BSD 3 development
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-2 / src / READ_ME
Sun Apr 8 21:32:43 PST 1979
These programs are all off our vax version 7 UNIX system.
To run under version 6 many will need to be compiled
cc -I/usr/include/retrofit ... -lretro -lS
Mkstr and xstr are essential to bringing up ex, Mail and csh.
All of the programs here except "ex" will run on 11/34's and 11/40's.
pi0 and pi1
for 11/34's and 11/40s and all machines w/o floating point hardware;
for 11/45's and 11/70s with floating point.
Some of the pascal system components make both a.out and a.outNOID.
In this case use the a.outNOID whenever you would use pi0 and pi1.
Here are the subdirectory names and what is in them:
Mail a good program for receiving mail; supplements
the standard mailer (rather than replacing it)
csh a new shell which offers a history mechanism to provide
more flexibility and power for working quickly than any
other version 6 or 7 shell.
ex a new version of the editor with a powerful screen editor
combined with a command mode similar to ed
eyacc a modified yacc used by the pascal interpreter
libNS a modified standard i/o library which allows simultaneous
reading and writing
me a new, flexible macro package for troff; some of the
documents here use -me
net a networking system using daemons which provides command
batching and file copy between many machines; it connects
7 unix systems on the Berkeley campus, including 11/70's
and vax'es and both version 7 and varying modified version
6 systems
pascal the common parts of the pascal system unrelated to any
single program
pi the pascal translator for 11/45's and 11/70's with floating
point hardware
pi0 pi1 a version of pi for non separate i/d, or non-floating point
px the pascal interpreter
pxp pascal execution profiler
pxref pascal cross reference program
termlib library of terminal driving routines used by ex