BSD 4_3 development
[unix-history] / usr / man / man0 / toc8
.xx "intro" "introduction to system maintenance and operation commands"
.xx "XNSrouted" "NS Routing Information Protocol daemon"
.xx "ac" "login accounting"
.xx "adduser" "procedure for adding new users"
.xx "arff" "archiver and copier for floppy"
.xx "arp" "address resolution display and control"
.xx "bad144" "read/write dec standard 144 bad sector information"
.xx "badsect" "create files to contain bad sectors"
.xx "bugfiler" "file bug reports in folders automatically"
.xx "catman" "create the cat files for the manual"
.xx "chown" "change owner"
.xx "clri" "clear i-node"
.xx "comsat" "biff server"
.xx "config" "build system configuration files"
.xx "crash" "what happens when the system crashes"
.xx "cron" "clock daemon"
.xx "dcheck" "file system directory consistency check"
.xx "diskpart" "calculate default disk partition sizes"
.xx "dmesg" "collect system diagnostic messages to form error log"
.xx "drtest" "standalone disk test program"
.xx "dump" "incremental file system dump"
.xx "dumpfs" "dump file system information"
.xx "edquota" "edit user quotas"
.xx "fastboot" "reboot/halt the system without checking the disks"
.xx "fingerd" "remote user information server"
.xx "format" "how to format disk packs"
.xx "fsck" "file system consistency check and interactive repair"
.xx "ftpd" "DARPA Internet File Transfer Protocol server"
.xx "gettable" "get NIC format host tables from a host"
.xx "getty" "set terminal mode"
.xx "halt" "stop the processor"
.xx "htable" "convert NIC standard format host tables"
.xx "icheck" "file system storage consistency check"
.xx "ifconfig" "configure network interface parameters"
.xx "implog" "IMP log interpreter"
.xx "implogd" "IMP logger process"
.xx "inetd" "internet ``super\-server''"
.xx "init" "process control initialization"
.xx "kgmon" "generate a dump of the operating system's profile buffers"
.xx "lpc" "line printer control program"
.xx "lpd" "line printer daemon"
.xx "makedev" "make system special files"
.xx "makekey" "generate encryption key"
.xx "mkfs" "construct a file system"
.xx "mkhosts" "generate hashed host table"
.xx "mklost+found" "make a lost+found directory for fsck"
.xx "mknod" "build special file"
.xx "mkpasswd" "generate hashed password table"
.xx "mkproto" "construct a prototype file system"
.xx "mount" "mount and dismount file system"
.xx "named" "Internet domain name server"
.xx "ncheck" "generate names from i-numbers"
.xx "newfs" "construct a new file system"
.xx "pac" "printer/plotter accounting information"
.xx "ping" "send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts"
.xx "pstat" "print system facts"
.xx "quot" "summarize file system ownership"
.xx "quotacheck" "file system quota consistency checker"
.xx "quotaon" "turn file system quotas on and off"
.xx "rc" "command script for auto-reboot and daemons"
.xx "rdump" "file system dump across the network"
.xx "reboot" "UNIX bootstrapping procedures"
.xx "renice" "alter priority of running processes"
.xx "repquota" "summarize quotas for a file system"
.xx "restore" "incremental file system restore"
.xx "rexecd" "remote execution server"
.xx "rlogind" "remote login server"
.xx "rmt" "remote magtape protocol module"
.xx "route" "manually manipulate the routing tables"
.xx "routed" "network routing daemon"
.xx "rrestore" "restore a file system dump across the network"
.xx "rshd" "remote shell server"
.xx "rwhod" "system status server"
.xx "rxformat" "format floppy disks"
.xx "sa" "system accounting"
.xx "savecore" "save a core dump of the operating system"
.xx "sendmail" "send mail over the internet"
.xx "shutdown" "close down the system at a given time"
.xx "slattach" "attach serial lines as network interfaces"
.xx "sticky" "persistent text and append-only directories"
.xx "swapon" "specify additional device for paging and swapping"
.xx "sync" "update the super block"
.xx "syslogd" "log systems messages"
.xx "talkd" "remote user communication server"
.xx "telnetd" "DARPA TELNET protocol server"
.xx "tftpd" "DARPA Trivial File Transfer Protocol server"
.xx "timed" "time server daemon"
.xx "timedc" "timed control program"
.xx "trpt" "transliterate protocol trace"
.xx "trsp" "transliterate sequenced packet protocol trace"
.xx "tunefs" "tune up an existing file system"
.xx "update" "periodically update the super block"
.xx "uucico" "transfer files queued by uucp or uux"
.xx "uuclean" "uucp spool directory clean-up"
.xx "uupoll" "poll a remote UUCP site"
.xx "uusnap" "show snapshot of the UUCP system"
.xx "uuxqt" "UUCP execution file interpreter"
.xx "vipw" "edit the password file"