386BSD 0.1 development
[unix-history] / usr / othersrc / contrib / isode / tsap / ts2x25.c
/* ts2x25.c - TPM: X.25 interface */
#ifndef lint
static char *rcsid = "$Header: /f/osi/tsap/RCS/ts2x25.c,v 7.5 91/02/22 09:47:24 mrose Interim $";
* $Header: /f/osi/tsap/RCS/ts2x25.c,v 7.5 91/02/22 09:47:24 mrose Interim $
* $Log: ts2x25.c,v $
* Revision 7.5 91/02/22 09:47:24 mrose
* Interim 6.8
* Revision 7.4 91/01/14 13:34:39 mrose
* loader
* Revision 7.3 90/07/09 14:51:23 mrose
* sync
* Revision 7.2 90/03/23 17:31:30 mrose
* 8
* Revision 7.1 89/12/07 01:07:39 mrose
* queued writes
* Revision 7.0 89/11/23 22:30:41 mrose
* Release 6.0
* Acquisition, use, and distribution of this module and related
* materials are subject to the restrictions of a license agreement.
* Consult the Preface in the User's Manual for the full terms of
* this agreement.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "tpkt.h"
#include "tailor.h"
#ifdef X25
#include "x25.h"
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
static fd_set inprogress;
static struct NSAPaddr **peers = NULL;
extern int errno;
int x25open (tb, local, remote, td, async)
register struct tsapblk *tb;
struct NSAPaddr *local,
struct TSAPdisconnect *td;
register int fd;
int onoff;
* start_x25_client does nothing with its arguments in the CAMTEC
* case but there's less #ifdef code this way so...
if ((fd = start_x25_client (local)) == NOTOK)
return tsaplose (td, DR_CONGEST, "socket", "unable to start");
if (async) {
if (ioctl (fd, FIONBIO, (onoff = 1, (char *) &onoff)) < 0) {
(void) tsaplose (td, DR_CONGEST, "ioctl", "FIONBIO");
(void) close_x25_socket (fd);
return NOTOK;
tb -> tb_fd = fd;
(void) XTService (tb);
if (join_x25_server (fd, remote) == NOTOK) {
if (async)
switch (errno) {
if (peers == NULL) {
peers = (struct NSAPaddr **)
calloc ((unsigned) getdtablesize (),
sizeof *peers);
if (peers == NULL) {
(void) tsaplose (td, DR_CONGEST, NULLCP,
"out of memory");
(void) close_x25_socket (fd);
return (tb -> tb_fd = NOTOK);
FD_ZERO (&inprogress);
if (peers[fd] == NULL
&& (peers[fd] = (struct NSAPaddr *)
malloc (sizeof **peers))
== NULL) {
(void) tsaplose (td, DR_CONGEST, NULLCP,
"out of memory");
(void) close_x25_socket (fd);
return (tb -> tb_fd = NOTOK);
*(peers[fd]) = *remote; /* struct copy */
FD_SET (fd, &inprogress);
return OK;
goto done;
(void) tsaplose (td, DR_REFUSED, "connection", "unable to establish");
("connection to %s failed", na2str (remote)));
(void) close_x25_socket (fd);
return (tb -> tb_fd = NOTOK);
done: ;
if (async)
if (ioctl (fd, FIONBIO, (onoff = 0, (char *) &onoff)) < 0) {
(void) tsaplose (td, DR_CONGEST, "ioctl", "FIONBIO");
(void) close_x25_socket (fd);
return NOTOK;
(void) XTService (tb); /* in case pktsize changed... */
("connection %d to %s", fd, na2str (remote)));
return DONE;
/* \f */
static int x25retry (tb, td)
struct tsapblk *tb;
struct TSAPdisconnect *td;
int onoff;
int fd = tb -> tb_fd;
fd_set mask;
struct NSAPaddr *remote = peers[fd];
FD_ZERO (&mask);
FD_SET (fd, &mask);
if (xselect (fd + 1, NULLFD, &mask, NULLFD, 0) < 1)
return OK;
if (!FD_ISSET (fd, &inprogress))
return DONE;
if (join_x25_server (fd, remote) == NOTOK) {
switch (errno) {
return OK;
goto done;
case EINVAL: /* UNIX bug: could be any socket errno, e.g.,
/* and fall */
(void) tsaplose (td, DR_REFUSED, "connection", "unable to establish");
FD_CLR (fd, &inprogress);
(void) close_x25_socket (fd);
("connection to %s failed", na2str (remote)));
return (tb -> tb_fd = NOTOK);
done: ;
(void) ioctl (fd, FIONBIO, (onoff = 0, (char *) &onoff));
FD_CLR (fd, &inprogress);
(void) XTService (tb); /* in case pktsize changed... */
("connection %d to %s", fd, na2str (remote)));
return DONE;
/* \f init for read from network */
static char nsdu[MAXNSDU];
static char *np;
static int bl;
static int x25init (fd, t)
int fd;
register struct tsapkt *t;
register int cc;
/* XXX: cc should be set to the maximum acceptable NSDU length.
