macros for different classes of network
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-3 / usr / src / cmd / as / as.h
/* Copyright (c) 1979 Regents of the University of California */
#define readonly
#define NINST 300
#define NSYM 4000
#define NHASH (NSYM+1)
#define NLOC 4 /* number of location ctrs */
#define NCPS 8 /* number of characters per symbol, fixed */
* Symbol types
#define XUNDEF 0x0
#define XABS 0x2
#define XTEXT 0x4
#define XDATA 0x6
#define XBSS 0x8
#define XDATAO 0xA
#define XBSSO 0xC
#define XTEXTO 0xE
#define XABSO 0x10
#define XUNDEFO 0x12
#define XTXRN 0xA /* external symbol */
#define XXTRN 0x1
#define XTYPE 0x1E
#define XFORW 0x20 /* Was forward-referenced when undefined */
#define ERR (-1)
#define NBPW 32 /* Bits per word */
#define AMASK 017
* Actual argument syntax types
#define AREG 1 /* %r */
#define ABASE 2 /* (%r) */
#define ADECR 3 /* -(%r) */
#define AINCR 4 /* (%r)+ */
#define ADISP 5 /* expr(%r) */
#define AEXP 6 /* expr */
#define AIMM 7 /* $ expr */
#define ASTAR 8 /* * */
#define AINDX 16 /* [%r] */
* Argument access types used to test validity of operands to operators
#define ACCA (8<<3) /* address only */
#define ACCR (1<<3) /* read */
#define ACCW (2<<3) /* write */
#define ACCM (3<<3) /* modify */
#define ACCB (4<<3) /* branch displacement */
#define ACCI (5<<3) /* XFC code */
* Argument data types
#define TYPB 0 /* byte */
#define TYPW 1 /* word */
#define TYPL 2 /* long */
#define TYPQ 3 /* quad */
#define TYPF 4 /* floating */
#define TYPD 5 /* double floating */
#define TYPMASK 7
/* reference types for loader */
#define PCREL 1
#define LEN1 2
#define LEN2 4
#define LEN4 6
#define LEN8 8
#define TMPC 7 /* offset into the string /tmp/aaaXXX for creating tmp file names*/
#define HW 01
#define FW 03
#define DW 07
#include <pagsiz.h>
#define round(x,y) (((x)+(y)) & ~(y))
#define STABTYPS 0340
#define STABFLAG 0200
* Follows are the definitions for the symbol table tags, which are
* all unsigned characters..
* High value tags are generated by the asembler for internal
* use.
* Low valued tags are the parser coded tokens the scanner returns.
* There are several pertinant bounds in this ordering:
* a) Symbols greater than JXQUESTIONABLE
* are used by the jxxx bumper, indicating that
* the symbol table entry is a jxxx entry
* that has yet to be bumped.
* b) Symbols greater than IGNOREBOUND are not
* bequeathed to the loader; they are truly
* for assembler internal use only.
* c) Symbols greater than OKTOBUMP represent
* indices into the program text that should
* be changed in preceeding jumps or aligns
* must get turned into their long form.
#define TAGMASK 0xFF
# define JXACTIVE 0xFF /*jxxx instruction size unknown*/
# define JXNOTYET 0xFE /*jxxx instruction size known, but not yet expanded*/
# define JXALIGN 0xFD /*align jxxx entry*/
# define JXINACTIVE 0xFC /*jxxx instruction size known and expanded*/
# define JXTUNNEL 0xFA /*jxxx instruction that jumps to another*/
# define OBSOLETE 0xF9 /*erroneously entered symbol*/
#define IGNOREBOUND 0xF8 /*symbols greater than this are ignored*/
# define STABFLOATING 0xF7
# define LABELID 0xF6
#define OKTOBUMP 0xF5
# define STABFIXED 0xF4
* astoks.h contains reserved word codings the parser should
* know about
#include "astoks.h"
* The structure for one symbol table entry.
* Symbol table entries are used for both user defined symbols,
* and symbol slots generated to create the jxxx jump from
* slots.
