date and time created 87/02/15 16:03:31 by lepreau
[unix-history] / usr / src / local / sccscmds / sccscmds.2 / sccs.hf
"arg count"
You typed either too few or too many arguments.
"bad date/time"
The date/time must be a legitimate date/time in the form
"YY[MM[DD[HH[MM[SS]]]]]". The program knows about things
like leap years, so be precise.
"bad heuristic level"
The heuristic level must be a number from 0 to 3.
"bad lookahead"
The lookahead must be an integer greater than 0.
"can't open ..."
The file couldn't be opened for reading. Either it doesn't exist
or it isn't readable.
"format error at record ..."
The format of the SCCS file is logically invalid. The error
was discovered at the stated record. See if you can
find the problem with the prt command. If not, do a "help stuck".
"level not allowed with e"
You can't specify a level when you're getting with the "e" argument.
"level not numeric"
You erred in typing a level number.
"level too big"
You specified a level greater than the highest level for the
release, or else one bigger than 9999.
"missing file arg"
You left the file argument off.
"not an SCCS file"
The file isn't an SCCS file, Use prt if you don't believe it.
"out of space"
There's no more dynamic memory left. If you got this from
delta, try a smaller lookahead ("l" argument). If you got
it somewhere else, better go to "help stuck".
"premature eof"
The SCCS file ended in a strange place. Its probably a goner.
You can try "help stuck", but chances are you're going to
have to go to a backup copy.
"release not numeric"
You erred in typing a release number.
"unknown key letter"
You typed an illegal argument key letter.
"zero release"
You can't specify release 0.
"Who are you?"
Your entry in "/etc/passwd" is messed up. Tell the UNIX system
"not found"
No helpful information associated with your argument was found.
If you're sure you've got it right, do a "help stuck".
"hardware -- <message>"
This error is most likely due to an intermittent hardware error.
You should report this to your local UNIX support group.
immediately, since others may be getting the same error and it is useful
to discover a pattern if one exists. After reporting it, if you rerun
the command it will probably not recur. If it won't go away contact
your PWB counsellor.
(If required, a core dump will be produced if the file "dump.core" exists
in the current directory.)
"corrupted file"
The computed hash count of the input SCCS file did not check with the
stored hash count. The file may have been damaged since it was last
accessed. See your local SCCS maintenance person.
"record too big"
Internal error. Execute "help stuck".
(putr called with len > 255.)
"can't read `...'"
The named directory exists but isn't readable. Checks its modes with
"ls -ld ...".
"`...' too long"
The pathname is too long.
"directory `...' unwritable"
The effective user (probably you) doesn't have write permission in
the directory. Do a "ls -ld ..." to check the modes.
"error ... creating `...'"
An unusual error in attempting to create the file. Try "help stuck".
(Function xcreat; number is external errno.)
"`...' nonexistent"
The file does not exist. Check for typos.
"`...' unreadable"
The file probably exists, but the effective user doesn't have read permission.
It is also possible that one or more directories in the path aren't executable.
"`...' unwritable"
The file exists, but the effective user doesn't have write permission.
It is also possible that one or more directories in the path aren't executable.
"`...' unreadable or unwritable"
The file exists, but the effective user either doesn't
have read permission, or write permission, or both.
It is also possible that one or more directories in the path aren't executable.
"error ... opening `...'"
An unusual error occurred while opening the file. Try "help stuck".
(Function xopen; number is external errno.)
"directory `...' nonexistent"
The directory doesn't exist. Check for typos.
"writable `...' exists"
For safety's sake, SCCS won't overwrite an existing g-file if it's writable.
If you don't need the g-file, remove it and rerun the get command.
"bad p-file"
The p-file has the wrong format. If you have write permission on it you can
try to fix it with the editor, or else remove it and do another get with an
e argument.
"release too big"
Release numbers can't be bigger than 9999.
