have to add tstl instructions because of moving instructions
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / vax / inline / machpats.c
* Copyright (c) 1984, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)machpats.c 7.3 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif not lint
#include "inline.h"
* Pattern table for special VAX instructions.
struct pats machine_ptab[] = {
#ifdef vax
{ 3, "_blkcpy\n",
" movl (sp)+,r1\n\
movl (sp)+,r3\n\
jbr 2f\n\
subl2 r0,(sp)\n\
movc3 r0,(r1),(r3)\n\
movzwl $65535,r0\n\
cmpl (sp),r0\n\
jgtr 1b\n\
movl (sp)+,r0\n\
movc3 r0,(r1),(r3)\n" },
{ 3, "_bcopy\n",
" movl (sp)+,r1\n\
movl (sp)+,r3\n\
movl (sp)+,r5\n\
movc3 r5,(r1),(r3)\n" },
{ 3, "_ovbcopy\n",
" movl (sp)+,r3\n\
movl (sp)+,r4\n\
movl (sp)+,r5\n\
movc3 r5,(r3),(r4)\n" },
{ 2, "_blkclr\n",
" movl (sp)+,r3\n\
jbr 2f\n\
subl2 r0,(sp)\n\
movc5 $0,(r3),$0,r0,(r3)\n\
movzwl $65535,r0\n\
cmpl (sp),r0\n\
jgtr 1b\n\
movl (sp)+,r0\n\
movc5 $0,(r3),$0,r0,(r3)\n" },
{ 2, "_bzero\n",
" movl (sp)+,r3\n\
movl (sp)+,r5\n\
movc5 $0,(r3),$0,r5,(r3)\n" },
{ 2, "_insque\n",
" movl (sp)+,r4\n\
movl (sp)+,r5\n\
insque (r4),(r5)\n" },
{ 1, "_remque\n",
" movl (sp)+,r5\n\
remque (r5),r0\n" },
#endif vax
#ifdef mc68000
/* someday... */
#endif mc68000
{ 0, "", "" }
#ifdef vax
struct pats vax_ptab[] = {
{ 3, "_blkcmp\n",
" movl (sp)+,r1\n\
movl (sp)+,r3\n\
jbr 2f\n\
subl2 r0,(sp)\n\
cmpc3 r0,(r1),(r3)\n\
bneq 3f\n\
movzwl $65535,r0\n\
cmpl (sp),r0\n\
jgtr 1b\n\
movl (sp)+,r0\n\
cmpc3 r0,(r1),(r3)\n\
3:\n" },
{ 3, "_bcmp\n",
" movl (sp)+,r1\n\
movl (sp)+,r3\n\
movl (sp)+,r5\n\
cmpc3 r5,(r1),(r3)\n" },
{ 3, "_llocc\n",
" movl (sp)+,r4\n\
movl (sp)+,r5\n\
movl (sp)+,r1\n\
movzwl $65535,r0\n\
cmpl r5,r0\n\
jleq 1f\n\
subl2 r0,r5\n\
locc r4,r0,(r1)\n\
jeql 1b\n\
addl2 r5,r0\n\
jbr 2f\n\
locc r4,r5,(r1)\n\
2:\n" },
{ 3, "_locc\n",
" movl (sp)+,r3\n\
movl (sp)+,r4\n\
movl (sp)+,r5\n\
locc r3,r4,(r5)\n" },
{ 4, "_scanc\n",
" movl (sp)+,r2\n\
movl (sp)+,r3\n\
movl (sp)+,r4\n\
movl (sp)+,r5\n\
scanc r2,(r3),(r4),r5\n" },
{ 3, "_skpc\n",
" movl (sp)+,r3\n\
movl (sp)+,r4\n\
movl (sp)+,r5\n\
skpc r3,r4,(r5)\n" },
{ 0, "", "" }
struct pats vaxsubset_ptab[] = {
{ 3, "_blkcmp\n",
" movl (sp)+,r1\n\
movl (sp)+,r3\n\
movl (sp)+,r0\n\
cmpb (r1)+,(r3)+\n\
jneq 3f\n\
sobgtr r0,2b\n\
3:\n" },
{ 3, "_bcmp\n",
" movl (sp)+,r1\n\
movl (sp)+,r3\n\
movl (sp)+,r0\n\
tstl r0\n\
jeql 1f\n\
cmpb (r1)+,(r3)+\n\
jneq 1f\n\
sobgtr r0,2b\n\
1:\n" },
{ 3, "_llocc\n",
" movl (sp)+,r4\n\
movl (sp)+,r0\n\
tstl r0\n\
jeql 1f\n\
movl (sp)+,r1\n\
cmpb r4,(r1)+\n\
jeql 1f\n\
sobgtr r0,2b\n\
1:\n" },
{ 3, "_locc\n",
" movl (sp)+,r3\n\
movl (sp)+,r0\n\
tstl r0\n\
jeql 1f\n\
movl (sp)+,r5\n\
cmpb r3,(r5)+\n\
jeql 1f\n\
sobgtr r0,2b\n\
1:\n" },
{ 3, "_skpc\n",
" movl (sp)+,r3\n\
movl (sp)+,r0\n\
tstl r0\n\
jeql 1f\n\
movl (sp)+,r5\n\
cmpb r3,(r5)+\n\
jneq 1f\n\
sobgtr r0,2b\n\
1:\n" },
{ 0, "", "" }