be able to match the inverse of a class using the $~x syntax
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.sbin / rmt / rmt.c
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)rmt.c 4.3 82/05/19";
* rmt
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sgtty.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/mtio.h>
#include <errno.h>
int tape = -1;
#define MAXRECSIZ (10*1024) /* small enuf for pdp-11's too */
char record[MAXRECSIZ];
#define SSIZE 64
char device[SSIZE];
char count[SSIZE], mode[SSIZE], pos[SSIZE], op[SSIZE];
extern errno;
char *sys_errlist[];
char resp[BUFSIZ];
char *sprintf();
long lseek();
FILE *debug;
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
int rval;
char c;
int n, i, cc;
argc--, argv++;
if (argc > 0) {
debug = fopen(*argv, "w");
if (debug == 0)
(void) setbuf(debug, (char *)0);
errno = 0;
rval = 0;
if (read(0, &c, 1) != 1)
switch (c) {
case 'O':
if (tape >= 0)
(void) close(tape);
gets(device); gets(mode);
if (debug) fprintf(debug, "rmtd: O %s %s\n", device, mode);
tape = open(device, atoi(mode));
if (tape < 0)
goto ioerror;
goto respond;
case 'C':
if (debug) fprintf(debug, "rmtd: C\n");
gets(device); /* discard */
if (close(tape) < 0)
goto ioerror;
tape = -1;
goto respond;
case 'L':
gets(count); gets(pos);
if (debug) fprintf(debug, "rmtd: L %s %s\n", count, pos);
rval = lseek(tape, (long) atoi(count), atoi(pos));
if (rval < 0)
goto ioerror;
goto respond;
case 'W':
n = atoi(count);
if (debug) fprintf(debug, "rmtd: W %s\n", count);
for (i = 0; i < n; i += cc) {
cc = read(0, &record[i], n - i);
if (cc <= 0) {
if (debug) fprintf(debug, "rmtd: premature eof\n");
rval = write(tape, record, n);
if (rval < 0)
goto ioerror;
goto respond;
case 'R':
if (debug) fprintf(debug, "rmtd: R %s\n", count);
n = atoi(count);
if (n > sizeof (record))
n = sizeof (record);
rval = read(tape, record, n);
if (rval < 0)
goto ioerror;
(void) sprintf(resp, "A%d\n", rval);
(void) write(1, resp, strlen(resp));
(void) write(1, record, rval);
goto top;
case 'I':
gets(op); gets(count);
if (debug) fprintf(debug, "rmtd: I %s %s\n", op, count);
{ struct mtop mtop;
mtop.mt_op = atoi(op);
mtop.mt_count = atoi(count);
if (ioctl(tape, MTIOCTOP, (char *)&mtop) < 0)
goto ioerror;
rval = mtop.mt_count;
goto respond;
case 'S': /* status */
if (debug) fprintf(debug, "rmtd: S\n");
{ struct mtget mtget;
if (ioctl(tape, MTIOCGET, (char *)&mtget) < 0)
goto ioerror;
rval = sizeof (mtget);
(void) write(1, (char *)&mtget, sizeof (mtget));
goto respond;
if (debug) fprintf(debug, "rmtd: garbage command %c\n", c);
if (debug) fprintf(debug, "rmtd: A %d\n", rval);
(void) sprintf(resp, "A%d\n", rval);
(void) write(1, resp, strlen(resp));
goto top;
goto top;
char *bp;
int i;
char *cp = bp;
for (i = 0; i < SSIZE; i++) {
if (read(0, cp+i, 1) != 1)
if (cp[i] == '\n')
cp[i] = '\0';
int num;
if (debug) fprintf(debug, "rmtd: E %d (%s)\n", num, sys_errlist[num]);
(void) sprintf(resp, "E%d\n%s\n", num, sys_errlist[num]);
(void) write(1, resp, strlen (resp));