BSD 3 development
[unix-history] / usr / doc / lisp / ch5.n
.Lc Input/Output 5
.\".ch 5
The following functions are used to read and write to and from external devices
and programs (through pipes).
All I/O goes through the lisp data type called the port.
A port may be open for either reading or writing but not both
There are only a limited number of ports (20) and they will not be reclaimed
unless you
.i close
All ports are reclaimed by a
.i resetio
call but this drastic step won't be necessary if the program closes
what it uses.
If you don't supply a port argument to a function which requires one
or if you supply a bad port argument (such as nil)
will use the default port according to this scheme.
If you are reading then the default port is the value of the symbol
.i piport
and if you are writing it is the value of the symbol
.i poport .
Furthermore if the value of piport or poport is not a valid port then
the standard input or standard output will be used, respectively.
The standard input and standard output are usually the keyboard and
terminal display unless your job is running in the background and its
input or output is connected to a pipe.
.Lf close "'p_port"
the specified port is drained and closed, releasing the port.
The standard defaults are not used in this case since you probably never
want to close the standard output or standard input.
.Lf drain "['p_port]"
If this is an output port then
the characters in the output buffer are all sent to the device.
If this is an input port then all pending characters are flushed.
The default port for this function is the default output port.
.Lf flatsize "'g_form 'x_max"
the minumum of x_max and
the number of characters required to print g_form using patom (that is,
no escapes).
flatsize only knows about lists, symbols, fixnums and flonums.
.Lf infile "'s_filename"
a port ready to read s_filename.
this tries to open s_filename and if it cannot or if there are no
ports available it gives an error message.
to allow your program to continue on a file not found error you can
use something like:
(cond ((null (setq myport (car (errset (infile name) nil))))
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (patom '"couldn't open the file")))
which will set myport to the port to read from if the file exists
or will print a message if it couldn't open it and also set myport to nil.
.Lf load "'s_filename"
the given filename or one similar to it is loaded.
The sequence of places searched is this:
.in +12n
s_filename.l in the current directory
s_filename in the current directory
load required a port to open the file s_filename.
It then lambda binds the symbol piport to this port and reads and
evaluates the form.
.Lf makereadtable "['s_flag]"
if s_flag is not present it is assumed to be nil.
a readtable equal to the original readtable if s_flag is non nil, or else
equal to the current readtable.
See chapter XX for a description of readtables and their uses.
.Lf nwritn "['p_port]"
the number of characters in the buffer
of the given port but not yet written out to the file or device.
The buffer is flushed
automatically after the buffer (of 512 characters) is filled
or when
.i terpr
is called.
.Lf outfile "'s_filename"
a port or nil
this opens a port to write s_filename.
The file opened is truncated by the outfile if it existed beforehand.
If there are no free ports, outfile returns nil.
.Lf patom "'g_exp ['p_port]"
g_exp is printed to the given port or the default port.
If g_exp is a symbol then the print name is printed without
any escape characters around special characters in the print name.
If g_exp is a list then patom has the same effect as print.
.Lf pntlen "'xfs_arg"
xfs_arg is a fixnum, flonum or symbol.
the number of characters needed to print xfs_arg.
.Lf portp "'g_arg"
t iff g_arg is a port.
.Lf princ "'g_arg ['p_port]"
.Lf print "'g_arg ['p_port]"
prints g_arg on the port p_port or the default port.
we must decide soon whether we will print a cr-lf too.
.Lf ratom "['p_port]"
the next atom read from the given or default port.
.Lf read "['p_port]"
the next lisp exppression read from the given or default port.
.Lf readc "['p_port]"
the next character read from the given or default port.
.Lf readlist "'l_arg"
the lisp expression read from the list of characters in l_arg.
check this one out.
.Lf resetio
all ports except the standard intput, output and error
are closed.
.Lf setsyntax "'s_symbol 'x_code"
this sets the code for s_symbol to x_code in the current readtable.
See the section on the reader, \(sc X.Y, for details.
.Lf terpr "['p_port]"
a terminate line character sequence
is sent to the given port or the default port.
This will also flush the buffer.
.Lf terpri "['p_port]"
.Lf tyi "['p_port]"
the fixnum representation of the next character read.
Upon end of file, -1 is returned.
If you are reading from a file then succeeding
.b tyi 's
will return -1 without waiting.
.Lf tyipeek "['p_port]"
the fixnum representation of the next character to be read.
This does not actually read the character, it just peeks at it.
.Lf tyo "'x_char ['p_port]"
the fixnum representation of a character, x_code, is printed as a
character on the given output port or the default output port.
.Lf zapline
all characters up to and including the line termination character
are read and discarded from the last port used
for input.
this is used as the macro function for the semicolon character when
it acts as a comment character.