#define symfirstfields char *name; unsigned char tag, type
struct symtab{
#ifdef vax
short ___hole;
/*save*/ char ptype; /*tag == NAME*/
#define jxbump ptype /*tag == JX..., how far to expand*/
/*save*/ char other; /*for stab info*/
/*save*/ short desc; /*tag == NAME*/
#define jxfear desc /*how far needs to be bumped*/
/*save*/ long value; /*address in the segment*/
char jxoveralign; /*if a JXXX, jumped over an align*/
short index; /*which segment*/
struct symtab *dest; /*if JXXX, where going to*/
#ifdef DJXXX
short jxline; /*source line of the jump from*/
struct instab{
#define opcode type /*use the same field as symtab.type*/
char nargs; /*how many arguments*/
char argtype[6]; /*argument type info*/
struct arg { /*one argument to an instruction*/
char atype;
char areg1;
char areg2;
char dispsize; /*usually d124, unless have B^, etc*/
struct exp *xp;
struct exp {
char xtype;
char xloc;
long xvalue;
struct symtab *xname;
double dvalue;
struct {
unsigned int doub_MSW, doub_LSW;
} dis_dvalue;
} doubval;
* Magic layout macros
#define MINBYTE -128
#define MAXBYTE 127
#define MINWORD -32768
#define MAXWORD 32767
#define LITFLTMASK 0x000043F0 /*really magic*/
* Is the floating point double word in xp a
* short literal floating point number?
#define slitflt(xp) \
( (xp->doubval.dis_dvalue.doub_LSW == 0) \
&& ((xp->doubval.dis_dvalue.doub_MSW & LITFLTMASK) \
== xp->doubval.dis_dvalue.doub_MSW) )
#define extlitflt(xp) \
xp->doubval.dis_dvalue.doub_MSW >> 4
* Structure that appears at the head of a.out
struct hdr {
long magic;
long tsize;
long dsize;
long bsize;
long ssize;
long entry;
long trsize;
long drsize;
struct arg arglist[6]; /*building operands in instructions*/
struct exp explist[20]; /*building up a list of expressions*/
* Communication between the scanner and the jxxx handlers.
* lastnam: the last name seen on the input
* lastjxxx: pointer to the last symbol table entry for
* a jump from
extern struct symtab *lastnam;
extern struct symtab *lastjxxx;
* For each of the named .text .data segments
* (introduced by .text <expr>), we maintain
* the current value of the dot, and the Files where
* the information for each of the segments is salted
* away.
* Use of rulesfile and usefile is unclear
extern struct exp usedot[NLOC+NLOC];
extern FILE *usefile[NLOC+NLOC];
extern FILE *rusefile[NLOC+NLOC];
* Strings used to construct the temporary files
* for each of the named segments in pass 2.
extern char *tmpn2; /* /tmp/aaaXXXX */
extern char *tmpn3; /* /tmp/aabXXX */
extern struct exp *dotp; /*the current dot location*/
extern int loctr;
extern long tsize; /* total text size */
extern long dsize; /* total data size */
extern long datbase; /* base of the data segment */
* Bitoff and bitfield keep track of the packing into
* bytes mandated by the expression syntax <expr> ':' <expr>
extern int bitoff;
extern long bitfield;
* The lexical analyzer builds up symbols in yytext. Lookup
* expects its argument in this buffer
extern char yytext[NCPS+2]; /* text buffer for lexical */
* Variables to manage the input assembler source file
extern int lineno; /*the line number*/
extern char *dotsname; /*the name of the as source*/
/*extern FILE stdin*;*/ /*the as source input*/
extern FILE *txtfil; /* file for text*/
extern FILE *tmpfil; /* interpass communication*/
extern FILE *relfil; /* holds relocation informtion*/
extern int passno; /* 1 or 2 */
extern int anyerrs; /*errors assembling arguments*/
extern int silent; /*don't mention the errors*/
extern int savelabels; /*save labels in a.out*/
int orgwarn; /* questionable origin ? */
int useVM; /*use virtual memory temp file*/
#ifdef DEBUG
extern int debug;
extern int toktrace;
* Information about the instructions
struct instab *itab[NINST]; /*maps opcodes to instructions*/
extern readonly struct instab instab[];
int curlen; /*current storage size*/
struct symtab **lookup(); /*argument in yytext*/
struct symtab *symalloc();
#ifdef METRIC
int outcounters; /*should we print them?*/
int nhcollision;
int nhashed;
int nentered;
int lgtmpfile;
int jxxxiterate;
int jxxxtunnel; /*how many tunnel jumps done*/
int jxdeadlock;
int nbadjxsegs;
#define outb(val) {dotp->xvalue++; if (passno==2) putc((val), txtfil);}
#define outs(cp, lg) dotp->xvalue += (lg); if (passno == 2) fwrite((cp), 1, (lg), txtfil)
* Most of the time, the argument to flushfield is a power of two constant,
* the calculations involving it can be optimized to shifts.
#define flushfield(n) if (bitoff != 0) Flushfield( ( (bitoff+n-1) /n ) * n)