BSD 4_3_Net_2 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / isode / psap2-lpp / psaprespond.c
/* psaprespond.c - PPM: responder */
#ifndef lint
static char *rcsid = "$Header: /f/osi/psap2-lpp/RCS/psaprespond.c,v 7.2 91/02/22 09:38:13 mrose Interim $";
* $Header: /f/osi/psap2-lpp/RCS/psaprespond.c,v 7.2 91/02/22 09:38:13 mrose Interim $
* Contributed by The Wollongong Group, Inc.
* $Log: psaprespond.c,v $
* Revision 7.2 91/02/22 09:38:13 mrose
* Interim 6.8
* Revision 7.1 90/07/01 21:05:32 mrose
* pepsy
* Revision 7.0 89/11/23 22:15:58 mrose
* Release 6.0
* Acquisition, use, and distribution of this module and related
* materials are subject to the restrictions of a license agreement.
* Consult the Preface in the User's Manual for the full terms of
* this agreement.
#include <stdio.h>
#define LPP
#include "PS-types.h"
#include "ppkt.h"
#include "tailor.h"
#define AC_ASN "acse pci version 1"
int PInit (vecp, vec, ps, pi)
int vecp;
char **vec;
struct PSAPstart *ps;
struct PSAPindication *pi;
register struct psapblk *pb;
isodetailor (NULLCP, 0);
if (vecp < 2)
return psaplose (pi, PC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"bad initialization vector");
missingP (vec);
missingP (ps);
missingP (pi);
if ((pb = newpblk ()) == NULL)
return psaplose (pi, PC_CONGEST, NULLCP, "out of memory");
vec++, vecp--;
switch (*vec[0]) {
case PT_TCP:
if (tcprestore (pb, vec[0] + 1, pi) == NOTOK)
goto out;
case PT_UDP:
if (udprestore (pb, vec[0] + 1, pi) == NOTOK)
goto out;
(void) psaplose (pi, PC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"unknown transport type: 0x%x (%c)",
*vec[0], *vec[0]);
goto out;
*vec = NULL;
if (PInitAux (pb, ++vec, --vecp, ps, pi) == NOTOK)
goto out;
return OK;
out: ;
freepblk (pb);
return NOTOK;
/* \f */
static int PInitAux (pb, vec, vecp, ps, pi)
register struct psapblk *pb;
char **vec;
int vecp;
struct PSAPstart *ps;
struct PSAPindication *pi;
int result;
PE pe;
OID oid;
register struct PSAPcontext *pp;
struct type_PS_PDUs *pdu;
register struct type_PS_ConnectRequest__PDU *cr;
register struct TSAPaddr *ta;
if ((pe = ps2pe (pb -> pb_stream)) == NULLPE)
return pslose (pi, pb -> pb_stream -> ps_errno);
pdu = NULL;
oid = NULLOID;
result = decode_PS_PDUs (pe, 1, NULLIP, NULLVP, &pdu);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (result == OK && (psap2_log -> ll_events & LLOG_PDUS))
pvpdu (psap2_log, print_PS_PDUs_P, pe, "PDU", 1);
pe_free (pe);
if (result == NOTOK) {
(void) ppktlose (pb, pi, PC_UNRECOGNIZED, NULLRF, NULLCP,
"error decoding PDU: %s", PY_pepy);
goto out;
if (pdu -> offset != type_PS_PDUs_connectRequest) {
/* this works 'cause the "reference" is always the FIRST element */
if (pdu -> offset != type_PS_PDUs_abort)
result = ppktlose (pb, pi, PC_SESSION,
pdu -> un.connectResponse -> reference, NULLCP,
"unexpected PDU %d", pdu -> offset);
result = psaplose (pi, PC_SESSION, NULLCP, "unexpected PDU %d",
pdu -> offset);
goto out;
cr = pdu -> un.connectRequest;
if ((oid = ode2oid (AC_ASN)) == NULL) {
result = ppktlose (pb, pi, PC_PARAMETER, cr -> reference, NULLCP,
"%s: unknown", AC_ASN);
goto out;
if ((oid = oid_cpy (oid)) == NULL) {
result = ppktlose (pb, pi, PC_CONGEST, cr -> reference, NULLCP,
goto out;
pb -> pb_reference = cr -> reference, cr -> reference = NULL;
pe = cr -> user__data, cr -> user__data = NULLPE;
/* should check version number here... */
bzero ((char *) ps, sizeof *ps);
ps -> ps_sd = pb -> pb_fd;
ta = &ps -> ps_calling.pa_addr.sa_addr;
ta -> ta_naddr = 1;
ta -> ta_addrs[0] = pb -> pb_initiating; /* struct copy */
pdu2sel (ps -> ps_calling.pa_selector,
&ps -> ps_calling.pa_selectlen,
sizeof ps -> ps_calling.pa_selector,
cr -> calling);
ta = &pb -> pb_responding.pa_addr.sa_addr;
ta -> ta_naddr = 1;
ta -> ta_addrs[0] = pb -> pb_initiating; /* struct copy */
pdu2sel (pb -> pb_responding.pa_selector,
&pb -> pb_responding.pa_selectlen,
sizeof pb -> pb_responding.pa_selector,
cr -> called);
ps -> ps_called = pb -> pb_responding; /* struct copy */
ps -> ps_ctxlist.pc_nctx = 2;
pp = ps -> ps_ctxlist.pc_ctx;
pp -> pc_id = PCI_ROSE;
pp -> pc_asn = cr -> asn;
pp -> pc_result = PC_ACCEPT;
cr -> asn = NULLOID, pp++;
pp -> pc_id = PCI_ACSE;
pp -> pc_asn = oid, oid = NULLOID;
pp -> pc_result = PC_ACCEPT;
ps -> ps_defctxresult = PC_ACCEPT;
ps -> ps_prequirements = PR_KERNEL;
