include problem
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-3 / usr / doc / vmunix / setup.t
.bd S B 3
Setting up the Third Berkeley Software Tape*
William N. Joy
Ozalp Babaoglu
Computer Science Division
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California 94720
.de IR
.de UX
*An early version of this paper appeared under the title
``Setting up the Berkeley Virtual Memory Extensions to the
Operating System''
and, no doubt, references to this paper by this name exist elsewhere
in the documentation.
Portions of this document are adapted from
``Setting Up Unix/32V Version 1.0''
by Thomas B. London and John F. Reiser.
The distribution tape can be used only a DEC VAX-11/780**
with RM03 or RP06 disks and with
TE16 tape drives.
We have the ability to make tapes for systems with UNIBUS** disks, but
** DEC, VAX, UNIBUS and MASSBUS are trademarks of
Digital Equipment Corporation.
\(dg \s-2UNIX\s0 is a Trademark of Bell Laboratories.
such tapes are inherently rather system-specific, and will not be
discussed here.
The tape consists of some preliminary bootstrapping programs followed by
one dump of a filesystem (see
.IR dump (1))
and one tape archive image (see
.IR tar (1));
if needed,
individual files can be extracted
after the initial construction of the filesystems.
If you are set up to do it,
it is a good idea immediately to make a copy of the
tape to guard against disaster.
The tape is 9-track 1600 BPI and contains some 512-byte records
followed by many 10240-byte records.
There are interspersed tapemarks; end-of-tape is signalled
by a double end-of-file.
The tape contains binary images
of the system and all the user level programs, along with source
and manual sections for them.
There are about 4200
.UX \(dg
files altogether.
The first tape file contains bootstrapping programs.
The second tape file is to be put on one filesystem
called the `root filesystem', and contains essential binaries and enough
other files to allow the system to run.
The third tape file has all of the source and documentation.
Altogether the files provided on the tape occupy approximately 40000 512 byte
\(dd\s-2UNIX\s0 traditionally talks in terms of 512 character blocks, and
for consistency
across different versions of
and to avoid mass confusion, user programs in the Virtual Vax version of the
system also talk in terms of 512 blocks, despite the fact that the file
system allocates 1024 byte blocks of disk space.
All user progras such as
.IR ls (1)
.IR du (1)
speak in terms of 512 byte blocks; only system maintenance programs such
.IR mkfs (1),
.IR icheck (1),
.IR dump (1),
.IR df (1),
speak to 1024 byte blocks. It is true that i/o is most efficient in 1024
byte quantities, but it is most natural for the user to think of this
as ``2 blocks at a time.''
In any case, packs remain sectored 512 bytes per sector, and at the lowest
driver levels the system deals with 512 byte disk records.
Making a disk from tape
This description is an annotated version of the `sysgen' manual
page in section 8 of the UNIX Programmer's Manual.
Before you begin to work on the remainder of this manual, be sure you
have an up to date manual, and that you have applied all updates
to the manual which were provided with it, in the correct order.
Perform the following bootstrap procedure to obtain
a disk with a root filesystem on it.
.IP 1.
Mount the magtape on drive 0 at load point, making
sure that the ring is not inserted.
.IP 2.
Mount a disk pack on drive 0.
.IP 3.
Key in at 50000 and execute the following boot program:
You may enter in lower-case, the LSI-11 will echo in upper-case.
The machine's printouts are shown in boldface,
explanatory comments are within ( ).
Terminate each line you type by carriage return or line-feed.
\fB>>>\|\fRD 50000 20009FDE
\fB>>>\|\fRD+ D0512001
\fB>>>\|\fRD+ 3204A101
\fB>>>\|\fRD+ C114C08F
\fB>>>\|\fRD+ A1D40424
\fB>>>\|\fRD+ 008FD00C
\fB>>>\|\fRD+ C1800000
\fB>>>\|\fRD+ 8F320800
\fB>>>\|\fRD+ 10A1FE00
\fB>>>\|\fRD+ 00C139D0
\fB>>>\|\fRD+ 00000004
\fB>>>\|\fRE 50000/NE:A
\&... (machine prints out values, check typing)
\fB>>>\|\fRSTART 50000
The tape should move and the CPU should halt at location 5002A.
If it doesn't, you probably have entered the program
Start over and check your typing.
.IP 4.
Start the CPU with
\fB>>>\|\fRSTART 0
.IP 5.
The console should type
If the disk pack is already formatted, skip to step 6.
Otherwise, format the pack with:
(bring in standalone RP06 formatter)
\fBformat : Format RP06/RM03 Disk\fR
\fBMBA no. : \fR0 (format spindle on mba \# 0)
\fBunit : \fR0 (format unit zero)
(this procedure should take about 20 minutes)
(some diagnostic messages may appear here)
\fBunit : \fR-1 (exit from formatter)
\fB=\fR (back at tape boot level)
.IP 6.