"release ... < ... (floor)"
Either the release you specified or else the default release is lower
than the lowest allowable release (the floor). If you're not sure what's
wrong see your SCCS administrator.
"release ... > ... (ceiling)"
Either the release you specified or else the default release is higher
than the highest allowable release (the ceiling). If you're not sure what's
wrong see your SCCS administrator.
"release ... locked"
The release you specified or the default release is locked.
Refer questions to your SCCS administrator.
"bad range"
In a delta list, the two limits of a range of deltas were not in ascending
"delta list syntax"
A list of deltas was syntatically erroneous. The correct syntax is:
<list> ::= <range> | <list> , <range>
<range> ::= <delta> | <delta> - <delta>
<delta> ::= <rel> | <rel> . <lev>
"invalid release"
In a delta list, one of the following errors was made:
1. A release number was less than 1.
2. A release number was greater than the highest release which
has a delta.
"invalid level"
A level specified in a delta list does not exist.
"vacant release"
A level was omitted in a delta list, but the specified release has
no deltas in it.
"e not allowed with m"
You can't use both the -e and -m arguments on the same get command.
"being edited at release ... by `...'"
You can't do a get with an -e argument because someone else already
did and hasn't made a delta yet. If that someone else is really you,
you can regenerate a new file to be edited, if necessary, by using the -k
argument. If you want to cancel the reservation entirely, see your
SCCS administrator, and tell him/her you want the p-file removed.
"... already included"
You mentioned the same delta twice with an -i and/or an -x argument.
"... already excluded"
You mentioned the same delta twice with an -x and/or an -i argument.
"internal error in get/enter()"
Do a "help stuck".
"value after ... arg"
You had something after the indicated keyletter argument and you weren't
supposed to.
"not an SCCS file"
A file that you think is an SCCS file
does not begin with the characters "s.".
"Release p is empty; accessing r.l"
No level was specified; the release specified has no deltas.
The release and level actually being accessed is r.l.
(If the k keyletter was not explicitly or implicitly supplied, the
replacement for the 1 and 1 keywords will be r and l, respectively --
not p and 0.)
This is not an error, only a warning.
"clock set wrong!!!"
The time of day is wrong. Contact your local UNIX support group immediately!
(Try a "date" command.)
(This error is produced whenever the creation date of the newest delta
in the SCCS file is newer than the current date. This will happen
whenever the date is accidently set wrong. This error
will also occur if a delta was created while the clock was
set ahead - but less than a year - and has since been corrected.
In this case the current time is correct, but the date of the
delta is wrong.)
"level zero not allowed"
You are not allowed to specify level zero because level zero doesn't
mean anything. If you want the highest level
of a given release, specify the release number without a level.
"No id keywords"
No SCCS identification keywords were substituted for.
You may not have any keywords in the file,
in which case you can ignore this warning.
If this message came from delta then you just made a
delta without any keywords.
If this message came from get then
the last time you made a delta you changed the lines
on which they appeared.
It's a little late to be
telling you that you messed up the last time you made a delta, but this is
the best we can do for now, and it's better than nothing.
This isn't an error, only a warning.
"Clock may be set wrong!"
The time of day may be set wrong.
Check the current time with the "date" command.
If it is wrong, contact your local UNIX support group immediately!
(This message is produced whenever the difference between
the current date and the creation date of the newest delta in
the SCCS file is greater than one year.)
"you are not `...'"
Your login name is not the same as the one found in the p-file.
You can't remove a delta when a p-file exists, and the name therein
is not yours.
"you are not `...'"
Your login name is not the same as the login name
of the person who made the most recent delta. Only the person who made
a delta can remove it (when a p-file exists).
You are not the owner of both the directory containing the sccs file,
and the sccs file itself. If a p-file doesn't exist, only the owner
of the file and directory can remove a delta.
"no delta"
The release and level specified is not the release and level of
any delta in the sccs file.
You are not the owner of both the directory containing the sccs file,
and the sccs file itself, or you are not the user who made the named delta.
