BSD 4_3_Net_2 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / isode / snmp / snmpb.c
/* snmpb.c - snmpi bulk load */
#ifndef lint
static char *rcsid = "$Header: /f/osi/snmp/RCS/snmpb.c,v 7.15 91/02/22 09:44:08 mrose Interim $";
* $Header: /f/osi/snmp/RCS/snmpb.c,v 7.15 91/02/22 09:44:08 mrose Interim $
* Contributed by NYSERNet Inc. This work was partially supported by the
* U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Rome Air Development
* Center of the U.S. Air Force Systems Command under contract number
* F30602-88-C-0016.
* $Log: snmpb.c,v $
* Revision 7.15 91/02/22 09:44:08 mrose
* Interim 6.8
* Revision 7.14 90/09/17 11:18:42 mrose
* update
* Revision 7.13 90/09/10 13:52:21 mrose
* kzm
* Revision 7.11 90/09/03 12:57:30 mrose
* update
* Revision 7.10 90/08/28 10:29:24 mrose
* kzm
* Revision 7.9 90/08/23 12:34:29 mrose
* update
* Revision 7.8 90/08/20 21:25:56 mrose
* touch-up
* Revision 7.7 90/08/20 14:00:14 mrose
* kzm
* Revision 7.6 90/08/19 16:26:25 mrose
* again
* Revision 7.5 90/08/18 15:24:08 mrose
* one more time
* Revision 7.4 90/08/18 01:28:40 mrose
* again
* Revision 7.3 90/08/18 00:44:39 mrose
* touch-up
* Revision 7.2 90/08/16 16:50:37 mrose
* again
* Revision 7.1 90/08/14 14:28:43 mrose
* pktin
* Revision 7.0 90/08/08 14:00:19 mrose
* *** empty log message ***
* Acquisition, use, and distribution of this module and related
* materials are subject to the restrictions of a license agreement.
* Consult the Preface in the User's Manual for the full terms of
* this agreement.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "SNMP-types.h"
#include "objects.h"
#include "tailor.h"
#ifdef BSD42
#define MAXTIME (60 * 1000L) /* in milli-seconds */
#define MINTIME 1 /* .. */
#define SETTLETIME 30 /* # of iterations to gauge RTT */
#define MAXTRIES 3 /* for retries */
#define MAXSPACE 0x10000 /* in between threads */
#define MAXTHREADS 10 /* maximum #-simultaneous */
#define MAXBOUNDS 10
#define MINBOUNDS 3
/* \f */
static long timeout;
static u_long timenow;
static long timemin;
static long timemax;
static int timelap;
static int timelap2;
static int RTTperthread = MAXTIME;
struct binding {
OID b_name;
union {
PE un_value;
struct binding *un_cols;
} b_un;
#define b_value b_un.un_value
#define b_cols b_un.un_cols
struct binding *b_next;
static int last_id = 0;
struct invocation {
struct type_SNMP_Message *i_msg;
int i_info; /* info > 0: response
info == 0: request
info < 0: not yet ready */
int i_rid; /* request-id of interest */
int i_mid; /* exclusive ceiling on i_rid */
PE i_pe; /* message to retry */
int i_retries; /* number of times request retried */
u_long i_lastime; /* time last request sent */
int i_curinvokes; /* current # threads when last request sent */
static int totreqs = 0;
static int totretr = 0;
static int totrsps = 0;
static int totdups = 0;
struct thread {
struct thread *t_forw; /* doubly-linked list */
struct thread *t_back; /* .. */
OID t_lo; /* inclusive lower-bound */
OID t_arg; /* current pointer */
OID t_hi; /* exclusive upper-bound */
struct binding *t_binding; /* for bulk2_aux() */
struct invocation t_invoke; /* invocation in progress */
#define t_msg t_invoke.i_msg
#define t_info t_invoke.i_info
#define t_rid t_invoke.i_rid
#define t_mid t_invoke.i_mid
#define t_pe t_invoke.i_pe
#define t_retries t_invoke.i_retries
#define t_lastime t_invoke.i_lastime
#define t_curinvokes t_invoke.i_curinvokes
/* statistics */
int t_gns; /* how many gn's done */
static int once_only = 0;
static struct thread tque; /* active thread list */
static struct thread *THead = &tque;
static int curthreads = 0;
static int maxthreads = 0;
static int tothreads = 0;
static int nilthreads = 0;
static int dedthreads = 0;
static int threadlimit = MAXTHREADS;
struct request {
struct request *r_forw; /* doubly-linked list */
struct request *r_back; /* .. */
int r_nbound; /* number of bounds active */
struct bound {
OID r_lo; /* inclusive lower bound */
OID r_arg; /* current pointer */
OID r_hi; /* exclusive upper bound */
int b_gns; /* stats: how many gn's done */
struct bound *r_next;
} *r_bounds;
struct invocation r_invoke; /* invocation in progress... */
#define r_msg r_invoke.i_msg
#define r_info r_invoke.i_info
#define r_rid r_invoke.i_rid
#define r_mid r_invoke.i_mid
#define r_pe r_invoke.i_pe
#define r_retries r_invoke.i_retries
#define r_lastime r_invoke.i_lastime
#define r_curinvokes r_invoke.i_curinvokes
static struct request rque; /* active request list */
static struct request *RHead = &rque;
