BSD 4_3_Reno development
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / tahoestand / vdformat / vdfmt.h
/* vdfmt.h 1.8 90/06/24 */
* VERSAbus disk controller (vd) disk formatter.
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "tahoe/mtpr.h"
#include "param.h"
#include "buf.h"
#include "disklabel.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "vnode.h"
#include "ufs/inode.h"
#include "ufs/fs.h"
#include "tahoevba/vbaparam.h"
#include "tahoevba/vdreg.h"
#include "tahoe/cp.h"
extern struct cpdcb_i cpin; /* found in cons.c */
* Poll console and return 1 if input is present.
#define input() \
(uncache(&cpin.cp_hdr.cp_unit), (cpin.cp_hdr.cp_unit&CPDONE))
* Configuration parameters
#define MAXCTLR 8 /* Maximum # of controllers */
#define MAXDRIVE 16 /* Max drives per controller */
#define NUMMAP 1 /* # Cyls in bad sector map */
#define NUMMNT 1 /* # cyls for diagnostics */
#define NUMREL 3 /* # Cyls in relocation area */
#define NUMSYS (NUMREL+NUMMNT+NUMMAP) /* Total cyls used by system */
#define MAXTRKS 32
#define MAXSECS_PER_TRK 72 /* at 512 bytes/sector */
#define MAXERR 1000
#define MAXTRKSIZ ((512/sizeof(long)) * MAXSECS_PER_TRK)
#define bytes_trk (lab->d_nsectors * lab->d_secsize)
#define HARD_ERROR \
#define DATA_ERROR \
#define NRM (short)0
#define BAD (short)VDUF
#define WPT (short)(NRM | VDWPT)
#define RELOC_SECTOR (short)(VDALT)
#define ALT_SECTOR (short)(VDALT)
typedef enum { false, true } boolean;
typedef enum { u_false, u_true, u_unknown } uncertain;
* Free bad block allocation bit map
typedef struct {
enum { ALLOCATED, NOTALLOCATED } free_status;
} fmt_free;
typedef enum { SINGLE_SECTOR, FULL_TRACK } rel_type; /* relocation type */
* Error table format
typedef struct {
dskadr err_adr;
long err_stat;
} fmt_err;
/* utilities */
int to_sector();
int to_track();
int data_ok();
boolean get_yes_no();
boolean is_in_map();
boolean is_formatted();
boolean read_bad_sector_map();
dskadr *from_sector();
dskadr *from_track();
dskadr *from_unix();
dskadr is_relocated();
dskadr *new_location();
* Operation table
typedef struct {
int (*routine)();
char *op_name;
char *op_action;
} op_tbl;
#define NUMOPS 7
op_tbl operations[NUMOPS];
* Operation bit mask values (must match order in operations table)
#define FORMAT_OP 0x01 /* Format operation bit */
#define VERIFY_OP 0x02 /* Verify operation bit */
#define RELOCATE_OP 0x04 /* Relocate operation bit */
#define INFO_OP 0x08 /* Info operation bit */
#define CORRECT_OP 0x10 /* Correct operation bit */
#define PROFILE_OP 0x20 /* Profile operation bit */
#define EXERCISE_OP 0x40 /* Exercise operation bit */
extern int format(), verify(), relocate(), info();
extern int correct(), profile(), exercise();
* Operation table type and definitions
typedef struct {
int op;
int numpat;
} op_spec;
op_spec ops_to_do[MAXCTLR][MAXDRIVE];
* Contains all the current parameters
typedef enum {
} drv_stat;
typedef enum {
} state;
typedef enum {
} substate;
* Different environments for setjumps
jmp_buf reset_environ; /* Use when reset is issued */
jmp_buf quit_environ; /* Use when you want to quit what your doing */
jmp_buf abort_environ; /* Use when nothing can be done to recover */
* Flaw map definitions and storage
typedef struct {
short bs_cyl; /* Cylinder position of flaw */
short bs_trk; /* Track position of flaw */
long bs_offset; /* (byte) Position of flaw on track */
long bs_length; /* Length (in bits) of flaw */
dskadr bs_alt; /* Addr of alt sector (all 0 if none) */
enum { flaw_map, scanning, operator } bs_how; /* How it was found */
} bs_entry ;
struct {
int controller;
int drive;
state state;
substate substate;
int error;
dskadr daddr;
} cur;
* Controller specific information
typedef struct {
uncertain alive;
struct vddevice *addr;
char *name;
int type;
fmt_err *(*decode_pos)();
bs_entry *(*code_pos)();
} ctlr_info;
ctlr_info c_info[MAXCTLR];
ctlr_info *C_INFO;
* Drive specific information
typedef struct {
uncertain alive;
int id;
struct disklabel label;
drv_stat condition;
} drive_info;
#define d_traksize d_drivedata[1]
#define d_pat d_drivedata[2]
drive_info d_info[MAXCTLR][MAXDRIVE];
drive_info *D_INFO;
struct disklabel *lab;
struct disklabel vdproto[];
int ndrives;
int smddrives;
* Structure of the bad-sector map on the disk.