"illegal data on line ..."
The named line (of the ASCII file) is 5 characters long
(not counting the newline),
and the fifth character is one of octal 363, 364, or 365.
It is illegal to input such data to SCCS.
"history too long"
A history response can be at most 200 characters long.
"you are not `...'"
You are not the same person who last did a `get' with an `e' argument.
Only the person who did the last `get' with an `e' can make a delta.
"read error on standard input"
A response from the standard input was solicited and
an error occurred.
"delta will not propagate"
The delta being made is in a release which is lower than the highest
numbered release that has deltas. When the SCCS file is gotten
at any release higher than the one in which this delta is being inserted,
this delta will NOT be applied.
This is not an error, only a warning.
"more than one link"
SCCS files may only have one name (link).
This is because the delta program unlinks the old file
and then links to the new file.
"missing history"
If you specify the `-' argument (standard input),
you must supply the history on the command line (-y argument).
"error ... linking `...' to `...'"
An error occurred while linking the first file to the second file.
The number is the system error number (see INTRO(II)).
If you can't figure out what happened,
execute "help stuck". Remember the error number.
(Function xlink; number is external errno.)
"error ... unlinking `...'"
An error occurred while unlinking the file.
The number is the system error number (see INTRO(II)).
If you can't figure out what happened,
execute "help stuck". Remember the error number.
(Function xunlink; number is external errno.)
"write error"
The file which caused the write error is as large
as a file can be (currently 1M bytes).
"no space!"
The file system (on which the file which caused the error is being written)
is out of space. Very serious!! Contact someone in
your local UNIX Support Group immediately!
Also, if you can remove any files please do so.
"write error ..."
This is probably a transient error.
Try again; if it happens again do a "help stuck".
Remember the error number.
(Function xwrite; number is external errno.)
"not authorized to make deltas"
Your User ID is not on the list of users who are allowed to add deltas to this
file. You can execute "prt -h file" to see who is allowed. See your
project administrator to get your login on the list.
"missing r"
You didn't give an "r" argument.
"no level specified"
You didn't specify a level.
"not the most recent delta"
Only the most recent delta (the first one printed by prt)
can be removed. The release and level you specified are
not the same as those of the most recent delta.
"bad starting record"
The starting record number (s argument) is not a positive integer.
"not an SCCS file"
The magic number of the named file is not what it should be.
The file is probably not an SCCS file. If you're sure it is,
then it has probably been corrupted.
"bad ceiling"
The ceiling (c argument) is not a positive integer.
"bad ceiling"
The ceiling (c argument) is either too large or too small.
"bad floor"
The floor (f argument) is not a positive integer.
"bad floor"
The floor (f argument) is either too large or too small.
"bad r argument"
The release is not a positive integer.
"bad r argument"
The release is either too large or too small.
"too many locks"
More than 5 l arguments were specified.
"bad lock"
A lock (l argument) is not a positive integer.
"bad lock"
A lock (l argument) is either too large or too small.
"too many unlocks"
More than 5 u arguments were specified.
"bad unlock"
An unlock (u argument) is not a positive integer.
"bad unlock"
An unlock (u argument) is either too large or too small.
"bad y argument"
The release is not a positive integer.
"bad y argument"
The release is either too large or too small.
"key letter twice"
A key letter was specified twice.
This is probably a typo on your part.
"more than one file"
Only one file argument is allowed when an i argument is specified.
"file exists"
The file you are trying to create already exists.
"file does not exist"
The file to be modified does not exist.
"read error"
The named file is either not an SCCS file,
or a corrupted SCCS file.
"Release X wasn't locked"
You tried to unlock release X which wasn't locked.
This is only a warning.
"too many locks"
The file has already been locked some number of times.
You are trying to add some number of locks which will make
the total number of locks more than 5.
"description too large"
More than 99 characters of description (d argument) were specified.
"person too large"
More than 13 characters of `person' (p argument) were specified.
