BSD 3 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / cmd / lisp / qfuncl.s
# opus 30 compiler call to ??? interface routines
.globl __qf0
subl3 $4,r6,r7
jbr __qfuncl
.globl __qf1
subl3 $8,r6,r7
jbr __qfuncl
.globl __qf2
subl3 $12,r6,r7
jbr __qfuncl
.globl __qf3
subl3 $16,r6,r7
jbr __qfuncl
.globl __qf4
subl3 $20,r6,r7
jbr __qfuncl
.globl __qfuncl
__qfuncl: # quick function call
cmpl r6,_nplim # make sure stack ok
blss on1
calls $0,_namerr
on1: movl (r7),r0 # bring in addr of atom
pushl r0 # stack addr of atom of fcn to call
movl 8(r0),r0 # bring in fcn binding addr
jleq nonexf # jump if fcn non existant
ashl $-9,r0,r1 # see if bcd
cmpb $5,_typetable+1[r1] # we are calling
jeql gotbcd
calls $1,_Lfuncal # call lisp stuff
movl r7,r6 # restore np to top
rsb # return to callee
addl2 $4,r7 # inc lbot by one nament
calls $1,*(r0) # call code
movab -4(r7),r6 # restore np to top
rsb # return
nonexf: # non existant function, call c function to take care of it,
# we could process it here but wish to minimize assembly language
# code.
# we should never return from this call
# the addr of the atom is already stacked
calls $1,_Undeff # call handler
clrl r0 # return nil to compiled code
rsb # if ever should return here
.globl __erthrow # errmessage for uncaught throws
.byte 'U,'n,'c,'a,'u,'g,'h,'t,' ,'t,'h,'r,'o,'w
.byte ' ,'f,'r,'o,'m,' ,'c,'o,'m,'p,'i,'l,'e,'d
.byte ' ,'c,'o,'d,'e,0
.globl _tynames
.long 0 # nothing here
.long _lispsys+20*4 # str_name
.long _lispsys+21*4 # atom_name
.long _lispsys+19*4 # int_name
.long _lispsys+23*4 # dtpr_name
.long _lispsys+22*4 # doub_name
.long _lispsys+58*4 # funct_name
.long _lispsys+83*4 # port_name
.long _lispsys+47*4 # array_name
.long 0 # nothing here
.long _lispsys+50*4 # sdot_name
.long _lispsys+53*4 # val_nam