BSD 4_3_Net_2 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / isode / others / ntp / READ-ME
Version $Header: /f/osi/others/ntp/RCS/READ-ME,v 7.1 91/02/22 09:33:35 mrose Interim $
[ README for NTP UDP/OSI based stuff]
At present, this is still not in very good shape. It has no doubt
several problems particularly in the OSI code. But anyway, it should
work with minimal fiddling on a sun 3 running 3.x - I haven't tried
anything else.
To compile, edit the file ntp-config.h to set up you're favourite
things. I think the current version is ok, but you can play around.
You may need to edit the Makefile to get certain things right too.
Type make, and generate the software.
set up a config file, with lines in it similar to the distributed one.
Try running it.
I suggest running with something like
ntpd -c configfile -D 99 - if you want to see everything
thats happening
ntpd -c configfile - otherwise
Thats about it I think.
See the manuals for other details.
well lots I expect. However, specifically..
Need an ntpdc analog for querying over ROS. This should be able
to return lots of useful info - much more than you can cram into
the ntpdc format (i.e. psaps).
Need to sort out the addressing better.
tighten up the ASN.1
Pass static variables across at connect time (e.g. version etc).
Factor more of the code into protocol specific and common modules.
Clean it up a bit and get it faster now it works!