"type too large"
More than 9 charcters of `type' (t argument) were specified.
"write error"
An error occured while trying to update the file.
The system is probably in very bad shape.
The file did not get updated correctly.
"release X twice"
You specified X in two lock or unlock arguments.
This is probably a typo on your part.
"person not in passwd file"
The person to be added (or erased) is not in the system password file.
* icat/ucat messages
"missing account number"
You forgot to specify an account number (-a argument).
"account number"
The account number specified is either non-numeric,
or is not four characters long.
"bad account number"
The account number specified is not numeric.
"bad forms value"
The forms value specified is not four characters long.
"bad forms value"
The forms value specified is not numeric.
"Bad job class"
The job class specified is not an alphabetic.
"Bad job name"
The job name specified is longer than eight characters.
"program `...' not found"
The specified program is not in /usr/bin or /bin.
"bad location"
The specified location is not 47, 49, or 51.
"bad runid"
The specified run id is longer than 6 characters.
"bad page limit"
The page limit specified is not numeric.
"bad time limit"
The time limit specified is not numeric.
* end icat/ucat messages
* ifetch, ufetch, and extr messages
"missing file arg"
You forgot to specify a file argument.
"premature eof"
In extr, a prnt file ended at a strange place.
"format err"
In epnch, a pnch file has an invalid format.
"Possible errors"
The file being processed by extr
is not in the proper format -
this is usually a result of an ifetch or ufetch failure of some kind.
Examine the printout file!!
This message is only a warning.
"cannot fork - try again"
The system process table is temporarily full,
wait a while and try again.
* vc messages
"unknown command on line ..."
The line given begins with a control character,
but the command is not a legal one.
"`...' never used"
The given keyword name was never used in any replacements.
This is only a warning.
"`...' never declared"
The given keyword name never occured in a `dcl'
statement. If you did declare it, check for typos.
This is only a warning.
"`If' with no matching `end'"
There is a missing `end' statement,
or an extra `if' statement.
"`...' declared twice on line ..."
The named keyword has been redeclared
on the indicated line.
"out of space"
A maximum of 40 keywords per invocation of vc are allowed.
This limit has been exceeded.
"unmatched `:' on line ..."
On the given line there is no control character
to indicate the end of the keyword name.
"keyword name too long on line ..."
On the indicated line a keyword name exceeds nine characters.
"invalid keyword name on line ..."
On the indicated line the keyword name does not
start with an alphabetic character, or does not contain
only alphanumeric characters.
"`end' without matching `if' on line ..."
There is an extra `end' statement or a missing
`if' statement.
"parenthesis error on line ..."
A left parenthesis occured with no matching right
parenthesis or a parenthesis was found where it was not expected.
"invalid operator on line ..."
An unrecognized operator was found.
The legal operators are `!=', `=', `<', and `>'.
"non-numerical value on line ..."
On the indicated line an attempt was made to compare
a string which contains non-numeric characters with another
string using the `<' or `>' operator.
"err statement on line ..."
The user has put an `err' statement on the given line.
"syntax on line ..."
The equal sign has been left out of an `asg' statement,
or the right side of an `asg' statement is missing.
"syntax on line ..."
The syntax for the `if' statement on
the indicated line is incorrect.
An `&' or an `|' occurred in the wrong
place, or were not found when they were expected.
"syntax on line ..."
There is something strange about the indicated line.
"`...' never assigned a value"
The given keyword name was never used in an assignment statement.
This is only a warning.
"out of space [line ...]"
The indicated line requires too many replacements.
Currently, only 32 replacements per line are allowed.
"no space!"
The file system you are writing to is out of space.
Very serious!! Contact someone in the UNIX Support Group immediately!
If you desire to save your latest changes you must, before leaving
the editor, do a w command to /tmp/some-unique-file-name
If you can remove any files please do so.
If you were writing to a non-existent file, a truncated
new file has been created. The approximate number of
characters written is printed. If useless, remove it.
