date and time created 88/12/12 20:54:57 by kfall
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / dbx / events.c
* Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
* specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)events.c 5.3 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif not lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: events.c,v 1.3 87/07/08 18:46:02 donn Exp $";
* Event/breakpoint managment.
#include "defs.h"
#include "events.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "symbols.h"
#include "tree.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "source.h"
#include "mappings.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#include "process.h"
#include "machine.h"
#include "lists.h"
#ifndef public
typedef struct Event *Event;
typedef struct Breakpoint *Breakpoint;
#include "symbols.h"
#define addevent(cond, cmdlist) event_alloc(false, cond, cmdlist)
#define event_once(cond, cmdlist) event_alloc(true, cond, cmdlist)
* When tracing variables we keep a copy of their most recent value
* and compare it to the current one each time a breakpoint occurs.
* MAXTRSIZE is the maximum size variable we allow.
#define MAXTRSIZE 512
public boolean inst_tracing;
public boolean single_stepping;
public boolean isstopped;
public Symbol linesym;
public Symbol procsym;
public Symbol pcsym;
public Symbol retaddrsym;
struct Event {
unsigned int id;
boolean temporary;
Node condition;
Cmdlist actions;
struct Breakpoint {
Event event;
Address bpaddr;
Lineno bpline;
Cmdlist actions;
boolean temporary;
typedef List Eventlist;
typedef List Bplist;
#define eventlist_append(event, el) list_append(list_item(event), nil, el)
#define bplist_append(bp, bl) list_append(list_item(bp), nil, bl)
private Eventlist eventlist; /* list of active events */
private Bplist bplist; /* list of active breakpoints */
private Event curevent; /* most recently created event */
private integer eventid; /* id number of current event */
private integer trid; /* id number of current trace */
typedef struct Trcmd {
Integer trid;
Event event;
Cmdlist cmdlist;
} *Trcmd;
private List eachline; /* commands to execute after each line */
private List eachinst; /* commands to execute after each instruction */
private Breakpoint bp_alloc();
* Initialize breakpoint information.
private Symbol builtinsym(str, class, type)
String str;
Symclass class;
Symbol type;
Symbol s;
s = insert(identname(str, true));
s->language = findlanguage(".s");
s->class = class;
s->type = type;
return s;
public bpinit()
linesym = builtinsym("$line", VAR, t_int);
procsym = builtinsym("$proc", PROC, nil);
pcsym = lookup(identname("$pc", true));
if (pcsym == nil) {
panic("can't find $pc");
retaddrsym = builtinsym("$retaddr", VAR, t_int);
eventlist = list_alloc();
bplist = list_alloc();
eachline = list_alloc();
eachinst = list_alloc();
* Trap an event and do the associated commands when it occurs.
public Event event_alloc(istmp, econd, cmdlist)
boolean istmp;
Node econd;
Cmdlist cmdlist;
register Event e;
e = new(Event);
e->id = eventid;
e->temporary = istmp;
e->condition = econd;
e->actions = cmdlist;
eventlist_append(e, eventlist);
curevent = e;
return e;
* Delete the event with the given id.
* Returns whether it's successful or not.
public boolean delevent (id)
unsigned int id;
Event e;
Breakpoint bp;
Trcmd t;
boolean found;
found = false;
foreach (Event, e, eventlist)
if (e->id == id) {
found = true;
foreach (Breakpoint, bp, bplist)
if (bp->event == e) {
if (tracebpts) {
printf("deleting breakpoint at 0x%x\n", bp->bpaddr);
list_delete(list_curitem(bplist), bplist);
list_delete(list_curitem(eventlist), eventlist);
foreach (Trcmd, t, eachline)
if (t->event->id == id) {
found = true;
list_delete(list_curitem(eachline), eachline);
foreach (Trcmd, t, eachinst)
if (t->event->id == id) {
found = true;
list_delete(list_curitem(eachinst), eachinst);
if (list_size(eachinst) == 0) {
inst_tracing = false;
if (list_size(eachline) == 0) {
single_stepping = false;
return found;
* Translate an event into the appropriate breakpoints and actions.
