pcc (dammit!)
[unix-history] / usr / src / lib / libc / db / hash / hash_page.c
* Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
* Margo Seltzer.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
#if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)hash_page.c 5.10 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
PACKAGE: hashing
Page manipulation for hashing package.
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <db.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "hash.h"
#include "page.h"
/* Externals */
/* buf.c */
extern BUFHEAD *__get_buf();
extern void __reclaim_buf();
/* big.c */
extern int __big_split();
extern int __big_insert();
extern int __big_delete();
extern int __find_bigpair();
/* dynahash.c */
extern int __call_hash();
extern int __expand_table();
/* my externals */
extern int __get_page();
extern BUFHEAD *__add_ovflpage();
extern int __split_page();
extern int __addel();
/* my internals */
static u_short overflow_page();
static int open_temp();
static int ugly_split();
static void squeeze_key();
static void putpair();
extern long hash_accesses, hash_collisions, hash_expansions, hash_overflows;
#define PAGE_INIT(P) \
{ \
((u_short *)P)[0] = 0; \
((u_short *)P)[1] = hashp->BSIZE - 3 * sizeof(u_short); \
((u_short *)P)[2] = hashp->BSIZE; \
This is called AFTER we have verified that there is room on the
page for the pair (PAIRFITS has returned true) so we go right
ahead and start moving stuff on.
static void
putpair(p, key, val)
char *p;
DBT *key;
DBT *val;
register u_short n;
register u_short off;
register u_short *bp = (u_short *) p;
/* enter the key first */
n = bp[0];
off = OFFSET(bp) - key->size;
bcopy( key->data, p+off, key->size );
bp[++n] = off;
/* now the data */
off -= val->size;
bcopy(val->data, p + off, val->size);
bp[++n] = off;
/* adjust page info */
bp[0] = n;
bp[n+1] = off - ((n+3)*sizeof(u_short));
bp[n+2] = off;
0 OK
-1 error
extern int
__delpair(bufp, ndx)
BUFHEAD *bufp;
register int ndx;
register u_short *bp = (u_short *) bufp->page;
register int n = bp[0];
register u_short newoff;
u_short pairlen;
if ( bp[ndx+1] < REAL_KEY ) return ( __big_delete ( bufp, ndx ) );
if ( ndx != 1 ) newoff = bp[ndx-1];
else newoff = hashp->BSIZE;
pairlen = newoff - bp[ndx+1];
if ( ndx != (n-1) ) {
/* Hard Case -- need to shuffle keys */
register int i;
register char *src = bufp->page + (int)OFFSET(bp);
register char *dst = src + (int)pairlen;
bcopy ( src, dst, bp[ndx+1] - OFFSET(bp) );
/* Now adjust the pointers */
for ( i = ndx+2; i <= n; i += 2 ) {
if ( bp[i+1] == OVFLPAGE ) {
bp[i-2] = bp[i];
bp[i-1] = bp[i+1];
} else {
bp[i-2] = bp[i] + pairlen;
bp[i-1] = bp[i+1] + pairlen;
/* Finally adjust the page data */
bp[n] = OFFSET(bp) + pairlen;
bp[n-1] = bp[n+1] + pairlen + 2 * sizeof(u_short);
bp[0] = n-2;
bufp->flags |= BUF_MOD;
return (0);
-1 ==> Error
0 ==> OK
extern int
__split_page(obucket, nbucket)
int obucket;
int nbucket;
DBT key;
DBT val;
register BUFHEAD *new_bufp;
register BUFHEAD *old_bufp;
register u_short *ino;
register char *np;