static int currequests = 0;
static int maxrequests = 0;
static int totbounds = 0;
static int maxbounds = 0;
static int nilbounds = 0;
static int dedrequests = 0;
static int boundlimit = MAXBOUNDS;
OID oid_median (), oid_copy ();
extern int debug;
extern int watch;
void adios (), advise ();
char *snmp_error ();
/* \f BULK1 */
/* algorithm assumes that first variable in VarBind has ubiquitous agent
bulk1 (ps, sd, vb, community)
PS ps;
int sd;
struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *vb;
char *community;
int backoff,
register struct thread *t;
register struct binding **bp;
struct binding *bl;
struct timeval tvs,
register OID a,
OID arg;
timeout = 2 * 1000L;
timemin = timemax = timeout;
curthreads = maxthreads = tothreads = nilthreads = dedthreads = 0;
threadlimit = MAXTHREADS;
RTTperthread = MAXTIME;
totreqs = totretr = totrsps = totdups = 0;
(void) gettimeofday (&tvs, (struct timezone *) 0);
timenow = tvs.tv_sec * 1000L + tvs.tv_usec / 1000L;
a = oid_copy (arg = vb -> VarBind -> name);
a -> oid_elements[a -> oid_nelem++] = 127;
if (new_thread (ps, vb, community, arg, a) == NOTOK)
goto losing;
b = oid_copy (arg);
b -> oid_elements[b -> oid_nelem++] = 192;
if (new_thread (ps, vb, community, a, b) == NOTOK)
goto losing;
a -> oid_elements[(--a -> oid_nelem) - 1]++;
if (new_thread (ps, vb, community, b, a) == NOTOK)
goto losing;
oid_free (a);
oid_free (b);
bp = &bl, bl = NULL, rows = 0;
for (timelap = 0; THead -> t_forw != THead; timelap++) {
register struct binding *bv;
struct thread *u;
if ((backoff = wait_for_action (sd, ps)) == NOTOK)
for (t = THead -> t_forw; t != THead; t = u) {
register struct binding **bz;
register struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *vp,
struct OIDentifier oids;
u = t -> t_forw;
if (!t -> t_info)
if (oid_cmp (t -> t_arg, b = t -> t_msg -> data -> un.get__response
-> variable__bindings -> VarBind
-> name)
>= 0) {
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
(void) strcpy (buffer, oid2ode (t -> t_arg));
advise (NULLCP,
"agent botched get-next (%s -> %s), thread dead",
buffer, oid2ode (b));
free_thread (t);
if (oid_cmp (b, t -> t_hi) >= 0) {
free_thread (t);
oid_free (t -> t_arg);
t -> t_arg = oid_copy (b);
a = vb -> VarBind -> name, b = t -> t_arg;
oids.oid_nelem = b -> oid_nelem - a -> oid_nelem;
oids.oid_elements = b -> oid_elements + a -> oid_nelem;
if ((bv = (struct binding *) calloc (1, sizeof *bv)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
*bp = bv, bp = &bv -> b_next;
bv -> b_name = oid_copy (&oids);
bz = &bv -> b_cols;
for (vp = t -> t_msg -> data -> un.get__response
-> variable__bindings, vb2 = vb;
vp = vp -> next, vb2 = vb2 -> next) {
int fixup = 0;
a = vb2 -> VarBind -> name, b = vp -> VarBind -> name;
if (a -> oid_nelem > b -> oid_nelem
|| bcmp ((char *) a -> oid_elements,
(char *) b -> oid_elements,
a -> oid_nelem
* sizeof a -> oid_elements[0])) {
oid_free (b);
vp -> VarBind -> name = b = oid_copy (t -> t_arg);
bcopy ((char *) a -> oid_elements,
(char *) b -> oid_elements,
a -> oid_nelem * sizeof *a -> oid_elements);
/* not really needed...
pe_free (vp -> VarBind -> value);
if ((vp -> VarBind -> value = pe_alloc (PE_CLASS_UNIV,
== NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
fixup = 1;
if ((bv = (struct binding *) calloc (1, sizeof *bv)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
*bz = bv, bz = &bv -> b_next;
bv -> b_name = oid_copy (b);
if (!fixup) {
bv -> b_value = vp -> VarBind -> value;
if ((vp -> VarBind -> value = pe_alloc (PE_CLASS_UNIV,
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
if (curthreads < threadlimit
&& !backoff
&& (a = oid_median (t -> t_arg, t -> t_hi))) {
if (new_thread (ps, vb, community, a, t -> t_hi) == NOTOK)
goto losing;
remque (t); /* fairness in splits... */
insque (t, THead -> t_back);
oid_free (t -> t_hi);
t -> t_hi = a;
backoff = 1;
if (next_thread (t, ps, 1) == NOTOK)
goto losing;
if (backoff == NOTOK) {
losing: ;
advise (NULLCP, "aborting bulk retrieval...");
while ((t = THead -> t_forw) != THead)
free_thread (t);
(void) gettimeofday (&now, (struct timezone *) 0);
now.tv_sec -= tvs.tv_sec;
if ((now.tv_usec -= tvs.tv_usec) < 0)
now.tv_sec--, now.tv_usec += 1000000;
advise (NULLCP,
"%d row%s retrieved in %d.%06d seconds during %d iterations",
rows, rows != 1 ? "s" : "", now.tv_sec, now.tv_usec, timelap);
advise (NULLCP,
"threads: at most %d active, total of %d created, and %d did nothing",
maxthreads, tothreads, nilthreads);
advise (NULLCP, "messages: %d request%s sent, along with %d retr%s",
