Add diclaimer of copyright to _osname() manual page.
[unix-history] / contrib / xntpd / ppsclock / CHANGES
CHANGES,v 3.1 1993/07/06 01:09:43 jbj Exp
Changes between ppsclock 1.2 beta and 1.3 beta
- sys/sun4m: Added support for the sun4m (requires SunOS 4.1.3).
- sys/genassym: Added "mini" genassym to support sites without full
SunOS source.
- (general): Add support for non-source (e.g. OBJect only sites).
- *.ps: Split schematics apart; now there is for the
Magnavox Magnavox 538534-3 converter and for the B&B
Electronics 422CEC.
- README: Fix typo in kernel configuration step (2). (Thanks to
Brian Tierney, Document need for revision
1.3 or higher roms with the SS1.