Added genclass to subdirs.
[unix-history] / Makefile
# @(#)Makefile (Berkeley) 5/9/91
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.13 1993/09/13 21:33:02 rgrimes Exp $
.if exists(bin)
SUBDIR+= bin
.if exists(contrib)
SUBDIR+= contrib
.if exists(games)
SUBDIR+= games
.if exists(gnu)
SUBDIR+= gnu
.if exists(include)
SUBDIR+= include
.if exists(lib)
SUBDIR+= lib
.if exists(libexec)
SUBDIR+= libexec
.if exists(sbin)
SUBDIR+= sbin
.if exists(share)
SUBDIR+= share
.if exists(usr.bin)
SUBDIR+= usr.bin
.if exists(usr.sbin)
SUBDIR+= usr.sbin
# Special cases: etc sys
# Not ported: kerberosIV
# setenv NOCLEANDIR will prevent make cleandirs from being run
.if defined(NOCLEANDIR)
CLEANDIR= cleandir
world: directories cleandist mk includes libraries tools mdec
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo " Rebuilding ${DESTDIR} The whole thing"
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
make depend all install
cd ${.CURDIR}/usr.sbin/sendmail/src; make install
cd ${.CURDIR}/etc; make distrib-dirs
.if !defined(NOCLEANDIR)
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo " Cleaning up the source tree, and rebuilding the obj tree"
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
cd /usr/obj; rm -rf ${SUBDIR}
find . -name obj | xargs -n30 rm -rf
make cleandir
make obj
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo " Rebuilding ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/mk"
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
# DONT DO THIS!! rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/mk
# DONT DO THIS!! mkdir ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/mk
chown ${BINOWN}.${BINGRP} ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/mk
chmod 755 ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/mk
cd ${.CURDIR}/share/mk; make install;
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo " Rebuilding ${DESTDIR}/usr/include"
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
.if defined(CLOBBER)
rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/include
mkdir ${DESTDIR}/usr/include
chown ${BINOWN}.${BINGRP} ${DESTDIR}/usr/include
chmod 755 ${DESTDIR}/usr/include
cd ${.CURDIR}/include; make install
cd ${.CURDIR}/gnu/libg++; make beforeinstall
cd ${.CURDIR}/gnu/libregex; make beforeinstall
cd ${.CURDIR}/lib/libcurses; make beforeinstall
cd ${.CURDIR}/lib/librpc/rpc; make beforeinstall
# setenv NOPROFILED if you do not want profiled libraries
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo " Rebuilding ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib"
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
.if defined(CLOBBER)
rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib
mkdir ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib
chown -R bin.bin ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib
chmod 755 ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib
cd ${.CURDIR}/lib; make depend all install ${CLEANDIR} obj
cd ${.CURDIR}/gnu/gcc2/libgcc; make depend all install ${CLEANDIR} obj
cd ${.CURDIR}/usr.bin/lex; make depend all install ${CLEANDIR} obj
cd ${.CURDIR}/gnu/libregex; make depend all install ${CLEANDIR} obj
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo " Rebuilding ${DESTDIR} Compiler and Make"
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
cd ${.CURDIR}/gnu/gcc2; make depend all install ${CLEANDIR} obj
cd ${.CURDIR}/usr.bin/make; make depend all install ${CLEANDIR} obj
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo " Rebuilding ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec"
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
.if ${MACHINE} == "i386"
cd ${.CURDIR}/sys/i386/boot; make depend all install ${CLEANDIR}
.if defined (DESTDIR)
cd /usr/mdec; find . | cpio -pdamuv ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec
.include <>