How to set up a SLIP dialup line. This is just how I did it, I welcome
[unix-history] / contrib / FAQ / FAQ-08
8.0 Networking
8.0.1: Where can I get information booting FreeBSD `diskless', that is
booting and running a FreeBSD box from a server rather than having
a local disk?
Look in the directory /src/sys/i386/netboot for the file netboot.doc.
8.0.2: I've heard that you can use a FreeBSD box as a dedicated network
router - is there any easy support for this?
After a fashion, yes. There is a standard `router floppy' that you can
boot on a FreeBSD machine to configure it as a network router. [>>>> put
pointer to router floppy image here ]
8.0.3: Does FreeBSD support SLIP and PPP?
Yes. See the man pages for slattach and/or pppd if you're using FreeBSD
to connect to another site. If you're using FreeBSD as a server for other
machines, look at the man page for `sliplogin'.