Next, verify the readability of the pack via
(bring in RP06 verifier)
\fBdread : Read RP06/RM03 Disk\fR
\fBdisk unit : \fR0 (specify unit zero)
\fBstart block : \fR0 (start at block zero)
\fBno. blocks :\fR (default is entire pack)
(this procedure should take about 10 minutes)
(some diagnostic messages may appear here)
\fB# Data Check errors : nn\fR (number of soft errors)
\fB# Other errors : xx\fR (number of hard errors)
\fBdisk unit: \fR\-1 (exit from rpread)
\fB=\fR (back to tape boot)
If the number of `Other errors' is not zero, consideration
should be given to obtaining a clean pack before proceeding
.IP 7.
Create the root file system with the following procedure:
(bring in a standalone version of the \fImkfs\fR (1) program)
\fBfile sys size:\fR 7942 (number of 1024 byte blocks in root)
\fBfile system:\fR hp(0,0) (root is on drive zero; first filsys there)
\fBisize = 5072\fR (number of inodes in root filesystem)
\fBm/n = 3 500\fR (interleave parameters)
\fB=\fR (back at tape boot level)
You now have a empty UNIX root filesystem.
To restore the data which you need to boot the system, type
(bring in a standalone \fIrestor\fR\|(1) program)
\fBTape?\fR ht(1,1) (1600 bpi, second tape file)
\fBDisk?\fR hp(0,0) (into root file system)
\fBLast chance before scribbling on disk.\fR (just hit return)
(30 second pause then tape should move)
\fB=\fR (back at tape boot level)
Now, you are ready to boot up
Booting UNIX
Now boot UNIX:
(load bootstrap program)
\fB: \fRhp(0,0)vmunix (bring in \fIvmunix\fR off root system)
The bootstrap should then print out the sizes of the different
parts of the system (text, initialized and uninitialized data) and then
the system should start with a message which looks (like):
61656+61072+70120 start 0x4b4
VM/UNIX (Berkeley Version 2.1) 1/5/80
real mem = \fIxxx\fB
avail mem = \fIyyy\fB
messages give the
amount of real (physical) memory and the
memory available to user programs
in bytes.
For example, if your machine has only 512K bytes of memory, then
xxx will be 524228, i.e. exactly 512K.
The ``ERASE-IS'' message is part of /.profile
which was executed by the root shell when it started. You will
probably want to change /.profile somewhat.
UNIX is now running,
and the `UNIX Programmer's manual' applies;
references below of the form X(Y) mean the subsection named
X in section Y of the manual.
The `#' is the prompt from the Shell,
and indicates you are the super-user.
You should first check the integrity of the root file system by
giving the command
\fB#\fR chk /dev/rrp0a
which abbreviates
icheck /dev/rrp0a
dcheck /dev/rrp0a
The output from
.I chk
should look something like:
icheck /dev/rrp0a
files \0153 (r=111,d=12,b=8,c=22)
used 1065 (i=27,ii=0,iii=0,d=1038)
free 6558
missing \0\0\00
dcheck /dev/rrp0a
entries link cnt
1 0 0
The diagnostic from \fIdcheck\fR is normal, as inode number 1 is reserved for
placement of bad blocks, but currently unimplemented.
The next thing to do is to extract the rest of the data from
the tape.
Comments are enclosed in ( ); don't type these.
The number in the first command is the
size of the filesystem to be created, in 1024 character blocks,
just as given to the standalone version of
.I mkfs
(If you have an RM-03 rather than an RP-06 use ``41040'' rather than
``145673'' in the procedure below.)
\fB#\|\fRdate \fIyymmddhhmm\fR (set date, see \fIdate\fR\|(1))
\fB#\|\fR/etc/mkfs /dev/rrp0g 145673 (create empty user filesystem)
\fBisize = 65488\fR (this is the number of available inodes)
\fBm/n = 3 500\fR (freelist interleave parameters)
(this takes a few minutes)
\fB#\|\fR/etc/mount /dev/rp0g /usr (mount the usr filesystem)
\fB#\|\fRcd /usr (make /usr the current directory)
\fB#\|\fRcp /dev/rmt5 /dev/null (skip first tape file (tp format))
\fB#\|\fRcp /dev/rmt5 /dev/null (skip second tape file (root))
\fB#\|\fRumask 22
\fB#\|\fRtar xbf 20 /dev/rmt1 (extract the usr filesystem)
\fB#\|\fRdd if=/usr/mdec/uboot of=/dev/rrp0a bs=1b count=1
(write boot block so \fIbproc\fR(8) disk boot scheme will work)
\fB#\|\fRcd / (back to root)
\fB#\|\fR/etc/umount /dev/rp0g (unmount /usr)
All of the data on the tape has now been extracted.
The tape will rewind automatically.