"no space?"
<> blocks left
The file system you are writing to may not have
enough space to write out this multiple linked file.
Very serious!! Contact someone in the UNIX Support Group immediately!
If you still desire to write, do another 'w' command.
If there is not enough space, your file will be truncated.
Therefore, use caution. It may be smart to save your
file first by doing a 'w' command to /tmp/some-unique-file-name.
If you can remove any files please do so.
can't chown:
System problem. CHOWN or USTAT failed in ED(I). Contact someone
in UNIX Support Group immediately.
can't link:
Can not remake file name. Your file exists in the directory you
were writing to as a funny name.
Funny name has the first letter of your file name followed by five numbers.
ls -lt on that directory will show it.
"UNIX System <> is not configured for <> RJE [to <>]."
Send has decided, from the first card of your jobstream,
whether you want IBM or UNIVAC RJE. In addition, you may
or may not have specified a particular host (158,168,1110).
According to the configuration table, /usr/rje/lines, no
such connection is provided from this system (/usr/rje/sys).
The execution of send/gath has been terminated prematurely.
A signal may have been received, a write error may have
occurred, the process may have exceeded its core limit,
or standard input may have been read too far.
"Errors detected. Send anyway?"
This question demands an answer (a string of characters
terminated by a newline). Anything beginning "y" or "Y" is
affirmative and causes the suspect jobstream to be submitted.
Otherwise the jobstream is discarded.
"Cannot execute queuer."
Send has located what it thinks is the proper RJE subsystem
for your job but cannot execute the associated queueing program.
Please bring this fact to the attention of PWB operations.
"Core exceeded."
The program has been unable to allocate more storage for
keyword definitions. Reduce the number of keywords or
the depth of nesting of input sources (both on a global
"Cannot create temporary <>."
Send writes the collected jobstream into a temporary
file created in the "pool" subdirectory of the appropriate
RJE subsystem. The pool directory may have been made
unwritable to prevent people from adding to a backlog
of queued jobs.
"Write error - {file too large|no space left|number <>}."
Send/gath will abort if it encounters a write error.
The first two errors are distinguished, because you
may be able to do something about them. Either segment
your file into smaller pieces or clean up on disk blocks.
Remaining errors are reported by number, as per intro(II).
A hang-up signal has been received (loss of carrier from tty).
An interrupt signal has been received (BREAK or DEL from tty).
"Quit signal."
A quit signal has been received (FS from tty).
"Signal #<>."
The process has received an unusual signal, which may indicate
hardware problems. The number of the signal is reported.
"Line <> of <>, cannot open source <>."
The specified input source cannot be opened. If the
source is an ordinary file argument, examine the name
(which is repeated) for possible typographical errors.
Extraneous spaces or tabs are not allowed. If the source
is cited on a control line, the -c flag may help.
"Line <> of <>, format spec rejected."
The line containing the format spec is reproduced
following the diagnostic. Either it does not conform
to the syntax of fspec(PWB V), or it specifies
unreasonable parameters, such as too many tabs or
excessive s and m values.
"Line <> of <>, bad control line ignored."
The bad control line is reproduced following the
diagnostic. It may be too long. In -s mode, it may
contain non-graphics or undefined tabs.
"Line <> of <>, non-graphic deleted."
The transformed line is reproduced following the
diagnostic. The non-printing ASCII characters whose
octal codes are 000-010,013-037,177 are excised,
except when they occur within keywords or keyword
"Line <> of <>, undefined tab deleted."
The transformed line is reproduced following the
diagnostic. Tabs beyond the last position at which
they are set by the format spec are excised. See
fspec(PWB V) to learn how to specify tab stops.
"Line <> of <>, cannot reverse chdir."
This diagnostic occurs at the end of included
sources which have caused a change of current
directory by citing an argument of the form
"!chdir <>". It indicates that the current
directory cannot be reset to its previous value.
"Line <> of <>, cannot run shell (<>)."