* While we're at it, turn on the breakpoints if the condition is true.
private translate(e)
Event e;
Breakpoint bp;
Symbol s;
Node place;
Lineno line;
Address addr;
switch (e->condition->op) {
case O_EQ:
if (e->condition->value.arg[0]->op == O_SYM) {
s = e->condition->value.arg[0]->value.sym;
place = e->condition->value.arg[1];
if (s == linesym) {
if (place->op == O_QLINE) {
line = place->value.arg[1]->value.lcon;
addr = objaddr(line, place->value.arg[0]->value.scon);
} else {
line = pop(long);
addr = objaddr(line, cursource);
if (addr == NOADDR) {
if (not delevent(e->id)) {
printf("!! dbx.translate: can't undo event %d?\n",
fprintf(stderr, "no executable code at line ");
prtree(stderr, place);
bp = bp_alloc(e, addr, line, e->actions);
} else if (s == procsym) {
s = pop(Symbol);
bp = bp_alloc(e, codeloc(s), 0, e->actions);
if (isactive(s) and pc != codeloc(program)) {
} else if (s == pcsym) {
bp = bp_alloc(e, pop(Address), 0, e->actions);
} else {
} else {
* These should be handled specially.
* But for now I'm ignoring the problem.
case O_AND:
case O_OR:
* Create a breakpoint for a condition that cannot be pinpointed
* to happening at a particular address, but one for which we
* must single step and check the condition after each statement.
private condbp(e)
Event e;
Symbol p;
Breakpoint bp;
Cmdlist actions;
p = tcontainer(e->condition);
if (p == nil) {
p = program;
actions = buildcmdlist(build(O_IF, e->condition, e->actions));
actions = buildcmdlist(build(O_TRACEON, false, actions));
bp = bp_alloc(e, codeloc(p), 0, actions);
* Determine the deepest nested subprogram that still contains
* all elements in the given expression.
public Symbol tcontainer(exp)
Node exp;
Integer i;
Symbol s, t, u, v;
s = nil;
if (exp->op == O_SYM) {
s = container(exp->value.sym);
} else if (not isleaf(exp->op)) {
for (i = 0; i < nargs(exp->op); i++) {
t = tcontainer(exp->value.arg[i]);
if (t != nil) {
if (s == nil) {
s = t;
} else {
u = s;
v = t;
while (u != v and u != nil) {
u = container(u);
v = container(v);
if (u == nil) {
panic("bad ancestry for \"%s\"", symname(s));
} else {
s = u;
return s;
* Determine if the given function can be executed at full speed.
* This can only be done if there are no breakpoints within the function.
public boolean canskip(f)
Symbol f;
Breakpoint p;
boolean ok;
ok = true;
foreach (Breakpoint, p, bplist)
if (whatblock(p->bpaddr) == f) {
ok = false;
return ok;
* Print out what's currently being traced by looking at
* the currently active events.
* Some convolution here to translate internal representation
* of events back into something more palatable.
public status()
Event e;
foreach (Event, e, eventlist)
if (not e->temporary) {
public printevent(e)
Event e;
Command cmd;
if (not isredirected()) {
cmd = list_element(Command, list_head(e->actions));
if (cmd->op == O_PRINTCALL) {
printf("trace ");
printname(stdout, cmd->value.sym);
} else {
if (list_size(e->actions) > 1) {
printf("{ ");
foreach (Command, cmd, e->actions)
printcmd(stdout, cmd);
if (not list_islast()) {
printf("; ");
if (list_size(e->actions) > 1) {
printf(" }");
private printeventid (id)
integer id;
printf("[%d] ", id);
* Print out a condition.
private printcond(cond)
Node cond;
Symbol s;
Node place;
if (cond->op == O_EQ and cond->value.arg[0]->op == O_SYM) {
s = cond->value.arg[0]->value.sym;
place = cond->value.arg[1];
if (s == procsym) {
if (place->value.sym != program) {
printf(" in ");
printname(stdout, place->value.sym);
} else if (s == linesym) {
printf(" at ");
prtree(stdout, place);
} else if (s == pcsym or s == retaddrsym) {
printf("i at ");
prtree(stdout, place);
} else {
printf(" when ");
prtree(stdout, cond);
} else {
printf(" when ");
prtree(stdout, cond);
* Add a breakpoint to the list and return it.
