BSD 4_4 release
[unix-history] / usr / share / man / cat1 / ksrvtgt.0
KSRVTGT(1) BSD Reference Manual KSRVTGT(1)
ksrvtgt - fetch and store Kerberos ticket-granting-ticket
using a service key
k\bks\bsr\brv\bvt\btg\bgt\bt name instance [[realm] srvtab]
_\bk_\bs_\br_\bv_\bt_\bg_\bt retrieves a ticket-granting ticket with a lifetime
of five (5) minutes for the principal _\bn_\ba_\bm_\be_\b._\bi_\bn_\bs_\bt_\ba_\bn_\bc_\be_\b@_\br_\be_\ba_\bl_\bm
(or _\bn_\ba_\bm_\be_\b._\bi_\bn_\bs_\bt_\ba_\bn_\bc_\be_\b@_\bl_\bo_\bc_\ba_\bl_\br_\be_\ba_\bl_\bm if _\br_\be_\ba_\bl_\bm is not supplied on
the command line), decrypts the response using the service
key found in _\bs_\br_\bv_\bt_\ba_\bb (or in /\b/e\bet\btc\bc/\b/k\bke\ber\brb\bbe\ber\bro\bos\bsI\bIV\bV/\b/s\bsr\brv\bvt\bta\bab\bb if
_\bs_\br_\bv_\bt_\ba_\bb is not specified on the command line), and stores
the ticket in the standard ticket cache.
This command is intended primarily for use in shell
scripts and other batch-type facilities.
"Generic kerberos failure (kfailure)" can indicate a whole
range of problems, the most common of which is the inabil-
ity to read the service key file.
to get the name of the local realm.
/tmp/tkt[uid] The default ticket file.
The default service key file.
S\bSE\bEE\bE A\bAL\bLS\bSO\bO
kerberos(1), kinit(1), kdestroy(1)
MIT Project Athena Kerberos Version 4.0 1