Longer NSDUs will be truncated without notification.
Should be configurable (or set during N-CONNECT and remembered) */
cc = sizeof nsdu;
switch (cc = read_x25_socket (fd, nsdu, cc)) {
case OK: /* no data ? */
case NOTOK:
#ifdef SUN_X25
if (compat_log -> ll_events & LLOG_EXCEPTIONS)
(void) log_cause_and_diag(fd);
return DR_NETWORK;
t -> t_length = cc + sizeof t -> t_pkthdr;
if (t -> t_length < TPKT_HDRLEN (t))
return DR_LENGTH;
t -> t_li = nsdu[0];
t -> t_code = nsdu[1];
np = nsdu + 2;
bl = t -> t_length - TPKT_HDRLEN (t);
t -> t_vrsn = TPKT_VRSN; /* Not really needed! */
return OK;
static int read_nsdu_buffer (fd, buffer, cc)
int fd;
register char *buffer;
register int cc;
if (cc > bl)
cc = bl;
if (cc > 0) {
bcopy (np, buffer, cc);
np += cc, bl -= cc;
return cc;
/* \f */
char *x25save (fd, dte1, l1, dte2, l2, td)
int fd;
char *dte1;
int l1;
char *dte2;
int l2;
struct TSAPdisconnect *td;
static char buffer[BUFSIZ];
(void) sprintf (buffer, "%c%d %*s %*s",
NT_X25, fd, l1, dte1, l2, dte2);
return buffer;
int x25restore (tb, buffer, td)
register struct tsapblk *tb;
char *buffer;
struct TSAPdisconnect *td;
int fd;
char dte1[NSAP_DTELEN + 1],
dte2[NSAP_DTELEN + 1];
register struct NSAPaddr *na;
register struct tsapADDR *ta;
if (sscanf (buffer, "%d %s %s", &fd, dte1, dte2) != 3 || fd < 0)
return tsaplose (td, DR_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"bad initialization vector \"%s\"", buffer);
ta = &tb -> tb_initiating;
ta -> ta_present = 1;
na = &ta -> ta_addr;
na -> na_stack = NA_X25;
na -> na_community = ts_comm_x25_default;
bcopy(dte1, na -> na_dte, strlen(dte1));
na -> na_dtelen = strlen (na -> na_dte);
tb -> tb_fd = fd;
(void) XTService (tb);
ta = &tb -> tb_responding;
ta -> ta_present = 1;
na = &ta -> ta_addr;
na -> na_stack = NA_X25;
na -> na_community = ts_comm_x25_default;
bcopy(dte2, na -> na_dte, strlen(dte2));
na -> na_dtelen = strlen (na -> na_dte);
#ifdef SUN_X25
(void) set_x25_facilities (tb -> tb_fd, -1, "Negotiated");
return OK;
/* \f */
int XTService (tb)
register struct tsapblk *tb;
#ifndef UBC_X25
int maxnsdu = MAXNSDU;
int maxnsdu = X25_PACKETSIZE;
tb -> tb_flags |= TB_X25;
#ifdef notyet
if (recvpktsize > DT_MAGIC && recvpktsize < maxnsdu)
maxnsdu = recvpktsize;
if (sendpktsize > DT_MAGIC && sendpktsize < maxnsdu)
maxnsdu = sendpktsize;
tb -> tb_tsdusize = maxnsdu - (tb -> tb_tpduslop = DT_MAGIC);
tb -> tb_retryfnx = x25retry;
tb -> tb_initfnx = x25init;
tb -> tb_readfnx = read_nsdu_buffer;
tb -> tb_writefnx = tp0write;
tb -> tb_closefnx = close_x25_socket;
tb -> tb_selectfnx = select_x25_socket;
tp0init (tb);
int _ts2x25_stub () {};