You should now check the consistency of the /usr file system by doing
\fB#\fR chk /dev/rrp0g
In order to use the /usr file system, you should now remount it by
\fB#\fR /etc/mount /dev/rp0g /usr
Since all directories created by
.IR tar (1)
will have mode 755 (due to the
.IR umask (1)
above, you should run the commands
\fB#\fR cd /usr/src/cmd/Admin
\fB#\fR export DESTDIR
\fB#\fR ./mk MODES
which will reset the permissions of several directories (such as /tmp)
and also correctly set ownerships and modes of ``set-user-id'' programs
(although they were correct already, this does no harm.)
Making a UNIX boot floppy
The next thing to do is to make a
boot floppy, by placing some files on a clean floppy using
.IR arff (1).
Place a clean floppy in the console, and issue the following commands:
\fB#\fR cd /usr/src/sys/floppy
\fB#\fR arff cr *
This will put a copy of each file in the directory /usr/src/sys/floppy
onto the floppy.
You should now be able to reboot using the procedures in
.IR boot (8).
Try this after saying
\fB#\fR sync
which allows the system to initiate all i/o before you halt the CPU.
It is traditional to say
\fB#\fR sync
\fB#\fR sync
to give the system a little time, and to then reboot.
The boot floppy you created does not have enough files on
it to deadstart the machine with. If your standard console floppy does
not have a multi-segment RT-11 directory structure on it, and if you make
a copy of it using
.IR flcopy (1),
delete unneeded files to make space for the
boot programs, and then add the files with
\fB#\fR cd /usr/src/sys/floppy
\fB#\fR arff r *
you should be able to cold-start the machine from this floppy.
The following set of files is believed to be adequate to cold-start
the machine:
l l l.
boot.exe restar.cmd wcsmon.sys
consol.sys restar.ilv wcssrv.bin
filea.pat vmb.exe
pcs.pat wcs\fInnn\fR.pat
It is also useful to have the console help files on your floppy;
their names end in ``.hlp''.
Taking the system up and down
To bring the system up to a multi-user configuration after a boot
all you have to do is hit control-d on the console. The system
will then perform
a multi-user restart script, and come up on the terminals which are
indicated in /etc/ttys.
.IR init.vm (8)
.IR ttys (5).
To take the system down to a single user state you can use
\fB#\fR kill 1
when you are up multi-user.
This will kill all processes and give you a shell on the console,
as if you had just booted.
If you wish to change the lines which are active you can edit the file
/etc/ttys, changing the first characters of lines, and then do
\fB#\fR kill \-1 1
.IR init.vm(8)
for more information.
Adding devices
The UNIX system running is configured to run
with the given disk
and tape, a console, and 8 DZ11 lines.
This is probably not the correct
You will have to correct the configuration table to reflect
the true state of your machine.
Before you mess with the source for the system it is wise to make
a backup. The following will do this:
\fB#\fR cd /usr/src
\fB#\fR mkdir distsys distsys/h distsys/sys
\fB#\fR cd sys/sys
\fB#\fR cp * /usr/src/distsys/sys
\fB#\fR cd ../h
\fB#\fR cp * /usr/src/distsys/h
This allows you to find out what you have done to the distribution
system by later running the command
.IR diffdir (1),
comparing these directories.
\fBN.B.: Note that the system header files in /usr/src/sys/h are linked
to the files in /usr/include/sys. Since programs which depend on constants
in /usr/include/sys/param.h must correspond to the running system, you
should be careful to not break these links.\fR
There are certain magic numbers and
configuration parameters embedded in various
device drivers that you may have to change.
The device addresses of each device
are defined in each driver.
In case you have any non-standard device
just change the address and recompile.
Also, if the devices's interrupt vector address(es)
are not currently known to the system (this is likely),
then the file /usr/src/sys/sys/univec.c must be modified
appropriately: namely, the proper interrupt routine addresses
must be placed in the table `UNIvec'. Use the DZ11
as an example (as distributed, the DZ11 vectors are
assumed to be at locations c0 and c4 (hexadecimal)).
You will notice that the system, as distributed, has conditional code
in it. The current Berkeley system, on ``Ernie Co-vax'' is made
by defining IDENT in the ``makefile'' to be
This enables the conditional code both for Berkeley and for this
particular machine.
It is traditional to pick a monicker for your machine, and change IDENT
to reflect it, and to then put in changes conditionally whenever
this makes sense.
You can be guided by the ERNIE conditional code.
The system comes with 4 drivers which we are using:
A KL/DL driver
.I kl.c,
a Versatec printer/plotter driver
.I vp.c,
and two copies of a (old and simpleminded) UNIBUS disk driver,
.I rm.c
.I rp.c.
These last two are not in the most aesthetically pleasing of shapes,
but are fully functional.
There is also an RK driver
.I rk.c,
but we are not using it, and it may need a little work.
The disk and tape drivers
for the MASSBUS devices
(hp.c, ht.c)
are set up to run 1 drive and should
be changed if you have more.
Now, make sure you add any new drivers which you have to the list
of DRIVERS here, and to the FILES and CFILES variables so they
will be compiled and included in listings. You can also delete
drivers which you don't need from FILES and CFILES, or change the code
so that nothing will be compiled by using a ``#ifndef''.
