date and time created 87/10/13 13:36:02 by bostic
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / tahoe / vba / cyvar.h
/* cyvar.h 1.1 85/07/21 */
#define TM_ATTENTION(addr,x) movob(x,addr) /* also known as: GO */
#define TM_RESET(addr,x) TM_ATTENTION((addr+1),x) /* reset controller */
#define TM_SHORT(x) (short)((((x) >> 8) & 0xff) + (((x) << 8) & 0xff00))
#define GATE_OPEN (char)(0x00)
#define GATE_CLOSED (char)(0xFF)
#define cyaddr ((char *)(0xf4000 + IOBASE)) /* controller physical addr */
#define b_repcnt b_bcount
#define b_command b_resid
/* Group. I Control status/commands */
#define CONFIG (0x00000000L) /* configure */
#define SET_PA (0x08000000L) /* set page */
#define NO_OP (0x20000000L) /* no operation */
#define DRIVE_S (0x28000000L) /* drive status */
#define TAPE_AS (0x74000000L) /* tape assign */
#define DRIVE_R (0x90000000L) /* drive reset */
/* Group. II Tape position commands */
#define REWD_OV (0x04000000L) /* rewind overlapped */
#define READ_FO (0x1C000000L) /* read foreign tape */
#define REWD_TA (0x34000000L) /* rewind tape */
#define OFF_UNL (0x38000000L) /* off_line and unload */
#define WRIT_FM (0x40000000L) /* write filemark */
#define SERH_FM (0x44000000L) /* search filemark */
#define SRFM_FD (0x44000000L) /* search filemark forward */
#define SRFM_BK (0xC4000000L) /* search filemark backward */
#define SPACE (0x48000000L) /* skip record */
#define SP_FORW (0x48000000L) /* space forward */
#define SP_BACK (0xC8000000L) /* space backwords */
#define ERASE_F (0x4C000000L) /* erase fixed length */
#define ERASE_T (0x50000000L) /* erase to end of tape */
#define SPAC_FM (0x70000000L) /* space filemark */
#define SERH_MU (0x94000000L) /* search multiple filemarks */
/* Group. III Data transfer commands */
#define READ_BU (0x10000000L) /* read buffered */
#define WRIT_BU (0x14000000L) /* write buffered */
#define EDIT_BU (0x18000000L) /* edit buffered */
#define READ_TA (0x2C000000L) /* read tape */
#define WRIT_TA (0x30000000L) /* write tape */
#define EDIT_TA (0x3C000000L) /* edit tape */
#define READ_ST (0x60000000L) /* read streaming */
#define WRIT_ST (0x64000000L) /* write streaming */
/* Group. IV Special commands */
#define EXCHANG (0x0C000000L) /* exchange system and tapemaster RAM */
#define BLOCK_M (0x80000000L) /* block move */
/* Group. V Diagnostic commands */
#define TEST_SH (0x54000000L) /* short memory test */
#define TEST_LG (0x58000000L) /* long memory test */
#define TEST_CN (0x5C000000L) /* controller confidence test */
#define TEST_RW (0x68000000L) /* test read/write timeing */
/* Control byte[0] bit assignments */
#define CW_TSm (0x0C) /* tape select mask, 2 bit field */
#define CW_TSs (2) /* tape select shift, 2 bit field <<shift */
#define CW_M (0x10) /* mailbox flag */
#define CW_I (0x20) /* interrupt flag */
#define CW_L (0x40) /* link flag */
#define CW_BL (0x80) /* bus lock flag */
/* Control byte[1] bit assignments */
#define CW_BS (0x01) /* bank select */
#define CW_R (0x04) /* reverse flag */
#define CW_SD (0x08) /* speed/density */
#define CW_25ips (0x00) /* 25 inches per second speed */
#define CW_100ips (0x08) /* 100 inches per second speed */
#define CW_C (0x10) /* continuous */
#define CW_W (0x80) /* width */
#define CW_8bits (0x00) /* width 8 bits */
#define CW_16bits (0x80) /* width 16 bits */
/* status byte[0] bit assignements */
#define CS_P (0x02) /* Protected, no write ring */
#define CS_FB (0x04) /* formatter busy */
#define CS_DR (0x08) /* drive ready */
#define CS_EOT (0x10) /* end of tape detected */
#define CS_LP (0x20) /* tape is at load point */
#define CS_OL (0x40) /* drive on_line */
#define CS_FM (0x80) /* Filemark detected */
/* status byte[1] bit assignements */
#define CS_ERm (0x1F) /* Command (Error) mask */
#define CS_CR (0x20) /* Command (Retry) */
#define CS_CC (0x40) /* Command (Complete) */
#define CS_CE (0x80) /* Command (Entered) */
/* block move control byte[0] bit assignments */
#define BM_SI (0x01) /* increment source address */
#define BM_SW (0x02) /* source width */
#define BM_DI (0x04) /* increment destination address */
#define BM_DW (0x08) /* destination width */
#define BM_M (0x10) /* mailbox flag */
#define BM_I (0x20) /* interrupt flag */
#define BM_L (0x40) /* link flag */
#define BM_BL (0x80) /* bus lock flag */
/* block move control byte[1] bit assignments */
#define BM_T (0x01) /* translate flag */
#define BM_S (0x02) /* search flag */
#define BM_NC (0x04) /* non_compare flag */
#define BM_TH (0x08) /* throttle flag */
#define BM_SL (0x10) /* source local flag */
#define BM_DL (0x20) /* destination local flag */
/* block move status bit assignments */
#define BS_ERm (0x1F) /* Command (Error) mask */
#define BS_HIT (0x20) /* found match during search */
#define BS_CC (0x40) /* Command (Complete) */
#define BS_CE (0x80) /* Command (Entered) */
/* SC_ERROR & BM_ERROR codes */
#define ER_NONE (0x00) /* no error */
#define ER_TO1 (0x01) /* timed out data busy false */
#define ER_TO2 (0x02) /* data busy false,formatter,ready */
#define ER_T03 (0x03) /* time out ready busy false */
#define ER_T04 (0x04) /* time out ready busy true */
#define ER_T05 (0x05) /* time out data busy true */
#define ER_T06 (0x06) /* time out memory */
#define ER_BLAN (0X07) /* blank tape */
#define ER_DIAG (0x08) /* micro-diagnostic */
#define ER_END (0x09) /* EOT forward, BOT rev. */
#define ER_HARD (0x0A) /* retry unsuccessful */
#define ER_FIFO (0x0B) /* FIFO over/under flow */
/* (0x0C) /* Not used */
#define ER_PARI (0x0D) /* drive to tapemaster parity error */
#define ER_PSUM (0x0E) /* prom checksum */
#define ER_TOF (0x0F) /* time out tape strobe */
#define ER_TRN (0x10) /* tape not ready */
#define ER_PRO (0x11) /* write, no enable ring */
/* (0x12) /* Not used */
#define ER_JUMP (0x13) /* missing diagnostic jumper */
#define ER_BLIN (0x14) /* bad link, link inappropriate */
#define ER_FMAR (0x15) /* unexpected filemark */
#define ER_PARA (0x16) /* bad parameter, byte count ? */
/* (0x17) /* Not used */
#define ER_ER (0x18) /* unidentified hardware error */
#define ER_STER (0x19) /* streaming terminated */
#define WRITE_FMARK 5