totreqs, totreqs != 1 ? "s" : "", totretr,
totretr != 1 ? "ies" : "y");
advise (NULLCP, " %d response%s rcvd, along with %d duplicate%s",
totrsps, totrsps != 1 ? "s" : "", totdups,
totdups != 1 ? "s" : "");
advise (NULLCP, "timeouts: min=%d.%03d fin=%d.%03d max=%d.%03d seconds",
timemin / 1000, timemin % 1000, timeout / 1000, timeout % 1000,
timemax / 1000, timemax % 1000);
print_bulk (bl, vb, dedthreads);
/* \f */
static int wait_for_action (sd, ps)
int sd;
PS ps;
int backoff,
long maxrtt;
u_long lastime;
fd_set rfds;
struct timeval tvs;
struct type_SNMP_Message *msg;
register struct type_SNMP_PDU *parm;
register struct invocation *i;
register struct request *r,
register struct thread *t,
PE pe;
FD_ZERO (&rfds);
nfds = sd + 1;
FD_SET (sd, &rfds);
backoff = 1;
lastime = timenow;
for (t = THead -> t_forw; t != THead; t = t -> t_forw) {
if (t -> t_info) /* should always fail... */
for (s = t -> t_forw; s != THead; s = s -> t_forw)
if (!s -> t_info && s -> t_lastime < t -> t_lastime)
t = s;
if (lastime > t -> t_lastime)
lastime = t -> t_lastime;
for (r = RHead -> r_forw; r != RHead; r = r -> r_forw) {
if (r -> r_info) /* should always fail... */
for (u = r -> r_forw; u != RHead; u = u -> r_forw)
if (!u -> r_info && u -> r_lastime < r -> r_lastime)
r = u;
if (lastime > r -> r_lastime)
lastime = r -> r_lastime;
if ((maxrtt = timeout - (timenow - lastime)) < 0)
maxrtt = 0;
if (debug && maxrtt < timeout)
fprintf (stderr, "timeout reduced from %u to %u (delta %d)\n",
timeout, (u_long) maxrtt, (int) (timeout - maxrtt));
tvs.tv_sec = maxrtt / 1000L, tvs.tv_usec = (maxrtt % 1000) * 1000L;
maxrtt = 0;
switch (n = select (nfds, &rfds, NULLFD, NULLFD, &tvs)) {
case NOTOK:
advise ("failed", "select");
return NOTOK;
case OK:
(void) gettimeofday (&tvs, (struct timezone *) 0);
timenow = tvs.tv_sec * 1000L + tvs.tv_usec / 1000L;
if (n == OK)
again: ;
if ((pe = ps2pe (ps)) == NULLPE) {
advise (NULLCP, "ps2pe: %s", ps_error (ps -> ps_errno));
return NOTOK;
msg = NULL;
if (decode_SNMP_Message (pe, 1, NULLIP, NULLVP, &msg) == NOTOK) {
advise (NULLCP, "decode_SNMP_Message: %s", PY_pepy);
oops: ;
if (msg)
free_SNMP_Message (msg);
pe_free (pe);
return NOTOK;
if (watch) {
fprintf (stdout, "read PDU\n");
(void) print_SNMP_Message (pe, 1, NULLIP, NULLVP, NULLCP);
(void) fflush (stdout);
if (msg -> data -> offset != type_SNMP_PDUs_get__response) {
advise (NULLCP, "unexpected message type %d",
msg -> data -> offset);
goto oops;
request_id =
(parm = msg -> data -> un.get__response) -> request__id;
for (t = THead -> t_forw; t != THead; t = s) {
s = t -> t_forw;
if (t -> t_rid != request_id)
if (t -> t_info) {
advise (NULLCP, "duplicated response for request-id %d",
goto duplicate_id;
t -> t_info = 1;
free_SNMP_Message (t -> t_msg);
t -> t_msg = msg;
if (t -> t_pe)
pe_free (t -> t_pe);
t -> t_pe = pe;
if (parm -> error__status != int_SNMP_error__status_noError) {
if (parm -> error__status
!= int_SNMP_error__status_noSuchName)
advise (NULLCP, "%s for get-next of %s, thread dead",
snmp_error (parm -> error__status),
oid2ode (t -> t_arg));
free_thread (t);
i = &t -> t_invoke;
goto finish_invoke;
for (r = RHead -> r_forw; r != RHead; r = u) {
u = r -> r_forw;
if (r -> r_rid != request_id)
if (r -> r_info) {
advise (NULLCP, "duplicated response for request-id %d",
goto duplicate_id;
switch (parm -> error__status) {
case int_SNMP_error__status_noError:
r -> r_info = 1;
free_SNMP_Message (r -> r_msg);
r -> r_msg = msg;
if (r -> r_pe)
pe_free (r -> r_pe);
r -> r_pe = pe;
case int_SNMP_error__status_tooBig:
advise (NULLCP, "got %s on request of size %d",
snmp_error (parm -> error__status),
r -> r_nbound);
if (1 < r -> r_nbound && r -> r_nbound <= boundlimit)
boundlimit = r -> r_nbound - 1;
toss_it: ;
r -> r_info = -1;
free_SNMP_Message (msg);
pe_free (pe);
goto next_request;
case int_SNMP_error__status_noSuchName:
if (parm -> error__index == 0) {
invalid_index: ;
advise (NULLCP,
"got %s with invalid index (%d)",
snmp_error (parm -> error__status),
parm -> error__index);
goto drop_request;
register int j;
register struct bound *b,
register struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *v,
bp = &r -> r_bounds;
vp = &r -> r_msg -> data -> un.get__request
-> variable__bindings;
for (j = parm -> error__index;
--j > 0;
bp = &((*bp) -> r_next),
vp = &((*vp) -> next))
if (*bp == NULL)
goto invalid_index;
advise (NULLCP,
"got %s on %s",
snmp_error (parm -> error__status),
oid2ode ((*bp) -> r_arg));
b = *bp, bp = &b -> r_next;