.I makefile
has several useful entry points:
.IP clean 15n
Cleans out the directory, removing
.B \&.o
files and the like.
.IP lint 15n
Runs lint on the system; the system was almost lint-free as sent
to you. See
.I linterrs
for the remaining
.I lint
when it was distributed.
.IP depend 15n
Creates a new makefile indicating dependencies on header files by
running a search through
.B \&.c
files looking for ``#include'' lines.
Make sure you format your code like the rest of the system so that
this will work.
.IP print 15n
Produces a nice listing of most everything in the system
directory in a canonical order.
.IP symbols.sort 15n
Creates a new file for sorting symbols in the system namelist.
If you have locally written programs which use the system namelist
you can put the symbols which they reference in
.I symbols.raw
and they will be moved at system generation to the front of the
system namelist for quicker access.
.IP tags 15n
Creates a
.I tags
file for
.I ex,
to make editing of the system much easier.
Before running
.I make,
you should check the definition of the constants in
The constants
can be changed, and also TIMEZONE and perhaps HZ if you run on 50 cycles.\(dg
\(dg If you change NINODE, NFILE, NPROC or NTEXT, then the programs
.IR analyze (1),
.IR ps (1),
.IR pstat (1)
.IR w (1)
will have to be recompiled.
A procedure for doing this is given below.
As distributed, the system is tuned for a fairly large machine.
(There are also tunable constants in the file
but ignore them for the time being.)
To generate a new VM/UNIX do
\fB#\fR make clean
\fB#\fR make depend
\fB#\fR make
and when this works
\fB#\fR make lint
to discover any residual bugs.
The final object file (vmunix) should be
moved to the root, and then booted to try it out.
It is best to name it /newvmunix so as not to destroy
the working system until you're sure it does work.
It is also a good idea to keep the old working version around as
/oldvmunix (and perhaps even a /oldervmunix) to guard against disaster.
\fBBe sure to always have the current system in /vmunix when you are
running multi-user or commands such as \fIps\|\fR(1)\fB
\fBand\fR \fIw\|\fR(1)\fB will not work.\fR
Special Files
Next you must put in special files for the new devices in
the directory /dev using
.IR mknod (1).
Print the configuration file
This is the major
device switch of each device class (block and character).
There is one line for each device configured in your system
and a null line for place holding for those devices
not configured.
The essential block special files were installed above;
for any new devices,
the major device number is selected by counting the
line number (from zero)
of the device's entry in the block configuration table.
Thus the first entry in the table bdevsw would be
major device zero.
This number is also printed in the table along the right margin.
The minor device is the drive number,
unit number or partition as described
under each device in section 4.
For tapes where the unit is dial selectable,
a special file may be made for each possible
You can also add entries for other disk drives.
In reality, device names are arbitrary.
It is usually
convenient to have a system for deriving names, but it doesn't
have to be the one presented above.
Some further notes on minor device numbers.
The hp driver uses the 0100 bit of the minor device number to
indicate whether or not to interleave a filesystem across
more than one physical device.
.IR hp (4)
for more detail.
The ht driver uses the 04 bit to indicate whether
or not to rewind the tape when it is closed. The
010 bit indicates the density of the tape on TE16 drives.
Again, see
.IR ht (4).
The naming of character devices is similar to block devices.
Here the names are even more arbitrary except that
devices meant to be used
for teletype access should (to avoid confusion, no other reason) be named
/dev/ttyX, where X is some string (as in `0' or `d0').
While it is possible to use truly arbitrary strings here, the accounting
and noticeably the
.IR ps (1)
command make good use of the fact that tty names
(at Berkeley) are distinct in the first 2 characters. In fact, we use
the following convention:
``ttyN'', with N a number for normal DZ ports. ``ttydX'' with X a single
character (starting from 0) for dialups, ``ttykX'' with X a single letter
for KL ports, and ``console'' (abbrev ``co'') for the console.
This works out well.
The files console, tty0-tty7, mem, kmem, kUmem, floppy and null are
already correctly configured, as are special files for the default
paging are
/dev/drum, and the raw and block versions of the root and /usr file
The disk and magtape drivers provide a `raw' interface
to the device which provides direct transmission
between the user's core and the device and allows
reading or writing large records.
The raw device counts as a character device,
and conventionally has the name of the corresponding
standard block special file with `r' prepended.
Thus the raw magtape
files are called /dev/rmtX.
Whenever special files are created,
care should be taken to change
the access modes
.IR (chmod (1))
on these files to appropriate values.
Basics of Disk Layout
there are to be more filesystems mounted than just the root
and /usr,
.IR mkfs (1)
to create any new filesystem and
put its mounting in the file /etc/rc (see
.IR init (8)
.IR mount (1)).
(You might look at /etc/rc anyway to
see what has been provided for you.)
There are several considerations in deciding how to adjust the arrangement
of things on your disks:
the most important is making sure there is adequate space
for what is required;
secondarily, throughput should be maximized.