private Breakpoint bp_alloc(e, addr, line, actions)
Event e;
Address addr;
Lineno line;
Cmdlist actions;
register Breakpoint p;
p = new(Breakpoint);
p->event = e;
p->bpaddr = addr;
p->bpline = line;
p->actions = actions;
p->temporary = false;
if (tracebpts) {
if (e == nil) {
printf("new bp at 0x%x for event ??\n", addr);
} else {
printf("new bp at 0x%x for event %d\n", addr, e->id);
bplist_append(p, bplist);
return p;
* Free all storage in the event and breakpoint tables.
public bpfree()
register Event e;
foreach (Event, e, eventlist)
if (not delevent(e->id)) {
printf("!! dbx.bpfree: can't delete event %d\n", e->id);
list_delete(list_curitem(eventlist), eventlist);
* Determine if the program stopped at a known breakpoint
* and if so do the associated commands.
public boolean bpact()
register Breakpoint p;
boolean found;
integer eventId;
found = false;
foreach (Breakpoint, p, bplist)
if (p->bpaddr == pc) {
if (tracebpts) {
printf("breakpoint for event %d found at location 0x%x\n",
p->event->id, pc);
found = true;
if (p->event->temporary) {
if (not delevent(p->event->id)) {
printf("!! dbx.bpact: can't find event %d\n",
if (isstopped) {
eventId = p->event->id;
if (p->temporary) {
list_delete(list_curitem(bplist), bplist);
if (isstopped) {
if (found) {
return found;
* Begin single stepping and executing the given commands after each step.
* If the first argument is true step by instructions, otherwise
* step by source lines.
* We automatically set a breakpoint at the end of the current procedure
* to turn off the given tracing.
public traceon(inst, event, cmdlist)
boolean inst;
Event event;
Cmdlist cmdlist;
register Trcmd trcmd;
Breakpoint bp;
Cmdlist actions;
Address ret;
Event e;
if (event == nil) {
e = curevent;
} else {
e = event;
trcmd = new(Trcmd);
trcmd->trid = trid;
trcmd->event = e;
trcmd->cmdlist = cmdlist;
single_stepping = true;
if (inst) {
inst_tracing = true;
list_append(list_item(trcmd), nil, eachinst);
} else {
list_append(list_item(trcmd), nil, eachline);
ret = return_addr();
if (ret != 0) {
actions = buildcmdlist(build(O_TRACEOFF, trcmd->trid));
bp = bp_alloc(e, (Address) ret, 0, actions);
bp->temporary = true;
if (tracebpts) {
printf("adding trace %d for event %d\n", trcmd->trid, e->id);
* Turn off some kind of tracing.
* Strictly an internal command, this cannot be invoked by the user.
public traceoff(id)
Integer id;
register Trcmd t;
register boolean found;
found = false;
foreach (Trcmd, t, eachline)
if (t->trid == id) {
list_delete(list_curitem(eachline), eachline);
found = true;
if (not found) {
foreach (Trcmd, t, eachinst)
if (t->event->id == id) {
list_delete(list_curitem(eachinst), eachinst);
found = true;
if (not found) {
fprintf(stderr, "[internal error: trace id %d not found]\n", id);
if (list_size(eachinst) == 0) {
inst_tracing = false;
if (list_size(eachline) == 0) {
single_stepping = false;
* If breakpoints are being traced, note that a Trcmd is being deleted.
private printrmtr(t)
Trcmd t;
if (tracebpts) {
printf("removing trace %d", t->trid);
if (t->event != nil) {
printf(" for event %d", t->event->id);
* Print out news during single step tracing.
public printnews()
register Trcmd t;
foreach (Trcmd, t, eachline)
foreach (Trcmd, t, eachinst)
* A procedure call/return has occurred while single-stepping,
* note it if we're tracing lines.
