BSD 4_4 release
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / mh-6.8 / sbr / m_getdefs.c
/* m_getdefs.c - read the user's MH environment */
#ifndef lint
static char ident[] = "@(#)$Id: m_getdefs.c,v 1.6 1992/12/15 00:20:22 jromine Exp $";
#endif /* lint */
#include "../h/mh.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <pwd.h>
extern int errno;
#ifndef __STDC__
#ifdef SYS5
struct passwd *getpwuid ();
#endif /* !__STDC__ */
#ifndef OVERHEAD
#define FOpen(f,m,e,c) fopen (f, m)
#define FClose(f) fclose (f)
#else /* OVERHEAD */
FILE *FOpen ();
int FClose ();
off_t lseek ();
#endif /* OVERHEAD */
void m_getdefs() {
int pid;
register char *cp,
#if defined (notdef) || defined (COMPAT)
register char *ctx;
#endif /* notdef or COMPAT */
char buf[BUFSIZ];
struct stat st;
register struct passwd *pw;
register FILE *ib;
if (defpath)
if (mypath == NULL) {
if (mypath = getenv ("HOME"))
mypath = getcpy (mypath);
if ((pw = getpwuid (getuid ())) == NULL
|| pw -> pw_dir == NULL
|| *pw -> pw_dir == 0)
adios (NULLCP, "no HOME envariable");
mypath = getcpy (pw -> pw_dir);
if ((cp = mypath + strlen (mypath) - 1) > mypath && *cp == '/')
*cp = 0;
if ((cp = getenv ("MH")) && *cp) {
defpath = path (cp, TFILE);
if ((ib = FOpen (defpath, "r", "MHFD", 0)) == NULL)
adios (defpath, "unable to read");
if (*cp != '/')
(void) m_putenv ("MH", defpath);
else {
defpath = concat (mypath, "/", mh_profile, NULLCP);
if ((ib = FOpen (defpath, "r", "MHFD", 0)) == NULL)
switch (pid = vfork ()) {
case NOTOK:
adios ("fork", "unable to");
case OK:
(void) setgid (getgid ());
(void) setuid (getuid ());
execlp (installproc, "install-mh", "-auto", NULLCP);
fprintf (stderr, "unable to exec ");
perror (installproc);
_exit (-1);
if (pidwait (pid, OK)
|| (ib = fopen (defpath, "r")) == NULL)
adios (NULLCP, "[install-mh aborted]");
#if defined (notdef) || defined (COMPAT)
ctx = context;
#endif /* notdef or COMPAT */
m_readefs (&m_defs, ib, mh_profile, 0);
(void) FClose (ib);
if ((pp = m_find ("path")) != NULL && *pp) {
if (*pp != '/')
(void) sprintf (buf, "%s/%s", mypath, pp);
(void) strcpy (buf, pp);
if (stat(buf, &st) == NOTOK) {
if (errno != ENOENT)
adios (buf, "error opening");
cp = concat ("Your MH-directory \"", buf,
"\" doesn't exist; Create it? ", NULLCP);
if (!getanswer(cp))
adios (NULLCP, "unable to access MH-directory \"%s\"", buf);
free (cp);
if (!makedir (buf))
adios (NULLCP, "unable to create", buf);
#ifdef COMPAT
if (strcmp (ctx, "/dev/null") == 0)
return; /* called by install-mh */
if (access (ctxpath = getcpy (m_maildir (ctx)), 0) == NOTOK)
switch (pid = fork ()) {
case NOTOK:
adios ("fork", "unable to");
case OK:
(void) setgid (getgid ());
(void) setuid (getuid ());
fprintf (stderr, "install-mh -compat\n");
execlp (installproc, "install-mh", "-compat", NULLCP);
fprintf (stderr, "unable to exec ");
perror (installproc);
_exit (-1);
if (pidwait (pid, OK) || access (ctxpath, 0) == NOTOK)
adios (NULLCP, "[install-mh aborted]");
if ((ib = fopen (defpath, "r")) == NULL)
adios (defpath, "unable to read");
m_readefs (&m_defs, ib, mh_profile, 0);
(void) FClose (ib);
free (ctxpath);
#endif /* COMPAT */
if ((cp = getenv ("MHCONTEXT")) == NULL || *cp == 0)
cp = context;
if ((ib = FOpen (ctxpath = getcpy (m_maildir (cp)), "r", "MHCONTEXTFD", 1))
== NULL) {
#ifdef notdef /* XXX */
if (cp != ctx)
adios (ctxpath, "unable to read");
#endif /* notdef */
else {
m_readefs ((struct node **) 0, ib, cp, 1);
(void) FClose (ib);
/* \f */
int fd_def = NOTOK;
int fd_ctx = NOTOK;
static FILE *FOpen (filename, mode, envariable, ctx)
register char *filename,
register int ctx;
register int fd;
register char *cp;
char buffer[10];
struct stat st1;
register FILE * fp;
if ((cp = getenv (envariable)) == NULL || *cp == 0)
goto not_open;
if ((fd = atoi (cp)) <= fileno (stderr)) {
advise (NULLCP, "bad value for $%s: %s", envariable, cp);
(void) unputenv (envariable);
return fopen (filename, mode);
if (ctx)
fd_ctx = fd;
fd_def = fd;
if (fstat (fd, &st1) == NOTOK) {
not_open: ;
if ((fp = fopen (filename, mode))
&& !strcmp (mode, "r")
&& fileno (fp) > fileno (stderr)) {
(void) sprintf (buffer, "%d", fileno (fp));
if (!m_putenv (envariable, buffer))
if (ctx)
fd_ctx = fileno (fp);
fd_def = fileno (fp);
if ((cp = getenv ("MHFDEBUG")) && *cp)
fprintf (stderr, "FOpen of %s sets %d\n", filename, fileno (fp));
return fp;
(void) lseek (fd, (off_t)0, 0);
return fdopen (fd, mode);
static int FClose (f)
register FILE *f;
register int d1,
register char *cp;
if (f == NULL)
return OK;
if ((d1 = fileno (f)) != fd_def && d1 != fd_ctx)
return fclose (f);
d2 = dup (d1);
i = fclose (f);
if (d2 != NOTOK) {
(void) dup2 (d2, d1);
(void) close (d2);
if (d1 == fd_def)
fd_def = NOTOK;
fd_ctx = NOTOK;
if ((cp = getenv ("MHFDEBUG")) && *cp)
fprintf (stderr, "FClose emulating close of %d (%d)\n", d1, d2);
return i;
#endif /* OVERHEAD */