The shell cannot be run on a series of $ arguments
because a syscall (create, pipe or fork) has failed.
The file which was to be shelled is reproduced
following the diagnostic. This probably indicates
a scarcity of system resources.
"Line <> of <>, default spec rejected."
The rejected format spec is reproduced following
the diagnostic. It occurred in an argument of the
form ":<>:". Either the spec does not conform to the
syntax of fspec(PWB V), or it specifies unreasonable
parameters, such as too many tabs or excessive s and m
"Line <> of <>, cannot chdir <>."
It is not possible to execute the change of current
directory specified by a "!chdir <>" argument.
"Line <> of <>, cannot run command (<>)."
The shell cannot be run for a ! argument because
a syscall (pipe or fork) has failed. The command
which was to be executed is reproduced following
the diagnostic. This probably indicates a scarcity
of system resources.
"Line <> of <>, cannot redefine keyword."
An attempt has been made to assign a new value to
a keyword which is still active at some source level.
The current definition of the keyword is reproduced
following the diagnostic.
"Line <> of <>, shell exit {type|code} <>."
The shell which was invoked to process $ or ! arguments
has terminated abnormally (type!=0) or has indicated
error status upon exit (code!=0). See wait(II).
The shell file or command which was processed is
reproduced following the diagnostic. Since many
standard UNIX commands (but few PWB commands) return
an arbitrary status upon exit, you may want to follow
them with an "exit 0", which will suppress the
"Line <> of <>, long line detected."
Gath has encountered a line which violates the s
parameter of the current format specification.
The line is reproduced following the diagnostic.
"Line <> of <>, long line truncated."
The transformed line is reproduced following the
diagnostic. Send/gath cannot process lines longer
than about 300 bytes. The length is further
constrained by the s parameter of the current format
specification. If the line is to be included in
a jobstream, its length cannot exceed 80 bytes (IBM)
or 132 bytes (UNIVAC).
"Line <> of <>, illegal card excised."
The line which send will not allow to be included
in a jobstream is reproduced following the diagnostic.
Lines beginning "/*$" are excised from IBM jobs
because they are interpreted as commands by HASP/JES2.
The beginning of an IBM job is indicated by a line
which begins with a "/". UNIVAC runs begin with a
line of the form "@RUN ..." or "`run ...", etc.
Until the beginning of a jobstream is detected, all
lines will be flushed.
"Overrun on standard input."
For the sake of efficiency, data is read from the input
stream in blocks or 512 bytes. Data which is not used
up by the program is returned by seeking backwards on
file descriptor zero. Unfortunately, one cannot seek
on pipes. The input which is being piped to send/gath
should not include any arguments of the form "-" or
"-:prompt". Neither should it attempt a logical
end-of-file "~.".
"Cannot <> - only <> {blocks|inodes} free on file system <>."
Before it proceeds very far, send checks that there are
1500 blocks and 50 inodes free on the file system of the
destination RJE subsystem. If there are not, send aborts.
The queuer which send invokes also checks for free space,
but it is somewhat more lenient. If you have unneeded
files on the full file system, please delete them.
These diagnostics are issued by the queueing program
which is invoked by send. They should only occur if
a programming error violates the interface between
the two programs.
"<>qer: <>. Try again?"
The queuer invoked by send has run into trouble,
perhaps temporary. Type "y" and newline to try
again, or hit interrupt to cancel this attempt
to send. You might contact PWB operations.
send [-lqy] [158,168,1110] file ...
Control lines ("~ file2 ...") include additional files.
gath [-hi] file ...
Control lines include additional files ("~ file2 ...")
or collect the output of a command ("~!command arg ...").
* Biscus project interface error messages
"line ... of ... - bad format"
Report this problem to your local SCCS administrator.
In the meantime, specify the full pathname of the SCCS file.
If you don't know it you'll just have to wait.
"no sccs file for ..."