free_bound (b);
r -> r_nbound--;
v = *vp, vp = &v -> next;
v -> next = NULL;
free_SNMP_VarBindList (v);
goto toss_it;
advise (NULLCP, "%s for get-next of %s, et. al.",
snmp_error (parm -> error__status),
oid2ode (r -> r_bounds -> r_arg));
drop_request: ;
free_request (r);
goto next_request;
i = &r -> r_invoke;
finish_invoke: ;
if (i -> i_retries == 0) {
long val = timenow - i -> i_lastime;
if (maxrtt < val)
maxrtt = val;
if (timelap < SETTLETIME) {
int rtt = maxrtt / i -> i_curinvokes;
if (RTTperthread > rtt) {
RTTperthread = rtt;
if ((threadlimit = i -> i_curinvokes + 1)
threadlimit = MAXTHREADS;
if (debug)
fprintf (stderr,
"time now %u, xmit-time %u, RTT %u\n",
timenow, i -> i_lastime,
timenow - i -> i_lastime);
backoff = 0;
i -> i_retries = 0;
goto next_request;
if (debug)
fprintf (stderr, "request-id mismatch, not expecting %d\n",
duplicate_id: ;
free_SNMP_Message (msg);
pe_free (pe);
totrsps--, totdups++;
next_request: ;
FD_SET (sd, &rfds);
if (select_dgram_socket (nfds, &rfds, NULLFD, NULLFD, OK) > OK)
goto again;
if (curthreads > maxthreads)
maxthreads = curthreads;
if (currequests > maxrequests)
maxrequests = currequests;
if (backoff) {
if ((timeout <<= 1) > MAXTIME)
timeout = MAXTIME;
if (debug)
fprintf (stderr, "adjusted timeout to %g seconds(0)\n",
timeout / 1000.0);
if (maxrtt > 0 && maxrtt != timeout) {
long timedelta = maxrtt + (maxrtt >> 1);
if (timedelta > timeout) {
if ((timeout = timedelta) > MAXTIME)
timeout = MAXTIME;
backoff = 1;
goto outta_time;
else {
timeout -= (timeout - timedelta) >> 1;
if (timeout < MINTIME)
timeout = MINTIME;
outta_time: ;
if (debug)
fprintf (stderr,
"adjusted timeout to %g seconds(1)\n",
timeout / 1000.0);
if (timeout < timemin)
timemin = timeout;
if (timeout > timemax)
timemax = timeout;
i = NULL;
for (r = RHead -> r_forw; r != RHead; r = r -> r_forw) {
if (r -> r_info)
for (u = r -> r_forw; u != RHead; u = u -> r_forw)
if (!u -> r_info && u -> r_lastime < r -> r_lastime)
r = u;
i = &r -> r_invoke;
for (t = THead -> t_forw; t != THead; t = t -> t_forw) {
if (t -> t_info)
for (s = t -> t_forw; s != THead; s = s -> t_forw)
if (!s -> t_info && s -> t_lastime < t -> t_lastime)
t = s;
if (i == NULL || t -> t_lastime < i -> i_lastime)
i = &t -> t_invoke;
if (i && i -> i_lastime + timeout < timenow) {
if (++i -> i_retries > MAXTRIES) {
advise (NULLCP, "too many retries (%d)", MAXTRIES);
return NOTOK;
if (pe2ps (ps, i -> i_pe) == NOTOK) {
advise (NULLCP, "pe2ps: %s", ps_error (ps -> ps_errno));
return NOTOK;
if (watch) {
fprintf (stdout, "retry ID %d\n", i -> i_rid);
(void) print_SNMP_Message (i -> i_pe, 1, NULLIP, NULLVP, NULLCP);
(void) fflush (stdout);
if (debug)
fprintf (stderr,
"retry ID %d, time now %u, waiting %u, timeout %u\n",
i -> i_rid, timenow, timenow - i -> i_lastime,
i -> i_lastime = timenow;
i -> i_curinvokes = currequests ? currequests : 1;
backoff = 1;
return backoff;
/* \f */
static print_bulk (bl, vb, partial)
struct binding *bl;
struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *vb;
int partial;
int i;
register struct binding *bv,
if (partial)
printf ("partial results only...\n");
i = strlen ("row");
for (bv = bl; bv; bv = bv -> b_next) {
register int j;
char *cp = sprintoid (bv -> b_name);
if (i < (j = strlen (cp)))
i = j;
printf ("%-*s", i, "row");
for (; vb; vb = vb -> next)
printf ("\t%s", oid2ode (vb -> VarBind -> name));
for (bv = bl; bv; bv = bz) {
register struct binding *bp,
bz = bv -> b_next;
printf ("\n%-*s", i, sprintoid (bv -> b_name));
for (bp = bv -> b_cols; bp; bp = bq) {
bq = bp -> b_next;
printf ("\t");
if (bp -> b_value) {
caddr_t value;
register OI oi;
register OS os;
if ((oi = name2inst (bp -> b_name)) == NULL
|| (os = oi -> oi_type -> ot_syntax) == NULL
|| (*os -> os_decode) (&value, bp -> b_value) == NOTOK)
vunknown (bp -> b_value);
else {
(*os -> os_print) (value, os);
(*os -> os_free) (value);
pe_free (bp -> b_value);
printf ("NULL");
oid_free (bp -> b_name);
free ((char *) bp);
oid_free (bv -> b_name);
free ((char *) bv);
printf ("\n");
/* \f */
static struct type_SNMP_Message *new_message (arg, vb, community, next)
OID arg;
struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *vb;
char *community;
int next;
register struct type_SNMP_Message *msg;
register struct type_SNMP_PDUs *pdu;
register struct type_SNMP_PDU *parm;
register struct type_SNMP_VarBindList **vp;
if ((msg = (struct type_SNMP_Message *) calloc (1, sizeof *msg)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
msg -> version = int_SNMP_version_version__1;