int n;
int ndx;
int retval;
char *op;
u_short copyto = (u_short)hashp->BSIZE;
u_short diff;
u_short off = (u_short)hashp->BSIZE;
u_short moved;
old_bufp = __get_buf ( obucket, NULL, 0 );
new_bufp = __get_buf ( nbucket, NULL, 0 );
old_bufp->flags |= (BUF_MOD|BUF_PIN);
new_bufp->flags |= (BUF_MOD|BUF_PIN);
ino = (u_short *)(op = old_bufp->page);
np = new_bufp->page;
moved = 0;
for (n = 1, ndx = 1; n < ino[0]; n+=2) {
if ( ino[n+1] < REAL_KEY ) {
retval = ugly_split( obucket, old_bufp, new_bufp,
copyto, moved );
old_bufp->flags &= ~BUF_PIN;
new_bufp->flags &= ~BUF_PIN;
key.data = op + ino[n];
key.size = off - ino[n];
if ( __call_hash ( key.data, key.size ) == obucket ) {
/* Don't switch page */
diff = copyto - off;
if ( diff ) {
copyto = ino[n+1] + diff;
bcopy ( op + ino[n+1], op + copyto, off-ino[n+1]);
ino[ndx] = copyto + ino[n] - ino[n+1];
ino[ndx+1] = copyto;
} else copyto = ino[n+1];
ndx += 2;
} else {
/* Switch page */
val.data = op + ino[n+1];
val.size = ino[n] - ino[n+1];
putpair( np, &key, &val);
moved +=2;
off = ino[n+1];
/* Now clean up the page */
ino[0] -= moved;
FREESPACE(ino) = copyto - sizeof(u_short) * (ino[0]+3);
OFFSET(ino) = copyto;
#ifdef DEBUG3
fprintf(stderr, "split %d/%d\n",
((u_short *) np)[0] / 2,
((u_short *) op)[0] / 2);
/* unpin both pages */
old_bufp->flags &= ~BUF_PIN;
new_bufp->flags &= ~BUF_PIN;
0 ==> success
-1 ==> failure
Called when we encounter an overflow or big key/data page during
split handling.
This is special cased since we have to begin checking whether
the key/data pairs fit on their respective pages and because
we may need overflow pages for both the old and new pages
The first page might be a page with regular key/data pairs
in which case we have a regular overflow condition and just
need to go on to the next page or it might be a big key/data
pair in which case we need to fix the big key/data pair.
static int
ugly_split( obucket, old_bufp, new_bufp, copyto, moved )
int obucket; /* Same as __split_page */
BUFHEAD *old_bufp;
BUFHEAD *new_bufp;
u_short copyto; /* First byte on page which contains key/data values */
int moved; /* number of pairs moved to new page */
register BUFHEAD *bufp = old_bufp; /* Buffer header for ino */
register u_short *ino = (u_short *)old_bufp->page;
/* Page keys come off of */
register u_short *np = (u_short *)new_bufp->page; /* New page */
register u_short *op = (u_short *)old_bufp->page;
/* Page keys go on to if they
aren't moving */
char *cino; /* Character value of ino */
BUFHEAD *last_bfp = NULL; /* Last buffer header OVFL which
needs to be freed */
u_short ov_addr, last_addr = 0;
u_short n;
u_short off;
DBT key, val;
n = ino[0]-1;
while ( n < ino[0] ) {
if ( ino[2] < REAL_KEY && ino[2] != OVFLPAGE ) {
if (__big_split (old_bufp, new_bufp, bufp, ov_addr, obucket, &ret)) {
old_bufp = ret.oldp;
if ( !old_bufp ) return(-1);
op = (u_short *)old_bufp->page;
new_bufp = ret.newp;
if ( !new_bufp ) return(-1);
np = (u_short *)new_bufp->page;
bufp = ret.nextp;
if ( !bufp ) return(0);
cino = (char *)bufp->page;
