date and time created 88/12/14 15:30:04 by sklower
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / deprecated / netimp / if_imp.h
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
* provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
* duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
* advertising materials, and other materials related to such
* distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
* by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the
* University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
* @(#)if_imp.h 7.5 (Berkeley) %G%
* Structure of IMP 1822 long leader.
struct control_leader {
u_char dl_format; /* 1-8 leader format */
u_char dl_network; /* 9-16 src/dest network */
u_char dl_flags; /* 17-24 leader flags */
u_char dl_mtype; /* 25-32 message type */
u_char dl_htype; /* 33-40 handling type */
u_char dl_host; /* 41-48 host number */
u_short dl_imp; /* 49-64 imp field */
u_char dl_link; /* 65-72 link number */
u_char dl_subtype; /* 73-80 message subtype */
struct imp_leader {
struct control_leader il_dl;
#define il_format il_dl.dl_format
#define il_network il_dl.dl_network
#define il_flags il_dl.dl_flags
#define il_mtype il_dl.dl_mtype
#define il_htype il_dl.dl_htype
#define il_host il_dl.dl_host
#define il_imp il_dl.dl_imp
#define il_link il_dl.dl_link
#define il_subtype il_dl.dl_subtype
u_short il_length; /* message length */
#define IMP_MAXHOSTMSG 8 /* max messages in flight to a host */
#define IMP_NOOPCNT 3 /* # of noops to send imp on reset */
/* insure things are even... */
#define IMPMTU ((8159 / NBBY) & ~01)
#define IMP_RCVBUF ((8159 / NBBY + 2) & ~01)
* IMP-host flags
#define IMP_1822L_H2I 0xd /* 1822L host-to-imp, 96-bit format */
#define IMP_1822L_I2H 0xe /* 1822L imp-to-host, 96-bit format */
#define IMP_NFF 0xf /* 96-bit (new) format */
#define IMP_TRACE 0x8 /* trace message route */
* IMP-host message types.
#define IMPTYPE_DATA 0 /* data for protocol */
#define IMPTYPE_BADLEADER 1 /* leader error */
#define IMPTYPE_DOWN 2 /* imp going down */
#define IMPTYPE_NOOP 4 /* noop seen during initialization */
#define IMPTYPE_RFNM 5 /* request for new messages */
#define IMPTYPE_HOSTDEAD 6 /* host doesn't respond */
#define IMPTYPE_HOSTUNREACH 7 /* host unreachable */
#define IMPTYPE_BADDATA 8 /* data error */
#define IMPTYPE_INCOMPLETE 9 /* incomplete message, send rest */
#define IMPTYPE_RESET 10 /* reset complete */
/* non-blocking IMP interface */
#define IMPTYPE_RETRY 11 /* IMP refused, try again */
#define IMPTYPE_NOTIFY 12 /* IMP refused, will notify */
#define IMPTYPE_TRYING 13 /* IMP refused, still rexmt'ng */
#define IMPTYPE_READY 14 /* ready for next message */
* IMPTYPE_DOWN subtypes, in link number field.
#define IMP_DMASK 0x3 /* host going down mask */
#define IMPDOWN_GOING 0 /* 30 secs */
#define IMPDOWN_PM 1 /* hardware PM */
#define IMPDOWN_RELOAD 2 /* software reload */
#define IMPDOWN_RESTART 3 /* emergency restart */
#define IMPDOWN_WHENMASK 0x3c /* mask for "how soon" */
#define IMPDOWN_WHENSHIFT 2 /* shift for "how soon" */
#define IMPDOWN_WHENUNIT 5 /* unit for "how soon", 5 min. */
#define IMPTV_DOWN 30 /* going down timer 30 secs */
* Messages from IMP regarding why
* it's going down.