Paging space is an important parameter.
The system
as distributed has 33440 (512 byte) blocks in which to page.
This should be large enough for most sites.
You can change this if local wisdom indicates this is not good.
Many common system programs (C, the editor, the assembler etc.)
create intermediate files in the /tmp directory,
so the filesystem where this is stored also should be made
large enough to accommodate
most high-water marks.
The root filesystem as distributed is quite large, and there should be
no problem.
All the programs that create files in /tmp take
care to delete them, but most are not immune to
events like being hung up upon, and can leave dregs.
The directory should be examined every so often and the old
files deleted.
Exhaustion of user-file space is certain to occur
now and then;
the only mechanisms for controlling this phenomenon
are occasional use of
.IR du (1),
.IR df (1),
.IR quot (1),
messages of the day, and personal letters.
The efficiency with which UNIX is able to use the CPU
is largely dictated by the configuration of disk controllers.
For general time-sharing applications,
the best strategy is to try to split the root filesystem and system binaries
(/usr), the temporary files and paging activity (/tmp and /dev/drum),
and the user files among three disk arms.
We will discuss such considerations more below.
Once you have decided how to make best use
of your hardware, the question is how to initialize it.
If you have the equipment,
the best way to move a filesystem
is to dump it
.IR (dump (1))
to magtape,
.IR mkfs (1)
to create the new filesystem,
and restore (\fIrestor\fR\|(1)) the tape.
If for some reason you don't want to use magtape,
dump accepts an argument telling where to put the dump;
you might use another disk.
Sometimes a filesystem has to be increased in logical size
without copying.
The super-block of the device has a word
giving the highest address which can be allocated.
For relatively small increases, this word can be patched
using the debugger (\fIadb\fR\|(1))
and the free list reconstructed using
.IR icheck (1).
The size should not be increased very greatly
by this technique, however,
since although the allocatable space will increase
the maximum number of files will not (that is, the i-list
size can't be changed).
Read and understand the description given in
.IR filesys (5)
before playing around in this way.
If you have to merge a filesystem into another, existing one,
the best bet is to
.IR tar (1).
If you must shrink a filesystem, the best bet is to dump
the original and restor it onto the new filesystem.
However, this will not work if the i-list on the smaller filesystem
is smaller than the maximum allocated inode on the larger.
If this is the case, reconstruct the filesystem from scratch
on another filesystem (perhaps using \fItar\fR(1)) and then dump it.
If you
are playing with the root filesystem and only have one drive
the procedure is more complicated.
What you do is the following:
.IP 1.
.IP 2.
Dump the root filesystem to tape using
.IR dump (1).
.IP 3.
Bring the system down and mount the new pack.
.IP 4.
Load the standalone versions of
.IR mkfs (1)
.IR restor (1)
from the floppy
with a procedure like:
\fB>>>\fRST 2
\&... etc
.IP 5.
Boot normally
using the newly created disk filesystem.
Note that if you change the disk partition tables or add new disk
drivers they should also be added to the standalone system in
System Identification
You should edit the files:
to correspond to your system, and then recompile and install
.IR getty.vm (8)
\fB#\fR cd /usr/src/cmd
\fB#\fR export DESTDIR
\fB#\fR Admin/mk getty.vm.c
This will arrange for an appropriate banner to be printed on terminals
before users log in.
Adding New Users
.IR adduser (8);
local needs will undoubtedly dictate a somewhat
different procedure.
Multiple Users
If UNIX is to support simultaneous
access from more than just the console terminal,
the file /etc/ttys (\fIttys\fR\|(5)) has to be edited.
To add a new terminal be sure the device is configured
and the special file exists, then set
the first character of the appropriate line of /etc/ttys to 1
(or add a new line).
You should also edit the file
placing the type of the new terminal there (see \fIttytype\fR\|(5)).
The file
/etc/ttywhere is also a useful one to keep up to date.
Note that /usr/src/cmd/init.vm.c will have to be recompiled if there are to be
more than 100 terminals.
Also note that if the special file is inaccessible when \fIinit.vm\fR tries to create a process
for it, the system will thrash trying and retrying to open it.
File System Health
Periodically (say every day or so) and always after a crash,
you should check all the filesystems for consistency
(\fIicheck, dcheck\fR\|(1)).
It is quite important to execute
.IR sync (8)
before rebooting or taking the machine down.
This is done automatically every 30 seconds by the
.IR update (8)
program when a multiple-user system is running,
but you should do it anyway to make sure.
Dumping of the filesystem should be done regularly,
since once the system is going it is very easy to
become complacent.
Complete and incremental dumps are easily done with
.IR dump (1).
See the scripts
which we use to dump our file systems.
You should arrange to do a towers-of-hanoi dump sequence; we tune
ours so that almost all files are dumped on two tapes and kept for at
least a week in most every case. We take full dumps every month (and keep
these indefinitely).
Note that
maintain the file /etc/lastdumpdone.
