add USL's copyright notice
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / vax / uba / qdioctl.h
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986
* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
* (c) UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
* All or some portions of this file are derived from material licensed
* to the University of California by American Telephone and Telegraph
* Co. or Unix System Laboratories, Inc. and are reproduced herein with
* the permission of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
* @(#)qdioctl.h 7.2 (Berkeley) %G%
* derived from: qdioctl.h 1.1 (ULTRIX) 8/22/85
* QDSS IOCTL definitions
* *
* Copyright (c) 1985 by *
* Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This software is furnished under a license and may be used and *
* copied only in accordance with the terms of such license and *
* with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This *
* software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or *
* otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and *
* ownership of the software is hereby transferred. *
* *
* This software is derived from software received from the *
* University of California, Berkeley, and from Bell *
* Laboratories. Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to *
* restrictions under license agreements with University of *
* California and with AT&T. *
* *
* The information in this software is subject to change without *
* notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital *
* Equipment Corporation. *
* *
* Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability *
* of its software on equipment which is not supplied by Digital. *
* *
* revision history: (belongs in sccs)
* 22 oct 85 longo fixed QD_PRGTABRES cmd number to be 22 instead of 12
* 14 oct 85 longo added QD_KERN_LOOP and QD_KERN_UNLOOP
* 02 oct 85 longo added QD_MAPCOLOR and QD_UNMAPCOLOR
* 17 sep 85 longo made QD_MAPIOBUF a read/write command type
#ifdef KERNEL
#include "sys/ioctl.h"
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#define QD_GETEVENT _IOR('g', 1, struct _vs_event) /* get oldest event */
#define QD_WTCURSOR _IOW('g', 2, short[32]) /* write cursor bitmap */
#define QD_RDCURSOR _IOR('g', 3, 64) /* read cursor bitmap */
#define QD_CLRSCRN _IO('g', 4) /* clear the screen */
#define QD_RDCONFIG _IOR('g', 5, short) /* read QDSS configuration */
#define QD_PRGMOUSE _IOW('g', 6, char) /* program mouse */
#define QD_PRGTABLET _IOW('g', 7, char) /* program tablet */
#define QD_PRGKBD _IOW('g', 8, struct prgkbd) /* program LK201 kbd */
#define QD_MAPDEVICE _IOR('g', 9, struct qdmap) /* map device to user */
#define QD_MAPIOBUF _IOWR('g', 10, caddr_t) /* map DMA iobuf to user */
#define QD_MAPEVENT _IOR('g', 11, caddr_t) /* map event queue to user */
#define QD_PRGCURSOR _IOW('g', 12, struct prg_cursor) /* program cursor */
#define QD_RESET _IO('g', 13) /* set device & driver defaults */
#define QD_POSCURSOR _IOW('g', 14, struct _vs_cursor) /* position cursor */
#define QD_SET _IO('g', 15) /* set DUART & driver defaults */
#define QD_MAPSCROLL _IOR('g', 16, caddr_t) /* map scroll param area */
#define QD_UNMAPSCROLL _IO('g', 17) /* unmap scroll param area */
#define QD_MAPCOLOR _IOR('g', 18, caddr_t) /* map color map write buf */
#define QD_UNMAPCOLOR _IO('g', 19) /* unmap color map write buf */
#define QD_KERN_LOOP _IO('g', 20) /* detour kernel console output */
#define QD_KERN_UNLOOP _IO('g', 21) /* un-detour kernel console output */
#define QD_PRGTABRES _IOW('g', 22, short) /* program tablet resolution */