386BSD 0.1 development
[unix-history] / usr / othersrc / contrib / isode / snmp / snmpi.1c
.TH SNMPI 1C "14 Sep 1989"
.\" $Header: /f/osi/snmp/RCS/snmpi.1c,v 7.6 91/02/22 09:44:32 mrose Interim $
.\" Contributed by NYSERNet Inc. This work was partially supported by the
.\" U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Rome Air Development
.\" Center of the U.S. Air Force Systems Command under contract number
.\" F30602-88-C-0016.
.\" $Log: snmpi.1c,v $
.\" Revision 7.6 91/02/22 09:44:32 mrose
.\" Interim 6.8
.\" Revision 7.5 90/10/18 11:34:09 mrose
.\" psi
.\" Revision 7.4 90/08/29 15:04:14 mrose
.\" doc
.\" Revision 7.3 90/05/13 15:55:57 mrose
.\" update
.\" Revision 7.2 90/02/19 19:17:03 mrose
.\" again
.\" Revision 7.1 90/01/11 18:34:41 mrose
.\" real-sync
.\" Revision 7.0 89/11/23 22:23:29 mrose
.\" Release 6.0
snmpi \- really minimal SNMP initiator
.in +.5i
.ti -.5i
.B snmpi
.in -.5i
The \fIsnmpi\fR program is an extremely simple program,
used to test \fIsnmpd\fR.
Once \fIsnmpd\fR is started,
to see if it's running,
.in +.5i
% snmpi dump
.in -.5i
This should generate voluminous output.
The `-a' switch sets the address of the SNMP agent.
Either a hostname, an IP-address, or a transport address (using
Kille's string syntax) may be used.
The default is the localhost.
the `-p' switch sets the UDP port number that the agent resides on
(if an IP-style address is given, obviously).
The default is UDP port 161.
The `-c' switch sets the community name for the SNMP request.
The default is public.
The `-d' switch enables debugging.
This doesn't do anything yet.
The `-f' switch selects a file containing compiled MIB module definitions.
The default is \fIobjects.defs\fR.
The `-w' switch enables watching.
When SNMP messages are exchanged,
they will be pretty-printed on the terminal if the user is watching.
The `-v' switch enables verbose interaction.
This doesn't do anything yet.
.ta \w'\*(EDobjects.defs 'u
\*(EDobjects.defs MIB definitions
The names of the objects in \fBobjects.defs\fR are case sensitive.
This was necessary to improve the efficiency of the hashing algorithm
used for object lookup.
RFCs 1155, 1156, and 1157.
\fIA string encoding of Presentation Address\fR,
Research Note RN/89/14,
Department of Computer Science,
University College London,
(February, 1989).
Marshall T. Rose,
Performance Systems International
This work was partially supported by the
U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Rome Air Development
Center of the U.S. Air Force Systems Command under contract number
Although this package is distributed with the ISODE,
it is not an OSI program, per se.
Inasmuch as the continued survival of the Internet hinges on all nodes
becoming network manageable,
this package was developed using the ISODE and is being freely
distributed with releases of Berkeley UNIX.
It must be stressed that this package is not a complete network management
In particular,
whilst \fIsnmpd\fR provides a minimal agent functionality,
there are no Network Operation Center (NOC) tools--\fIsnmpi\fR is a
debugging aid only.