private boolean chklist();
public callnews(iscall)
boolean iscall;
if (not chklist(eachline, iscall)) {
chklist(eachinst, iscall);
private boolean chklist(list, iscall)
List list;
boolean iscall;
register Trcmd t;
register Command cmd;
foreach (Trcmd, t, list)
foreach (Command, cmd, t->cmdlist)
if (cmd->op == O_PRINTSRCPOS and
(cmd->value.arg[0] == nil or cmd->value.arg[0]->op == O_QLINE)) {
if (iscall) {
} else {
return true;
return false;
* List of variables being watched.
typedef struct Trinfo *Trinfo;
struct Trinfo {
Node variable;
Address traddr;
Symbol trblock;
char *trvalue;
private List trinfolist;
* Find the trace information record associated with the given record.
* If there isn't one then create it and add it to the list.
private Trinfo findtrinfo(p)
Node p;
register Trinfo tp;
boolean isnew;
isnew = true;
if (trinfolist == nil) {
trinfolist = list_alloc();
} else {
foreach (Trinfo, tp, trinfolist)
if (tp->variable == p) {
isnew = false;
if (isnew) {
if (tracebpts) {
printf("adding trinfo for \"");
prtree(stdout, p);
tp = new(Trinfo);
tp->variable = p;
tp->traddr = lval(p);
tp->trvalue = nil;
list_append(list_item(tp), nil, trinfolist);
return tp;
* Print out the value of a variable if it has changed since the
* last time we checked.
public printifchanged(p)
Node p;
register Trinfo tp;
register int n;
char buff[MAXTRSIZE];
Filename curfile;
static Lineno prevline;
static Filename prevfile;
tp = findtrinfo(p);
n = size(p->nodetype);
dread(buff, tp->traddr, n);
curfile = srcfilename(pc);
if (tp->trvalue == nil) {
tp->trvalue = newarr(char, n);
mov(buff, tp->trvalue, n);
mov(buff, sp, n);
sp += n;
printf("initially (at line %d in \"%s\"):\t", curline, curfile);
prtree(stdout, p);
printf(" = ");
} else if (cmp(tp->trvalue, buff, n) != 0) {
mov(buff, tp->trvalue, n);
mov(buff, sp, n);
sp += n;
printf("after line %d in \"%s\":\t", prevline, prevfile);
prtree(stdout, p);
printf(" = ");
prevline = curline;
prevfile = curfile;
* Stop if the value of the given expression has changed.
public stopifchanged(p)
Node p;
register Trinfo tp;
register int n;
char buff[MAXTRSIZE];
static Lineno prevline;
tp = findtrinfo(p);
n = size(p->nodetype);
dread(buff, tp->traddr, n);
if (tp->trvalue == nil) {
tp->trvalue = newarr(char, n);
mov(buff, tp->trvalue, n);
isstopped = true;
} else if (cmp(tp->trvalue, buff, n) != 0) {
mov(buff, tp->trvalue, n);
mov(buff, sp, n);
sp += n;
printf("after line %d:\t", prevline);
prtree(stdout, p);
printf(" = ");
isstopped = true;
prevline = curline;
* Free the tracing table.
public trfree()
register Trinfo tp;
foreach (Trinfo, tp, trinfolist)
list_delete(list_curitem(trinfolist), trinfolist);
* Fix up breakpoint information before continuing execution.
* It's necessary to destroy events and breakpoints that were created
* temporarily and still exist because the program terminated abnormally.
public fixbps()
register Event e;
register Trcmd t;
single_stepping = false;
inst_tracing = false;
foreach (Event, e, eventlist)
if (e->temporary) {
if (not delevent(e->id)) {
printf("!! dbx.fixbps: can't find event %d\n", e->id);
foreach (Trcmd, t, eachline)
list_delete(list_curitem(eachline), eachline);
foreach (Trcmd, t, eachinst)
list_delete(list_curitem(eachinst), eachinst);
* Set all breakpoints in object code.
public setallbps()
register Breakpoint p;
foreach (Breakpoint, p, bplist)
* Undo damage done by "setallbps".
public unsetallbps()
register Breakpoint p;
foreach (Breakpoint, p, bplist)