 && again){
again = (bp->b_len=read(fd,bp->b_buf,BLEN)) == BLEN;
bp->b_next = 0;
if (bp->b_len <= 0) return(trlog);
if (trlog < 0) trlog++;
change = (bp->b_len < length) ? bp->b_len : length;
for (j=0; j<change; j++)
buffer[trlog+j] = bp->b_buf[bp->b_next+j];
trlog += change;
bp->b_len -= change;
bp->b_next += change;
length -= change;
writef(fd, buffer, length)
char *buffer;
register struct fds *fp;
register struct iobuf *bp;
register j;
int change, trlog, again;
/* Handle duplicate files first. If this file descriptor is
* a duplicate of another one, then the other's buffer and
* other information must be used.
fd = realfd(fd);
/* If a write is to be performed on a file, all input from that
* file must first be flushed. If the file descriptor's last
* function was input, use "newbuf" to flush the input,
* retaining the buffer, and then set the mode to output. This
* must be done for all entries in "files" which have the same
* major/minor number as the current file.
fp = &files[fd];
if (!fp->fd_open) return(-1); /* File not open */
if (fp->fd_uniq){
if ((!fp->fd_lastop) && fp->fd_buf >= 0)
newbuf(fp->fd_buf, fd);
} else for(j=0; j<NFDS; j++){
fp = &files[realfd(j)];
if (fp->fd_dev == files[fd].fd_dev
&& fp->fd_ind == files[fd].fd_ind
&& fp->fd_open
&& (!fp->fd_lastop)
&& fp->fd_buf >= 0){
newbuf(fp->fd_buf, j);
/* The above code nicely took care of any buffer associated
* with the current fd. Now, set the last operation on this fd
* to write, and if no buffer is currently assigned, get one.
fp = &files[fd];
fp->fd_lastop = 1;
if (fp->fd_buf < 0)
if (newbuf(-1, fd) < 0) return(write(fd,buffer,length));
/* The main loop of output, like the main loop for input, is
* rather simple. In fact, output is easier. It is only
* necessary to check when the buffer is full and to flush it
* as necessary to the file.
bp = &iobuf[fp->fd_buf];
trlog = 0;
if (!length) return(trlog);
if (bp->b_len >= BLEN){
write(fd, bp->b_buf, bp->b_len);
bp->b_next = bp->b_len = 0;
change = ((BLEN - bp->b_len) < length) ?
(BLEN - bp->b_len) : length;
for (j=0; j<change; j++)
bp->b_buf[j+bp->b_next] = buffer[j+trlog];
trlog += change;
bp->b_next = bp->b_len += change;
length -= change;
long lseekf(fd, p1, p2)
int fd, p2;
long p1;
register struct fds *fp;
register j;
long lseek();
/* A seek on a file requires a flush of the buffer for that
* file and for any other file descriptors which are pointing
* to the same file.
fd = realfd(fd); /* Take care of dups */
fp = &files[fd];
if (!fp->fd_open) return(-1); /* not open */
if (fp->fd_uniq){
if (fp->fd_buf >= 0) newbuf(fp->fd_buf, fd);
} else for(j=0; j<NFDS; j++){
fp = &files[j];
if (fp->fd_dev == files[fd].fd_dev
&& fp->fd_ind == files[fd].fd_ind
&& fp->fd_open
&& fp->fd_buf >= 0)
newbuf(fp->fd_buf, j);
/* Now that all of the preliminaries are over, the actual
* seek can be performed.
return(lseek(fd, p1, p2));
fstatf(fd, stat_buf)
struct stat *stat_buf;
register fd2;
fd2 = realfd(fd);
newbuf(files[fd2].fd_buf, fd2);
return(fstat(fd, stat_buf));
register j;
/* Flush all buffers */
for(j=0; j<NBUF; j++) newbuf(j, -1);
register j, k;
for (j=0; j<NFDS; j++)
if ((k=files[j].fd_buf) >= 0)
if (iobuf[k].b_fd != j){
write(2, "CONSISTENCY CHECK!\n", 19);
if (files[j].fd_dup != j)
write(2, "BAD DUP ENTRY\n", 14);
for (j=0; j<NBUF; j++)
if ((k=iobuf[j].b_fd) >= 0)
if (files[k].fd_buf != j)
write(2, "CONSISTENCY CHECK2!\n", 20);
struct stat sbuf;
register struct fds *fp;
/* Simulate the Rand Corp.'s "empty" system call on a
* V7 system by seeing if the given fd is a pipe, and if
* so, whether or not it is empty.
#ifdef NBUF
fp = &files[realfd(fd)];
if (!fp->fd_pipe || !fp->fd_open)
return(-1); /* Not a pipe */
if (fp->fd_buf >= 0 && iobuf[fp->fd_buf].b_len > 0)
return(0); /* Data pending in buffer */
if (fstat(fd, &sbuf) < 0)
return(-1); /* Can't "stat" it */
return(sbuf.st_size == 0);