* The original bs_map did not have the magic number or "checksum,"
* thus the fudges below.
typedef struct {
unsigned int bs_magic; /* magic (0x12344321) */
unsigned int bs_cksum; /* checksum (0) */
unsigned int bs_id; /* Pack id */
unsigned int bs_count; /* number of known bad sectors */
unsigned int bs_max; /* Maximum allowable bad sectors */
bs_entry list[1];
} bs_map;
#define MAX_FLAWMAP(x) (((x) - sizeof(bs_map)) / sizeof(bs_entry))
#define BSMAGIC 0x12344321
union {
bs_map Offset_bad_map; /* offset by bs_magic+cksum */
#define offset_bad_map bs_map_space.Offset_bad_map
struct {
unsigned int bs_magic;
unsigned int bs_cksum;
bs_map bs_map; /* aligned with track buffer */
} Norm_bad_map;
#define norm_bad_map bs_map_space.Norm_bad_map.bs_map
struct {
unsigned int bs_magic;
unsigned int bs_cksum;
long track[MAXTRKSIZ]; /* disk track is read here */
} space;
#define map_space
} bs_map_space;
bs_map *bad_map;
boolean kill_processes;
int num_controllers;
extern int vdtimeout;
* Pattern buffers and the sort
struct mdcb mdcb; /* Master device control block */
struct dcb dcb; /* Device control blocks */
long pattern_0[MAXTRKSIZ], pattern_1[MAXTRKSIZ];
long pattern_2[MAXTRKSIZ], pattern_3[MAXTRKSIZ];
long pattern_4[MAXTRKSIZ], pattern_5[MAXTRKSIZ];
long pattern_6[MAXTRKSIZ], pattern_7[MAXTRKSIZ];
long pattern_8[MAXTRKSIZ], pattern_9[MAXTRKSIZ];
long pattern_10[MAXTRKSIZ], pattern_11[MAXTRKSIZ];
long pattern_12[MAXTRKSIZ], pattern_13[MAXTRKSIZ];
long pattern_14[MAXTRKSIZ], pattern_15[MAXTRKSIZ];
long *pattern_address[16]; /* pointers to pattern_* */
* Double buffer for scanning existing
* file systems and general scratch
long scratch[MAXTRKSIZ];
long save[MAXTRKSIZ];
/* XXX */
* Flaw map stuff
typedef struct {
long flaw_sync;
short flaw_cyl;
char flaw_trk;
char flaw_sec;
struct {
short flaw_offset;
short flaw_length;
} flaw_pos[4];
char flaw_status;
char flaw_junk[1024]; /* Fill up 518 byte block */
} flaw;
typedef struct {
long smde_sync;
unsigned adr_cyl : 12;
unsigned adr_trk : 8;
unsigned adr_sec : 8;
unsigned sec_flgs : 4;
unsigned alt_cyl : 12;
unsigned alt_trk : 8;
unsigned alt_sec : 8;
char smde_junk[1024];
} smde_hdr;
/* for MAXTOR */
typedef struct {
unsigned long esdi_flaw_sync;
unsigned short esdi_flaw_cyl;
unsigned char esdi_flaw_trk;
unsigned char esdi_flaw_sec;
unsigned char esdi_flags;
unsigned char esdi_ecc_1[2];
unsigned char esdi_pad_1[2];
unsigned char esdi_plo_sync[26];
} esdi_flaw_header;
typedef struct {
unsigned long esdi_data_sync;
unsigned char esdi_month;
unsigned char esdi_day;
unsigned char esdi_year;
unsigned char esdi_head;
unsigned char esdi_pad_2[2];
unsigned char esdi_flaws[50][5]; /* see esdi_flaw_entry */
unsigned char esdi_ecc_2[2];
unsigned char esdi_pad_3[2];
char esdi_flaw_junk[1024]; /* Fill up block */
} esdi_flaw_data;
typedef struct {
esdi_flaw_header esdi_header;
esdi_flaw_data esdi_data;
} esdi_flaw;
** since each flaw entry is 5 bytes and this forces alignment problems we
** define a structure here so that the entries can be BCOPYed into a
** reasonable work area before access.
typedef struct {
unsigned short esdi_flaw_cyl;
unsigned short esdi_flaw_offset;
unsigned char esdi_flaw_length;
} esdi_flaw_entry;
#define CDCSYNC 0x1919
#define SMDSYNC 0x0019
#define SMDESYNC 0x0009
#define SMDE1SYNC 0x000d
#define ESDISYNC 0x00fe
#define ESDI1SYNC 0x00fe /* 0x00f8 */
/* XXX */
* Flaw testing patterns.
struct flawpat {
u_int fp_pat[16];