This can be printed out at login by people who can easily then
start dumps if one is needed.\(dg
\(dg More precisely, we have three sets of dump tapes: 10 daily tapes,
5 weekly sets of 2 tapes, and fresh sets of three tapes monthly.
We do daily dumps circularly on the daily tapes with sequence
`3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8 9 9 9 ...'.
Each weekly is a level 1 and the daily dump sequence level
restarts after each weekly dump.
Full dumps are level 0 and the daily sequence restarts after each full dump
Thus a typical dump sequence would be:
c c c c c
n n n l l.
tape name level number date opr size
FULL 0 Nov 24, 1979 jkf 137K
D1 3 Nov 28, 1979 jkf 29K
D2 2 Nov 29, 1979 rrh 34K
D3 5 Nov 30, 1979 rrh 19K
D4 4 Dec 1, 1979 rrh 22K
W1 1 Dec 2, 1979 etc 40K
D5 3 Dec 4, 1979 rrh 15K
D6 2 Dec 5, 1979 jkf 25K
D7 5 Dec 6, 1979 jkf 15K
D8 4 Dec 7, 1979 rrh 19K
W2 1 Dec 9, 1979 etc 118K
D9 3 Dec 11, 1979 rrh 15K
D10 2 Dec 12, 1979 rrh 26K
D1 5 Dec 15, 1979 rrh 14K
W3 1 Dec 17, 1979 etc 71K
D2 3 Dec 18, 1979 etc 13K
FULL 0 Dec 22, 1979 etc 135K
We do weekly's often enough that daily's always fit on one tape and
in fact never get to the sequence of 9's in the daily level numbers.
Dumping of files by name is best done by
.IR tar (1)
but the number of files is somewhat limited.
Finally if there are enough drives entire
disks can be copied with
.IR dd (1)
using the raw special files and an appropriate
block size.
Converting 32/V Filesystems
The best way to convert filesystems from 32/V
to the new format
is to use
.IR tar (1).
After converting, you can still restore files from your old-format dump
tapes (yes the dump format is different, sorry about that), by using
``512restor'' instead of ``restor''.
If you wish, you can move whole file systems from 32/V to the new system
by using ``dump'' and then ``512restor''.
Regenerating the system
It is quite easy to regenerate the system, and it is a good
idea to try this once right away to build confidence.
The system consists of three major parts:
the kernel itself (/usr/src/sys/sys), the user programs
(/usr/src/cmd and subdirectories), and the libraries
The major part of this is /usr/src/cmd.
We have already seen how to recompile the system itself.
The three major libraries are the C library in /usr/src/libc
and the \s-2FORTRAN\s0 libraries /usr/src/libI77 and /usr/src/libF77. In each
case the library is remade by changing into the corresponding directory
and doing
\fB#\fR make
and then installed by
\fB#\fR make install
Similar to the system,
\fB#\fR make clean
cleans up.
The source for all other libraries is kept in subdirectories of
/usr/src/lib; each has a makefile and can be recompiled by the above
Recompiling all user programs is accomplished by using
a directory in /usr/src/cmd, called Admin, which contains
two files: mk and destinations.
The file mk is a shell script for recompiling files in /usr/src/cmd.
For instance, to recompile ``date.c'',
all one has to do is
\fB#\fR cd /usr/src/cmd
\fB#\fR Admin/mk date.c
this will place a stripped version of the binary of ``date''
in /usr/dist3/bin/date, since date normally resides in /bin, and
Admin is building a file-system like tree rooted at /usr/dist3.
You will have to make the directory dist3 for this to work.
It is possible to use any directory for the destination, it isn't necessary
to use the default /usr/dist3.
You can set the default by doing:
\fB#\fR DESTDIR=\fIpathname\fR
\fB#\fR export DESTDIR
To regenerate all the system source you can do
\fB#\fR DESTDIR=/usr/newsys
\fB#\fR export DESTDIR
\fB#\fR cd /usr
\fB#\fR rm -r newsys
\fB#\fR mkdir newsys
\fB#\fR cd /usr/src/cmd
\fB#\fR Admin/mk * > Admin/errs 2>& 1 &
This will take about 4 hours on a reasonably configured machine.
When it finished you can move the hierarchy into the normal places
.IR mv (1)
.IR cp (1),
and then execute
\fB#\fR export DESTDIR
\fB#\fR cd /usr/src/cmd/Admin
\fB#\fR mk ALIASES
\fB#\fR mk MODES
to link files together as necessary and to set all the right set-user-id
Making orderly changes
In order to keep track of changes to system source we migrate changed
versions of commands in /usr/src/cmd in through the directory /usr/src/new
and out of /usr/src/cmd into /usr/src/old for a time before removing them.
Locally written commands which aren't distributed are kept in /usr/src/local
and their binaries are kept in /usr/local. This allows /usr/bin /usr/ucb
and /bin to correspond to the distribution tape (and to the manuals that
people can buy). People wishing to use /usr/local commands are made
aware that they aren't in the base manual. As manual updates incorporate
these commands they are moved to /usr/ucb.