if ((msg -> community = str2qb (community, strlen (community), 1)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
if ((pdu = (struct type_SNMP_PDUs *) calloc (1, sizeof *pdu)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
msg -> data = pdu;
pdu -> offset = next ? type_SNMP_PDUs_get__next__request
: type_SNMP_PDUs_get__request;
/* for now, always a PDU... */
if ((parm = (struct type_SNMP_PDU *) calloc (1, sizeof *parm)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
pdu -> un.get__request = parm;
for (vp = &parm -> variable__bindings; vb; vb = vb -> next) {
register struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *bind;
register struct type_SNMP_VarBind *v;
if ((bind = (struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *) calloc (1, sizeof *bind))
== NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
*vp = bind, vp = &bind -> next;
if ((v = (struct type_SNMP_VarBind *) calloc (1, sizeof *v)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
bind -> VarBind = v;
v -> name = oid_copy (arg);
bcopy ((char *) vb -> VarBind -> name -> oid_elements,
(char *) v -> name -> oid_elements,
vb -> VarBind -> name -> oid_nelem
* sizeof *v -> name -> oid_elements);
if ((v -> value = pe_alloc (PE_CLASS_UNIV, PE_FORM_PRIM, PE_PRIM_NULL))
== NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
return msg;
/* \f THREADS */
static int new_thread (ps, vb, community, start, stop)
PS ps;
struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *vb;
char *community;
OID start,
register struct thread *t;
t = (struct thread *) calloc (1, sizeof *t);
if (t == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "new_thread: out of memory");
t -> t_rid = last_id;
t -> t_mid = (last_id += MAXSPACE);
t -> t_lo = oid_copy (start);
t -> t_arg = oid_copy (start);
t -> t_hi = oid_copy (stop);
t -> t_msg = new_message (t -> t_arg, vb, community, 1);
if (once_only == 0) {
THead -> t_forw = THead -> t_back = THead;
RHead -> r_forw = RHead -> r_back = RHead;
insque (t, THead -> t_back);
return next_thread (t, ps, 1);
/* \f */
static int new_string (ps, vb, community, bp)
PS ps;
struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *vb;
char *community;
struct binding *bp;
register struct thread *t;
t = (struct thread *) calloc (1, sizeof *t);
if (t == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "new_thread: out of memory");
t -> t_rid = last_id;
t -> t_mid = (last_id += MAXSPACE);
t -> t_binding = bp;
t -> t_msg = new_message (bp -> b_cols -> b_name, vb, community, 0);
insque (t, THead -> t_back);
return next_thread (t, ps, 0);
/* \f */
static free_thread (t)
register struct thread *t;
if (debug && t -> t_lo) {
fprintf (stderr, "thread from %s to ", oid2ode (t -> t_lo));
fprintf (stderr, "%s did %d get-nexts\n", oid2ode (t -> t_hi),
t -> t_gns);
if (t -> t_gns <= 1)
if (t -> t_pe)
pe_free (t -> t_pe);
oid_free (t -> t_lo);
oid_free (t -> t_arg);
oid_free (t -> t_hi);
if (t -> t_msg)
free_SNMP_Message (t -> t_msg);
remque (t);
free ((char *) t);
/* \f */
static int next_thread (t, ps, next)
register struct thread *t;
PS ps;
int next;
if (++t -> t_rid >= t -> t_mid)
t -> t_rid = t -> t_mid - MAXSPACE;
t -> t_info = 0;
t -> t_msg -> data -> offset =
next ? type_SNMP_PDUs_get__next__request : type_SNMP_PDUs_get__request;
t -> t_msg -> data -> un.get__response -> request__id = t -> t_rid;
if (t -> t_pe)
pe_free (t -> t_pe), t -> t_pe = NULL;
if (encode_SNMP_Message (&t -> t_pe, 1, 0, NULLCP, t -> t_msg) == NOTOK) {
advise (NULLCP, "encode_SNMP_Message: %s", PY_pepy);
return NOTOK;
if (pe2ps (ps, t -> t_pe) == NOTOK) {
advise (NULLCP, "pe2ps: %s", ps_error (ps -> ps_errno));
return NOTOK;
if (watch) {
fprintf (stdout, "write PDU\n");
(void) print_SNMP_Message (t -> t_pe, 1, NULLIP, NULLVP, NULLCP);
(void) fflush (stdout);
t -> t_lastime = timenow;
t -> t_curinvokes = curthreads ? curthreads : 1;
t -> t_gns++;
return OK;
/* \f BULK2 */
bulk2 (ps, sd, vb, community)
PS ps;
int sd;
register struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *vb;
char *community;
int backoff,
register struct request *r;
register struct binding **bp;
struct binding *bl;
struct timeval tvs,
register OID a,
OID arg;
timeout = 2 * 1000L;
timemin = timemax = timeout;
currequests = maxrequests = totbounds = maxbounds = dedrequests = 0;
nilbounds = 0;
threadlimit = MAXTHREADS;
boundlimit = MAXBOUNDS;
RTTperthread = MAXTIME;
totreqs = totretr = totrsps = totdups = 0;
(void) gettimeofday (&tvs, (struct timezone *) 0);