char *impmessage[] = {
"in 30 seconds",
"for hardware PM",
"to reload software",
"for emergency reset"
#define IMPLEADER_ERR 0 /* error flip-flop set */
#define IMPLEADER_SHORT 1 /* leader < 80 bits */
#define IMPLEADER_TYPE 2 /* illegal type field */
#define IMPLEADER_OPPOSITE 3 /* opposite leader type */
#define IMPHOST_NORDY 1 /* ready-line negated */
#define IMPHOST_TARDY 2 /* tardy receiving mesgs */
#define IMPHOST_NOEXIST 3 /* NCC doesn't know host */
#define IMPHOST_IMPSOFT 4 /* IMP software won't allow mesgs */
#define IMPHOST_PM 5 /* host down for scheduled PM */
#define IMPHOST_HARDSCHED 6 /* " " " " hardware work */
#define IMPHOST_SOFTSCHED 7 /* " " " " software work */
#define IMPHOST_RESTART 8 /* host down for emergency restart */
#define IMPHOST_POWER 9 /* down because of power outage */
#define IMPHOST_BREAKPOINT 10 /* host stopped at a breakpoint */
#define IMPHOST_HARDWARE 11 /* hardware failure */
#define IMPHOST_NOTUP 12 /* host not scheduled to be up */
/* 13-14 currently unused */
#define IMPHOST_COMINGUP 15 /* host in process of coming up */
#define IMPREACH_IMP 0 /* destination IMP can't be reached */
#define IMPREACH_HOSTUP 1 /* destination host isn't up */
#define IMPREACH_LEADER 2 /* host doesn't support long leader */
#define IMPREACH_PROHIBITED 3 /* communication is prohibited */
#define IMPCOMPLETE_SLOW 0 /* host didn't take data fast enough */
#define IMPCOMPLETE_TOOLONG 1 /* message was too long */
#define IMPCOMPLETE_TIMEOUT 2 /* mesg transmission time > 15 sec. */
#define IMPCOMPLETE_FAILURE 3 /* IMP/circuit failure */
#define IMPCOMPLETE_NOSPACE 4 /* no resources within 15 sec. */
#define IMPCOMPLETE_IMPIO 5 /* src IMP I/O failure during receipt */
* IMPTYPE_RETRY subtypes.
#define IMPRETRY_BUFFER 0 /* IMP buffer wasn't available */
#define IMPRETRY_BLOCK 1 /* connection block unavailable */
#define RFNMTIMER (120*PR_SLOWHZ) /* time to wait for RFNM for msg. */
#define IMP_OTIMER (5*IFNET_SLOWHZ) /* max output time unless blocked */
* Data structure shared between IMP protocol module and hardware
* interface driver. Used to allow layering of IMP routines on top
* of varying device drivers.
struct impcb {
int ic_hwunit; /* H/W unit number */
char *ic_hwname; /* H/W type name */
char ic_oactive; /* output in progress */
int (*ic_init)(); /* hardware init routine */
int (*ic_output)(); /* hardware output routine */
int (*ic_down)(); /* hardware "drop ready" routine */
* IMP software status per interface.
* (partially shared with the hardware specific module)
* Each interface is referenced by a network interface structure,
* imp_if, which the routing code uses to locate the interface.
* This structure contains the output queue for the interface, its
* address, ... IMP specific structures used in connecting the
* IMP software modules to the hardware specific interface routines
* are stored here. The common structures are made visible to the
* interface driver by passing a pointer to the hardware routine
* at "attach" time.
struct imp_softc {
struct ifnet imp_if; /* network visible interface */
struct impcb imp_cb; /* hooks to hardware module */
int imp_state; /* current state of IMP */
int imp_dropcnt; /* used during initialization */
struct mbuf *imp_hosts; /* Head of host table hash chains. */
struct mbuf *imp_hostq; /* current round-robin-output mark */
u_int imp_hostent; /* current round-robin-output mark */
int imp_msgready; /* number of messages ready to send */
u_long imp_block; /* times imp blocked output */
u_long imp_lostrfnm; /* rfnm's timed out */
u_long imp_badrfnm; /* rfnm/incompl after timeout/bogus */
u_long imp_incomplete; /* incomplete's received */
u_long imp_garbage; /* bad messages received */
struct imp_softc *impattach();
* State of an IMP.
#define IMPS_DOWN 0 /* unavailable, host not ready */
#define IMPS_WINIT 1 /* imp not ready, waiting for init */
#define IMPS_INIT 2 /* coming up */
#define IMPS_UP 3 /* ready to go */
#define IMPS_GOINGDOWN 4 /* been told we go down soon */
#define IMPS_RUNNING(s) ((s) >= IMPS_UP) /* ready for messages */
#define IMPS_IMPREADY(s) ((s) >= IMPS_INIT) /* IMP ready line on */
char *impleaders[IMPTYPE_READY+1] = {