ino = (u_short *)cino;
last_bfp = ret.nextp;
} else if ( ino[n+1] == OVFLPAGE ) {
ov_addr = ino[n];
Fix up the old page -- the extra 2 are the fields which
contained the overflow information
ino[0] -= (moved + 2);
FREESPACE(ino) = copyto - sizeof(u_short) * (ino[0]+3);
OFFSET(ino) = copyto;
bufp = __get_buf ( ov_addr, bufp, 0 );
if ( !bufp ) return(-1);
ino = (u_short *)bufp->page;
n = 1;
copyto = hashp->BSIZE;
moved = 0;
if ( last_bfp ) {
__free_ovflpage( last_bfp);
last_bfp = bufp;
/* Move regular sized pairs of there are any */
off = hashp->BSIZE;
for ( n = 1; (n < ino[0]) && (ino[n+1] >= REAL_KEY); n += 2 ) {
cino = (char *)ino;
key.data = cino + ino[n];
key.size = off - ino[n];
val.data = cino + ino[n+1];
val.size = ino[n] - ino[n+1];
off = ino[n+1];
if ( __call_hash ( key.data, key.size ) == obucket ) {
/* Keep on old page */
if (PAIRFITS(op,(&key),(&val))) putpair((char *)op, &key, &val);
else {
old_bufp = __add_ovflpage ( old_bufp );
if ( !old_bufp ) return(-1);
op = (u_short *)old_bufp->page;
putpair ((char *)op, &key, &val);
old_bufp->flags |= BUF_MOD;
} else {
/* Move to new page */
if (PAIRFITS(np,(&key),(&val))) putpair((char *)np, &key, &val);
else {
new_bufp = __add_ovflpage ( new_bufp );
if ( !new_bufp )return(-1);
np = (u_short *)new_bufp->page;
putpair ((char *)np, &key, &val);
new_bufp->flags |= BUF_MOD;
if ( last_bfp ) {
return (0);
Add the given pair to the page
1 ==> failure
0 ==> OK
extern int
__addel(bufp, key, val)
BUFHEAD *bufp;
DBT *key;
DBT *val;
register u_short *bp = (u_short *)bufp->page;
register u_short *sop;
int do_expand;
do_expand = 0;
while ( bp[0] && (bp[bp[0]] < REAL_KEY) ) {
/* Exception case */
if ( bp[2] < REAL_KEY ) {
/* This is a big-keydata pair */
bufp = __add_ovflpage(bufp);
if ( !bufp ) {
bp = (u_short *)bufp->page;
} else {
/* Try to squeeze key on this page */
if ( FREESPACE(bp) > PAIRSIZE(key,val) ) {
squeeze_key ( bp, key, val );
} else {
bufp = __get_buf ( bp[bp[0]-1], bufp, 0 );
if (!bufp) {
bp = (u_short *)bufp->page;
if ( PAIRFITS(bp,key,val) ) putpair (bufp->page, key, val);
else {
do_expand = 1;
bufp = __add_ovflpage ( bufp );
if (!bufp)return(-1);
sop = (u_short *) bufp->page;
if ( PAIRFITS(sop, key, val) ) putpair ( (char *)sop, key, val );
else if ( __big_insert ( bufp, key, val ) ) {
bufp->flags |= BUF_MOD;
If the average number of keys per bucket exceeds the fill factor,
expand the table
if (do_expand ||
(hashp->NKEYS / (hashp->MAX_BUCKET+1) > hashp->FFACTOR) ) {
returns a pointer, NULL on error
extern BUFHEAD *
__add_ovflpage ( bufp )
BUFHEAD *bufp;
register u_short *sp = (u_short *)bufp->page;
u_short ovfl_num;
u_short ndx, newoff;
char *op;
DBT okey, oval;
#ifdef DEBUG1
int tmp1, tmp2;
bufp->flags |= BUF_MOD;
ovfl_num = overflow_page ();
#ifdef DEBUG1
tmp1 = bufp->addr;
tmp2 = bufp->ovfl?bufp->ovfl->addr:0;
if (!ovfl_num || !(bufp->ovfl = __get_buf ( ovfl_num, bufp, 1 ))) {
bufp->ovfl->flags |= BUF_MOD;
#ifdef DEBUG1
fprintf ( stderr, "ADDOVFLPAGE: %d->ovfl was %d is now %d\n", tmp1, tmp2,
bufp->ovfl->addr );
ndx = sp[0];