timenow = tvs.tv_sec * 1000L + tvs.tv_usec / 1000L;
a = oid_copy (arg = vb -> VarBind -> name);
a -> oid_elements[a -> oid_nelem++] = 127;
new_bound (community, arg, a);
b = oid_copy (arg);
b -> oid_elements[b -> oid_nelem++] = 192;
new_bound (community, a, b);
a -> oid_elements[(--a -> oid_nelem) - 1]++;
new_bound (community, b, a);
oid_free (a);
oid_free (b);
if (push_requests (ps, community, 0) == NOTOK)
goto losing;
bp = &bl, bl = NULL, rows = 0;
for (timelap = 0; RHead -> r_forw != RHead; timelap++) {
struct request *u;
if ((backoff = wait_for_action (sd, ps)) == NOTOK)
goto losing;
for (r = RHead -> r_forw; r != RHead; r = u) {
register struct bound *br,
register struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *vr,
u = r -> r_forw;
if (r -> r_info < 1)
bb = &r -> r_bounds;
vv = &r -> r_msg -> data -> un.get__request -> variable__bindings;
evalreq = 0;
while (br = *bb) {
register struct binding *bv,
struct OIDentifier oids;
if ((vr = *vv) == NULL) {
advise (NULLCP,
"missing variable in response, continuing");
do {
bz = br -> r_next;
free_bound (br);
r -> r_nbound--;
while (br = bz);
*bb = NULL;
if (oid_cmp (br -> r_arg, b = vr -> VarBind -> name) >= 0) {
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
(void) strcpy (buffer, oid2ode (br -> r_arg));
advise (NULLCP,
"agent botched get-next (%s -> %s), continuing",
oid2ode (b));
goto drop_bound;
if (oid_cmp (b, br -> r_hi) >= 0) {
if (br -> b_gns <=1)
drop_bound: ;
*bb = br -> r_next;
free_bound (br);
r -> r_nbound--;
*vv = vr -> next;
vr -> next = NULL;
free_SNMP_VarBindList (vr);
oid_free (br -> r_arg);
br -> r_arg = oid_copy (b);
oids.oid_nelem = b -> oid_nelem - arg -> oid_nelem;
oids.oid_elements = b -> oid_elements + arg -> oid_nelem;
if ((bv = (struct binding *) calloc (1, sizeof *bv)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
*bp = bv, bp = &bv -> b_next;
bv -> b_name = oid_copy (&oids);
if ((bv2 = (struct binding *) calloc (1, sizeof *bv2)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
bv -> b_cols = bv2;
bv2 -> b_name = oid_copy (b);
bv2 -> b_value = vr -> VarBind -> value;
if ((vr -> VarBind -> value = pe_alloc (PE_CLASS_UNIV,
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
bb = &br -> r_next, vv = &vr -> next;
if (vr = *vv) {
advise (NULLCP, "too many variables in response");
free_SNMP_VarBindList (vr);
*vv = NULL;
if (timelap >= SETTLETIME
&& evalreq < 0 && boundlimit != MINBOUNDS)
if (push_requests (ps, community,
currequests < threadlimit && !backoff) == NOTOK)
goto losing;
if (bulk2_aux (ps, sd, bl, vb, community) == NOTOK) {
losing: ;
advise (NULLCP, "aborting bulk retrieval...");
while ((r = RHead -> r_forw) != RHead)
free_request (r);
(void) gettimeofday (&now, (struct timezone *) 0);
now.tv_sec -= tvs.tv_sec;
if ((now.tv_usec -= tvs.tv_usec) < 0)
now.tv_sec--, now.tv_usec += 1000000;
advise (NULLCP,
"%d row%s retrieved in %d.%06d seconds during %d/%d iterations",
rows, rows != 1 ? "s" : "", now.tv_sec, now.tv_usec, timelap,
advise (NULLCP, "requests: at most %d active", maxrequests);
advise (NULLCP,
"bounds: %d created, at most %d active, %d integral, %d did nothing",
totbounds, maxbounds, boundlimit, nilbounds);
if (timelap2)
advise (NULLCP,
"threads: at most %d active, total of %d created",
maxthreads, tothreads);
advise (NULLCP, "messages: %d request%s sent, along with %d retr%s",
totreqs, totreqs != 1 ? "s" : "", totretr,
totretr != 1 ? "ies" : "y");
advise (NULLCP, " %d response%s rcvd, along with %d duplicate%s",
totrsps, totrsps != 1 ? "s" : "", totdups,
totdups != 1 ? "s" : "");
advise (NULLCP, "timeouts: min=%d.%03d fin=%d.%03d max=%d.%03d seconds",
timemin / 1000, timemin % 1000, timeout / 1000, timeout % 1000,
timemax / 1000, timemax % 1000);
print_bulk (bl, vb, dedrequests || dedthreads);
/* \f */
/* \f */
static int bulk2_aux (ps, sd, bl, vb, community)
PS ps;
int sd;
struct binding *bl;
register struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *vb;
char *community;
int backoff;
register struct thread *t;
curthreads = maxthreads = tothreads = nilthreads = dedthreads = 0;
timelap2 = 0;
if (bl == NULL || (vb = vb -> next) == NULL)
return OK;
while (bl)
if (curthreads < threadlimit) {
if (new_string (ps, vb, community, bl) == NOTOK)
goto losing;
bl = bl -> b_next;
for (; THead -> t_forw != THead; timelap2++) {
struct thread *u;
if ((backoff = wait_for_action (sd, ps)) == NOTOK)
for (t = THead -> t_forw; t != THead; t = u) {
register struct binding *bv,
register struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *vp;