ps -> ps_srequirements = SR_DUPLEX;
ps -> ps_isn = SERIAL_NONE;
ps -> ps_connect = *pdu2ref (pb -> pb_reference); /* struct copy */
ps -> ps_qos.qos_reliability = pb -> pb_reliability;
ps -> ps_qos.qos_sversion = 2;
(ps -> ps_info[0] = pe) -> pe_context = PCI_ACSE;
ps -> ps_ninfo = 1;
result = OK;
out: ;
if (pdu)
free_PS_PDUs (pdu);
if (oid)
oid_free (oid);
return result;
int PConnResponse (sd, status, responding, ctxlist, defctxresult,
prequirements, srequirements, isn, settings, ref, data, ndata, pi)
int sd;
struct PSAPaddr *responding;
int status,
long isn;
struct PSAPctxlist *ctxlist;
int defctxresult;
struct SSAPref *ref;
PE *data;
struct PSAPindication *pi;
int result;
PE pe;
PS ps;
register struct psapblk *pb;
register struct type_PS_ConnectResponse__PDU *pdu;
if ((pb = findpblk (sd)) == NULL || (pb -> pb_flags & PB_CONN))
return psaplose (pi, PC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"invalid presentation descriptor");
#ifdef notdef
missingP (responding);
switch (status) {
return psaplose (pi, PC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"bad value for status parameter");
if (ctxlist != NULL) {
register int i;
register struct PSAPcontext *pp;
i = ctxlist -> pc_nctx - 1;
for (pp = ctxlist -> pc_ctx; i >= 0; i--, pp++) {
switch (pp -> pc_id) {
case PCI_ACSE:
case PCI_ROSE:
return psaplose (pi, PC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"illegal value for PCI (%d)",
pp -> pc_id);
if (pp -> pc_result != PC_ACCEPT)
return psaplose (pi, PC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"must accept PCI %d", pp -> pc_id);
if (defctxresult != PC_ACCEPT)
return psaplose (pi, PC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"must accept non-existant default context");
if (prequirements != PR_KERNEL)
return psaplose (pi, PC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"presentation requirements settings not supported");
if (srequirements != SR_DUPLEX)
return psaplose (pi, PC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"session requirements settings not supported");
if (isn != SERIAL_NONE)
return psaplose (pi, PC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"initial serial number not permitted");
if (settings != 0) /* not really an accurate test... */
return psaplose (pi, PC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"initial token settings not permitted");
missingP (ref);
if (ref -> sr_ulen > SREF_USER_SIZE
|| ref -> sr_clen > SREF_COMM_SIZE
|| ref -> sr_alen > SREF_ADDT_SIZE
|| ref -> sr_vlen > 0)
return psaplose (pi, PC_PARAMETER, NULLCP, "bad format for reference");
if (data == NULL || ndata <= 0 || data[0] == NULLPE || ndata > NPDATA_PS)
return psaplose (pi, PC_PARAMETER, NULLCP, "bad initial user data");
if (data[0] -> pe_context != PCI_ACSE)
return psaplose (pi, PC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"wrong context for initial user data");
missingP (pi);
if ((pdu = (struct type_PS_ConnectResponse__PDU *) malloc (sizeof *pdu))
== NULL) {
no_mem: ;
(void) psaplose (pi, PC_CONGEST, NULLCP, "out of memory");
goto out2;
pdu -> reference = pb -> pb_reliability == LOW_QUALITY ? pb -> pb_reference
if (responding && responding -> pa_selectlen > 0) {
if ((pdu -> responding = str2qb (responding -> pa_selector,
responding -> pa_selectlen, 1)) == NULL)
goto no_mem;
pdu -> responding = NULL;
if (status == PC_REJECTED) {
if ((pdu -> reason = (struct type_PS_Rejection__reason *)
malloc (sizeof (struct type_PS_Rejection__reason)))
== NULL)
goto no_mem;
pdu -> reason -> parm =
pdu -> reason = NULL;
pdu -> user__data = data[0];
pe = NULLPE;
result = encode_PS_ConnectResponse__PDU (&pe, 1, 0, NULLCP, pdu);
pdu -> reference = NULL;
pdu -> user__data = NULLPE;
free_PS_ConnectResponse__PDU (pdu);
pdu = NULL;
if (result == NOTOK) {
(void) psaplose (pi, PC_CONGEST, NULLCP, "error encoding PDU: %s",
goto out2;
PLOGP (psap2_log,PS_PDUs, pe, "ConnectResponse-PDU", 0);
result = pe2ps (ps = pb -> pb_stream, pe);
pe_free (pe);
if (result == NOTOK) {
result = pslose (pi, ps -> ps_errno);
goto out1;
if (status == PC_ACCEPT)
pb -> pb_flags |= PB_CONN;
freepblk (pb);
return OK;
out2: ;
if (pdu) {
pdu -> reference = NULL;
pdu -> user__data = NULLPE;
free_PS_ConnectResponse__PDU (pdu);
if (pe)
pe_free (pe);
out1: ;
freepblk (pb);
return NOTOK;