Report this problem to your local SCCS administrator immediately!
error 1 "Not owner and not super-user":
Typically this error indicates
an attempt to modify a file in some way forbidden
except to its owner.
It is also returned for attempts
by ordinary users to do things
allowed only to the super-user.
error 2 "No such file or directory":
This error occurs when a file name is specified
and the file should exist but doesn't, or when one
of the directories in a path name does not exist.
error 3 "No such process":
The process whose number was given to
signal does not exist, or is already dead.
error 4 "Interrupted system call":
An asynchronous signal (such as interrupt or quit),
which the user has elected to catch,
occurred during a system call.
If execution is resumed
after processing the signal,
it will appear as if the interrupted system call
returned this error condition.
error 5 "I/O error":
Some physical I/O error occurred during a
read or write.
This error may in some cases occur
on a call following the one to which it actually applies.
error 6 "No such device or address":
I/O on a special file refers to a subdevice which does not
or beyond the limits of the device.
It may also occur when, for example, a tape drive
is not dialled in or no disk pack is loaded on a drive.
error 7 "Arg list too long":
An argument list longer than 512 bytes
(counting the null at the end of each argument)
is presented to exec.
error 8 "Exec format error":
A request is made to execute a file
which, although it has the appropriate permissions,
does not start with one of the magic numbers
407 or 410.
error 9 "Bad file number":
Either a file descriptor refers to no
open file,
or a read (resp. write) request is made to
a file which is open only for writing (resp. reading).
error 10 "No children":
Wait and the process has no
living or unwaited-for children.
error 11 "No more processes":
In a fork,
the system's process table is full and no
more processes can for the moment be created.
error 12 "Not enough core":
During an exec or break,
a program asks for more core than the system is able to supply.
This is not a temporary condition; the maximum core size
is a system parameter.
The error may also occur if the arrangement
of text, data, and stack segments is such as to
require more than the existing 8 segmentation registers.
error 13 "Permission denied":
An attempt was made to access a file in a way forbidden
by the protection system.
error 15 "Block device required":
A plain file was mentioned where a block device was required,
e.g. in mount.
error 16 "Mount device busy":
An attempt to mount a device that was already mounted or
an attempt was made to dismount a device
on which there is an open file or some process's current
error 17 "File exists":
An existing file was mentioned in an inappropriate context,
e.g. link.
error 18 "Cross-device link":
A link to a file on another device
was attempted.
error 19 "No such device":
An attempt was made to apply an inappropriate
system call to a device;
e.g. read a write-only device.
error 20 "Not a directory":
A non-directory was specified where a directory
is required,
for example in a path name or
as an argument to chdir.
error 21 "Is a directory":
An attempt to write on a directory.
error 22 "Invalid argument":
Some invalid argument:
currently, dismounting a non-mounted
mentioning an unknown signal in signal,
and giving an unknown request in
stty to the TIU special file.
error 23 "File table overflow":
The system's table of open files is full,
and temporarily no more opens
can be accepted.
error 24 "Too many open files":
Only 15 files can be open per process.
error 25 "Not a typewriter":
The file mentioned in stty or gtty
is not a typewriter or one of the other
devices to which these calls apply.
error 26 "Text file busy":
An attempt to execute a pure-procedure
program which is currently open for writing
(or reading!).
Also an attempt to open for writing a pure-procedure
program that is being executed.
error 27 "File too large":
An attempt to make a file larger than the maximum of 32768 blocks.
error 28 "No space left on device":
During a write
to an ordinary file,
there is no free space left on the device.
error 29 "Seek on pipe":
A seek
was issued to a pipe.
This error should also be issued for
other non-seekable devices.
error 30 "Read-only file system":
An attempt to modify a file or directory
was made
on a device mounted read-only.
error 31 "Too many links":
An attempt to make more than 127 links to a file.
error 32 "Write on broken pipe":
A write on a pipe for which there is no process
to read the data.
This condition normally generates a signal;
the error is returned if the signal is ignored.