u = t -> t_forw;
if (!t -> t_info)
bv = t -> t_binding;
bz = &bv -> b_cols -> b_next;
for (vp = t -> t_msg -> data -> un.get__response
-> variable__bindings;
vp = vp -> next) {
if ((bv = (struct binding *) calloc (1, sizeof *bv)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
*bz = bv, bz = &bv -> b_next;
bv -> b_name = oid_copy (vp -> VarBind -> name);
bv -> b_value = vp -> VarBind -> value;
if ((vp -> VarBind -> value = pe_alloc (PE_CLASS_UNIV,
adios (NULLCP, "out of memory");
if (curthreads < threadlimit && !backoff && bl) {
if (new_string (ps, vb, community, bl) == NOTOK)
goto losing;
bl = bl -> b_next;
backoff = 1;
free_thread (t);
if (bl) {
if (new_string (ps, vb, community, bl) == NOTOK)
goto losing;
bl = bl -> b_next;
if (backoff == NOTOK) {
losing: ;
while ((t = THead -> t_forw) != THead)
free_thread (t);
return backoff;
/* \f REQUESTS */
static struct request *new_request (community)
char *community;
register struct request *r;
r = (struct request *) calloc (1, sizeof *r);
if (r == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "new_request: out of memory");
r -> r_rid = last_id;
r -> r_mid = (last_id += MAXSPACE);
r -> r_info = -1;
r -> r_msg = new_message (NULLOID, (struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *) NULL,
community, 1);
insque (r, RHead -> r_back);
return r;
/* \f */
static free_request (r)
register struct request *r;
register struct bound *bp,
if (r -> r_pe)
pe_free (r -> r_pe);
for (bp = r -> r_bounds; bp; bp = bq) {
bq = bp -> r_next;
free_bound (bp);
if (r -> r_msg)
free_SNMP_Message (r -> r_msg);
remque (r);
free ((char *) r);
/* \f */
static int new_bound (community, start, stop)
char *community;
OID start,
register struct request *r;
register struct bound *b;
register struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *vb;
register struct type_SNMP_VarBind *v;
if (once_only == 0) {
THead -> t_forw = THead -> t_back = THead;
RHead -> r_forw = RHead -> r_back = RHead;
if ((r = RHead -> r_forw) == RHead)
r = new_request (community);
if ((b = (struct bound *) calloc (1, sizeof *b)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "new_bound: out of memory");
b -> r_next = r -> r_bounds, r -> r_bounds = b;
b -> b_gns = 0;
b -> r_lo = oid_copy (start);
b -> r_arg = oid_copy (start);
b -> r_hi = oid_copy (stop);
if ((vb = (struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *) calloc (1, sizeof *vb)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "new_bound: out of memory");
vb -> next = r -> r_msg -> data -> un.get__request -> variable__bindings,
r -> r_msg -> data -> un.get__request -> variable__bindings = vb;
if ((v = (struct type_SNMP_VarBind *) calloc (1, sizeof *v)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "new_bound: out of memory");
vb -> VarBind = v;
v -> name = oid_copy (start);
if ((v -> value = pe_alloc (PE_CLASS_UNIV, PE_FORM_PRIM, PE_PRIM_NULL))
== NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "new_bound: out of memory");
r -> r_nbound++;
/* \f */
static free_bound (b)
register struct bound *b;
if (debug && b -> r_lo) {
fprintf (stderr, "%d get-nexts on bound: %s to",
b -> b_gns, oid2ode (b -> r_lo));
fprintf (stderr, " %s\n", oid2ode (b -> r_hi));
oid_free (b -> r_lo);
oid_free (b -> r_arg);
oid_free (b -> r_hi);
if (b -> b_gns <= 1)
free ((char *) b);
/* \f */
static push_requests (ps, community, onemore)
PS ps;
char *community;
int onemore;
register int nbound,
int new,
register struct request *r;
struct request *u;
register struct bound *bn,
struct bound *b;
register struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *vz,
struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *v;
bp = &b, b = NULL;
vp = &v, v = NULL;
nrequest = nbound = tbound = 0;
for (r = RHead -> r_forw; r != RHead; r = r -> r_forw) {
if (!r -> r_info) {
tbound += r -> r_nbound;
if (*bp = r -> r_bounds) {
for (bz = *bp; bz; bz = bz -> r_next)
if (bz -> r_next == NULL)
bp = &bz -> r_next;
r -> r_bounds = NULL;
nbound += r -> r_nbound;
if (*vp = r -> r_msg -> data -> un.get__request -> variable__bindings){
for (vz = *vp; vz; vz = vz -> next)
if (vz -> next == NULL)
vp = &vz -> next;
r -> r_msg -> data -> un.get__request -> variable__bindings = NULL;
r -> r_nbound = 0;
if ((tbound += nbound) > maxbounds)
maxbounds = tbound;
if (nrequest == 0)
return OK;
if ((new = (nbound + (boundlimit - 1)) / boundlimit - nrequest) <= 0
&& onemore)
new = 1;
for (; new-- > 0; nrequest++)
(void) new_request (community);
if ((new = nrequest * boundlimit) > (wen = nbound << 1))
