mpcc ports hang with TS_BUSY; bug report 4.3BSD-tahoe/sys/23
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / deprecated / netdecnet / nsp_subr.c
/* nsp_subr.c 1.3 82/10/09 */
#include "../h/param.h"
#include "../h/systm.h"
#include "../h/mbuf.h"
#include "../h/protosw.h"
#include "../h/socket.h"
#include "../h/socketvar.h"
#include "../netdecnet/dn_systm.h"
#include "../netdecnet/nsp.h"
#include "../netdecnet/nsp_var.h"
#include <errno.h>
extern int nspidebug;
#define printd if(nspidebug)printf
* NSP initialization
init queues
what else?
* Nsp_chkaddr performs many functions common to the processing
* of input packets. The arguments are:
* m - the mbuf with the packet in it
* srcnode - the srcnode from the transport header
* type - the packet type, one of:
* sp - pointer to a short to receive the segment number
* It performs the following functions:
* 1. verify that the packet is of the correct minimum length
* 2. find the associated NSP control block (by calling dn_addrtonspcb())
* 3. process any ack or nak and force retransmission or remove
* acked data from the retransmit queue, as required
* 4. update the mbuf to point past the segnum field
* 5. return the segnum and nspcb pointer
struct nspcb *
nsp_chkaddr(m, srcnode, type, sp)
struct mbuf *m;
short srcnode;
int type;
u_short *sp;
register struct nspcb *np;
struct nspd *n;
u_short dstaddr;
int ack, qual, num;
/* make sure we are accessing valid data */
if (m->m_len < sizeof (struct nspd) - sizeof (d_short)) {
return (0);
n = mtod(m, struct nspd *);
dstaddr = D_SHORT(n->nsp_dstaddr);
np = dn_addrtonspcb(dstaddr);
if (np == 0) {
no such address, return "no link" message
if (np->n_node != srcnode) {
printf("nsp_chkaddr: n_node %d, srcnode %d\n", np->n_node,
return (0);
/* make sure remote addresses match (consistency check) */
if (np->n_rem != D_SHORT(n->nsp_srcaddr)) {
printf("nsp_chkaddr: n_rem %d, srcaddr %d\n", np->n_rem,
return (0);
ack = D_SHORT(n->nsp_acknum);
if (ack & NSPA_ACK) {
qual = ack & NSPA_QUAL;
num = ack & NSPA_NUM;
printd(", qual 0x%x, num %d", qual, num);
/* make sure there's room for a segnum */
if (m->m_len < sizeof (struct nspd)) {
return (0);
if (type == NSP_DATA) {
if (SEQ_GTR(num, np->na_rcvdat) &&
SEQ_LEQ(num, np->nn_high)) {
np->n_retrans = 0;
np->nf_remdat -= SEQ_SUB(num, np->na_rcvdat);
if (qual == NSPA_NAK || SEQ_LEQ(np->nn_dat, num))
np->nn_dat = SEQ_ADD(num, 1);
np->na_rcvdat = num;
nsp_purgertq(np, type);
} else if (n == np->nn_oth && (np->n_flags&NF_OTHSENT)) {
if (qual == NSPA_NAK) {
/* force retransmission of other data seg */
printf("nsp_chkaddr: NAK other\n");
} else {
np->n_flags &= ~NF_OTHSENT;
np->nn_oth = SEQ_ADD(np->nn_oth, 1);
if (np->n_flags & NF_OTHINTR) {
np->n_flags &=
if (np->nb_xmt)
} else
np->nf_locdat = 0;
nsp_purgertq(np, type);
*sp = D_SHORT(n->nsp_segnum);
num = sizeof (struct nspd);
} else {
*sp = (u_short)ack;
num = sizeof (struct nspd) - sizeof (u_short);
m->m_len -= num;
m->m_off += num;
return (np);