A directory /usr/junk to throw garbage into, as well as binary directories
/usr/old and /usr/new are very useful. The man command supports manual
directories such as /usr/man/manj for junk and /usr/man/manl for local
to make this or something similar practical.
Interpreting system activity
.I vmstat
program provided with the system is designed to be an aid to monitoring
systemwide activity. Together with the
.IR ps (1)
command (as in ``ps av''), it can be used to investigate systemwide
virtual activity.
You should modify
.IR vmstat (1m)
so that it prints out disk statistics for the disks
you have, changing the headers to something appropriate for your
Examine the definitions of DK_UNIT in the disk drivers supplied to see
how the code in \fIvmstat\fR and \fIiostat\fR and the system correspond.
By running
.I vmstat
when the system is active you can judge the system activity in several
dimensions: job distribution, virtual memory load, paging and swapping
activity, disk and cpu utilization.
Ideally, most jobs should be either running (RQ) or sleeping (SL),
there should be little paging or swapping activity, there should
be available bandwidth on the disk devices (most single arms peak
out at about 30-35 tps in practice), and the user cpu utilization (US) should
be high (about 60%).
If the system is busy, then the number of active jobs may be large,
and several of these jobs may often be in disk wait (DW). If the virtual
memory is very active, then the paging demon may be running (SR will
be non-zero). It is healthy for the paging demon to free pages when
the virtual memory gets active; it is triggered by the amount of free
memory dropping below a threshold and increases its pace as free memory
goes to zero.
If you run
.I vmstat
when the system is busy (a ``vmstat 5'' is best, since that is how
often most of the numbers are recomputed by the system), you can find
imbalances by noting abnormal job distributions. If a large number
of jobs are in disk wait (DW) or page wait (PW), then the disk subsystem
is overloaded or imbalanced. If you have a large number of non-dma
devices or open teletype lines which are ``ringing'', or user programs
which are doing high-speed non-buffered input/output, then the system
time may go very high (60-70% or higher).
If the system is very heavily loaded, or if you have very little memory
relative to your load (512K is little in most any case), then the system
may be forced to swap. This is likely to be accompanied by a noticeable
reduction in system performance as the system does not swap ``working
sets'', but rather forces jobs to reinitialize their resident sets
by demand paging. If you expect to be in a memory-poor environment
for an extended period you might consider administratively limiting system
Tunable constants
There is a modicum of tuning available in the paging replacement algorithm
if it appears to be badly tuned for your configuration.
The page replacement (clock) algorithm is run whenever there are
not LOTSFREE pages available
(this and all other constants discussed here are defined in the system
header file /usr/src/sys/h/vm.h).
This sets up resistance to consumption of the remaining free memory
at a minimal rate SLOWSCAN, which gives the desired number of seconds
between successive examinations of each page. The rate at which the clock
algorithm is run increases linearly to a desired rate of FASTSCAN when
there is no free memory. Thus as the available free memory decreases,
the clock algorithm works harder to hold on to what is left.
If less than DESFREE pages are available and the paging rate is high,
then the system will begin to swap processes out. If less than MINFREE
pages are available then the system will begin to swap, regardless of the
paging rate.
When it has to swap, the system first tries to find a process which has
been blocked for a long time and swap it out first. If there are no
jobs of this flavor, then it will choose among the remaining jobs in
a strictly round-robin fashion, based on core residency time. It attempts
to guarantee (during periods of very heavy load) enough core residency to
a process to allow it to at least rebuild its set of active pages (since
it must do so by demand paging). Processes which are swapped out
with large numbers of active pages similarly receive lower priority for
swapin, favoring small jobs to return to the core resident set quickly.
It is
.I very
desirable that the system run under reasonably heavy load with little
swapping, with the memory partitioning being done by the clock replacement
algorithm, rather than by the swapping algorithm. The costs associated
with paging activity are the time spent in the paging demon, the overhead
associated with reclaim page faults (RE), and the extra disk activity
associated with pagins and pageouts.
We will discuss disk considerations later; when kept to about 40 reclaim
faults per second, the cost of reclaims is less than 1% of total processor
time. The cpu time (shown by ``ps l2'') accumulated by the pageout demon
will show how much overhead it is generating.
The system, as distributed, runs the replacement algorithm whenever less
than 1/8 of the total user memory is free.
This is done starting with a 30 second revolution time of the clock
algorithm and increasing to a 20 second revolution time when there is no
free memory.
The goal here is to use as much memory as possible (i.e. have the
free list short) but to not have the system run out and start to swap.
You can experiment with changing the writable copies of these variables
(e.g. ``lotsfree'' is the writable copy of LOTSFREE) using
.I adb,
as in:
\fB#\fR adb \-w /vmunix /dev/kmem
/m 0 #ffffffff
---adb prints value of lotsfree---
/W 0t100
Here the ``/W 0t100'' command changed the value of
.I lotsfree
to be 100 (decimal).