new = wen;
for (new -= nbound, bn = b; (new > 0) && bn; new--, bn = bn -> r_next) {
OID mid;
if ((mid = oid_median (bn -> r_arg, bn -> r_hi)) == NULLOID)
if ((bz = (struct bound *) calloc (1, sizeof *bz)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "push_requests: out of memory");
*bp = bz, bp = &bz -> r_next;
bz -> r_lo = oid_copy (mid);
bz -> r_arg = oid_copy (mid);
bz -> r_hi = bn -> r_hi;
tbound++, totbounds++;
bn -> r_hi = mid;
if ((vz = (struct type_SNMP_VarBindList *) calloc (1, sizeof *vz))
== NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "push_requests: out of memory");
*vp = vz, vp = &vz -> next;
if ((vz -> VarBind = (struct type_SNMP_VarBind *)
calloc (1, sizeof *v)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "push_requests: out of memory");
vz -> VarBind -> name = oid_copy (mid);
if ((vz -> VarBind -> value = pe_alloc (PE_CLASS_UNIV, PE_FORM_PRIM,
adios (NULLCP, "push_requests: out of memory");
if (tbound > maxbounds)
maxbounds = tbound;
if (b == NULL)
goto send_them;
for (r = RHead -> r_forw; r != RHead; r = r -> r_forw) {
register int i;
register struct bound **inb;
register struct type_SNMP_VarBindList **inv;
if (!r -> r_info)
inb = &r -> r_bounds;
inv = &r -> r_msg -> data -> un.get__request -> variable__bindings;
for (i = boundlimit; i > 0; i--) {
bz = b -> r_next, vz = v -> next;
*inb = b, inb = &b -> r_next, b -> r_next = NULL;
*inv = v, inv = &v -> next, v -> next = NULL;
b -> b_gns++;
r -> r_nbound++;
if ((b = bz) == NULL)
goto send_them;
v = vz;
/* should never get here, since we should run out bounds before
running out of requests; if we do ... ?? */
if (debug)
fprintf (stderr, "push_requests: possibly loss of bounds\n");
send_them: ;
for (r = RHead -> r_forw; r != RHead; r = u) {
u = r -> r_forw;
if (!r -> r_info)
if (r -> r_nbound <= 0) {
free_request (r);
if (++r -> r_rid >= r -> r_mid)
r -> r_rid = r -> r_mid - MAXSPACE;
r -> r_info = 0;
r -> r_msg -> data -> offset = type_SNMP_PDUs_get__next__request;
r -> r_msg -> data -> un.get__response -> request__id = r -> r_rid;
if (r -> r_pe)
pe_free (r -> r_pe), r -> r_pe = NULL;
if (encode_SNMP_Message (&r -> r_pe, 1, 0, NULLCP, r -> r_msg)
== NOTOK) {
advise (NULLCP, "encode_SNMP_Message: %s", PY_pepy);
return NOTOK;
if (pe2ps (ps, r -> r_pe) == NOTOK) {
advise (NULLCP, "pe2ps: %s", ps_error (ps -> ps_errno));
return NOTOK;
if (watch) {
fprintf (stdout, "write PDU\n");
(void) print_SNMP_Message (r -> r_pe, 1, NULLIP, NULLVP, NULLCP);
(void) fflush (stdout);
r -> r_lastime = timenow;
r -> r_curinvokes = currequests ? currequests : 1;
return OK;
/* \f OIDS */
static OID oid_median (a, b)
OID a,
register int i;
register unsigned int *ap,
register OID c = NULL;
if (oid_cmp (a, b) >= 0) {
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
(void) strcpy (buffer, sprintoid (a));
adios (NULLCP, "oid_median(%s <= %s)", buffer, sprintoid (b));
for (i = 1, ap = a -> oid_elements, bp = b -> oid_elements;
i <= b -> oid_nelem;
i++, ap++, bp++) {
if (i > a -> oid_nelem) {
for (; *bp == NULL; bp++)
if (++i > b -> oid_nelem)
goto losing;
c = oid_copy (b);
c -> oid_elements[(c -> oid_nelem = i) - 1] = *bp >> 1;
if (*ap == *bp)
c = oid_copy (a);
if ((c -> oid_elements[(c -> oid_nelem = i) - 1] =
*ap + ((*bp - *ap) >> 1))
== *ap) {
bp = &c -> oid_elements[c -> oid_nelem++];
if (a -> oid_nelem <= i)
*bp = 127;
else {
while (*++ap == 255) {
bp++, c -> oid_nelem++;
if (++i >= a -> oid_nelem) {
*bp = 127;
goto testc;
*bp = *ap >= 16383 ? *ap + 16383
: *ap >= 4095 ? *ap + 4095
: *ap >= 1023 ? *ap + 1023
: *ap > 255 ? *ap + 255
: (*ap >> 1) + 128;
testc: ;
if (c -> oid_nelem < 2)
c -> oid_elements[c -> oid_nelem++] = 0;
if (c == NULL) {
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
losing: ;
if (debug) {
(void) strcpy (buffer, sprintoid (a));
fprintf (stderr, "oid_median(%s, %s) fails",
buffer, sprintoid (b));
return NULL;
if (oid_cmp (a, c) >= 0) {
char buf1[BUFSIZ],
(void) strcpy (buf1, sprintoid (a));
(void) strcpy (buf2, sprintoid (b));
adios (NULLCP, "oid_median(%s, %s) -> %s loses(1)",
buf1, buf2, sprintoid (c));
if (oid_cmp (c, b) >= 0) {
char buf1[BUFSIZ],
(void) strcpy (buf1, sprintoid (a));
(void) strcpy (buf2, sprintoid (b));
adios (NULLCP, "oid_median(%s, %s) -> %s loses(2)",
buf1, buf2, sprintoid (c));
return c;
/* \f */
static OID oid_copy (a)
OID a;
OID b;
if ((b = oid_cpy (a)) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "oid_copy: out of memory");
return b;
/* \f DUMMY */
bulk_dummy () {}