Balancing disk load
It is critical for good performance to balance disk load.
There are at least five components of the disk load which you can
divide between the available disks:
1. The root file system.
2. The /tmp file system.
3. The /usr file system.
4. The user files.
5. The paging activity.
In our system we currently have 1.75M bytes of memory and 2 disks:
an RP06 and an AMPEX 9300. We run with the root, /tmp, and paging activity
on the RP-06, while the
file system and user files are on the 9300.
This gives a fairly even split of file activity in our environment.
A split such as this is a good initial guess if you have two arms.
If you are fortunate to have three arms, you can try splitting the
files up various ways. The most important things to remember are to
even out the disk load as much as possible, and to do this by
decoupling file systems (on separate arms) between which heavy copying occurs.
Note that a long term average balanced load is not important... it is
much more important to have instantaneously balanced
load when the system is busy.
Intelligent experimentation with a few file system arrangements can
pay off in much improved performance. It is particularly easy to
move the root, the
file system and the paging area. Place the
user files and the
directory as space needs dictate and experiment
with the other, more easily moved file systems.
Finally, when you have your configuration worked out, you should set
the constant MAXPGIO based on the maximum number of transfers you can
expect from your paging device. The system assumes that if more transfers
than this occur, then the system is overloaded, and unless there is
a reasonable amount of free memory, it then begins to swap. The swap scheduler
also consider jobs small if their size when they were swapped out was less
than twice this constant. Such small jobs have a better chance of getting
swapped back in when the core situation is tight, since they can be
expected to be able to run in a small number of page frames.
Process size limitations
As distributed, the system provides for a maximum of 64M bytes of
resident user virtual address space. The size of the text, and data
segments of a single process are currently limited to 4M bytes each, and
the stack segment size is limited to 512K bytes. These
can be increased by changing the constants MAXTSIZ, MAXDSIZ and MAXSSIZ
in the file
You must be careful in doing this that you have adequate paging space.
As configured above, the system has only 16M bytes of paging area.\(dg
\(dg Recovery from running out of paging area is currently
not handled gracefully: the system panics.
To increase the amount of resident virtual space possible,
you can alter the constant USRPTSIZE (in
and by correspondingly change the definitions of
.I Usrptmap
.I Syssize
The 4M byte limitation on individual segment size is enforced by
the constants MAXTSIZ, MAXDSIZ and MAXSSIZ for the text, data and stack
segments respectively. These can be increased, given the availability of
adequate amounts of swap space, up to 16M bytes.
In order to increase the size of the stack or data
segments beyond 16M, you will have to increase the amount of space which can be
mapped by the corresponding disk map. To increase, for instance, the
maximum segment size to 32M bytes it would be adequate to double both
the initial and maximum sizes for the diskmap. Thus defining (in
#define DMMIN 32
#define DMMAX 8192
(i.e. a minimum segment size of 16K bytes and a maximum size of 4M bytes)
would allow the 16 diskmap slots to map 32M bytes.
Other limitations
Due to the fact that the file system block numbers are stored in
page table
.B pg_blkno
entries, the maximum size of a file system is limited to
2^20 1024 byte blocks. Thus no file system can be larger than 1024M bytes.
The number of system buffers is limited to be less than 64
because of the way that the MASSBUS adaptor map registers are initialized.
The construct ``(128<<9)'' appears in the
code, silently enforcing this restriction.
Scaling down
If you have less than 1M byte of memory you may wish to scale the
paging system down, by reducing some fixed table sizes not directly
related to the paging system.
For instance, we have raised NBUF from 32 to 48, NCLIST from 150 to 500,
(also increasing the basic clist block size CBSIZE from 12 to 28)
and NPROC, NINODE and NFILE for a fairly large system from the way
they were distributed for \s-2UNIX/32V\s0.
We also increased TTLOWAT (from 50 to 125) and TTHIWAT (from 150 to 650.)
If you
pull NCLIST down, you should adjust these also.
You can use
.IR pstat (1m)
to find out how much of these structures are typically in use.
Although the document is pretty much obsolete for the \s-2VAX\s0,
you can see the last few pages of ``Regenerating System Software''
in Volume 2B of the programmers manual for hints on setting some of these
Odds and Ends
The programs
icheck, quot, dcheck, ncheck, and df
(source in /usr/source/cmd)
should be changed to
reflect your default mounted filesystem devices.
Print the first few lines of these
programs and the changes will be obvious.
You will probably want to amend some of /usr/lib/crontab, and will
certainly want to add to /usr/lib/Mail.rc.
You should periodically examine the file /usr/adm/messages, which acts
as a system error log (see dmesg(1m)).
In particular, memory controller errors are checked for every 10 minutes
and a diagnostic is produced (printing memory controller register C)
if there were any errors.
.in +4i
.sp 3
Good Luck
.sp 1
William N. Joy
Ozalp Babaoglu