Since a pair is allocated on a page only if there's room
to add an overflow page, we know that the OVFL information
will fit on the page
sp[ndx+4] = OFFSET(sp);
sp[ndx+3] = FREESPACE(sp) - OVFLSIZE;
sp[ndx+1] = ovfl_num;
sp[ndx+2] = OVFLPAGE;
sp[0] = ndx+2;
0 indicates SUCCESS
-1 indicates FAILURE
extern int
__get_page ( p, bucket, is_bucket, is_disk, is_bitmap )
char *p;
int bucket;
int is_bucket;
int is_disk;
int is_bitmap;
register int size;
register int fd;
register int page;
u_short *bp;
int rsize;
fd = hashp->fp;
size = hashp->BSIZE;
if ( (fd == -1) || !is_disk ) {
if ( is_bucket) page = BUCKET_TO_PAGE (bucket);
else page = OADDR_TO_PAGE (bucket);
if ((lseek ( fd, page << hashp->BSHIFT, SEEK_SET ) == -1) ||
((rsize = read ( fd, p, size )) == -1 )) {
bp = (u_short *)p;
if ( !rsize ) {
bp[0] = 0; /* We hit the EOF, so initialize a new page */
} else if ( rsize != size ) {
errno = EFTYPE;
if (!bp[0]) {
} else if ( hashp->LORDER != BYTE_ORDER ) {
register int i;
register int max;
if ( is_bitmap ) {
max = hashp->BSIZE >> 2; /* divide by 4 */
for ( i=0; i < max; i++ ) {
BLSWAP(((long *)p)[i]);
} else {
max = bp[0] + 2;
for ( i=1; i <= max; i++ ) {
return (0);
Write page p to disk
0==> OK
extern int
__put_page ( p, bucket, is_bucket, is_bitmap )
char *p;
int bucket;
int is_bucket;
int is_bitmap;
register int size;
register int fd;
register int page;
int wsize;
size = hashp->BSIZE;
if ( (hashp->fp == -1) && open_temp() ) return (1);
fd = hashp->fp;
if ( hashp->LORDER != BYTE_ORDER ) {
register int i;
register int max;
if ( is_bitmap ) {
max = hashp->BSIZE >> 2; /* divide by 4 */
for ( i=0; i < max; i++ ) {
BLSWAP(((long *)p)[i]);
} else {
max = ((u_short *)p)[0] + 2;
for ( i=0; i <= max; i++ ) {
BSSWAP(((u_short *)p)[i]);
if (is_bucket ) page = BUCKET_TO_PAGE (bucket);
else page = OADDR_TO_PAGE ( bucket );
if ((lseek ( fd, page << hashp->BSHIFT, SEEK_SET ) == -1) ||
((wsize = write ( fd, p, size )) == -1 )) {
/* Errno is set */
if ( wsize != size ) {
errno = EFTYPE;
#define BYTE_MASK ((1 << INT_BYTE_SHIFT) -1)
Initialize a new bitmap page. Bitmap pages are left in memory
once they are read in.
extern u_long *
__init_bitmap(pnum, nbits, ndx)
u_short pnum;
int nbits;
int ndx;
u_long *ip;
int clearints;
int clearbytes;
if ( !(ip = (u_long *)malloc (hashp->BSIZE)) ) return (NULL);
clearints = ((nbits - 1) >> INT_BYTE_SHIFT) + 1;
clearbytes = clearints << INT_TO_BYTE;
memset ((char *)ip, 0, clearbytes );
memset ( ((char *) ip) + clearbytes, 0xFF,
hashp->BSIZE-clearbytes );
ip[clearints-1] = ALL_SET << (nbits & BYTE_MASK);
SETBIT(ip, 0);
hashp->BITMAPS[ndx] = pnum;
hashp->mapp[ndx] = ip;
static int
first_free ( map )
u_long map;
register u_long mask;
register u_long i;
mask = 0x1;
for ( i=0; i < BITS_PER_MAP; i++ ) {
if ( !(mask & map) ) return(i);
mask = mask << 1;
return ( i );
static u_short
overflow_page ( )
register int max_free;
register int splitnum;
register u_long *freep;
register int offset;
u_short addr;
int in_use_bits;
int free_page, free_bit;
int i, j, bit;
#ifdef DEBUG2
int tmp1, tmp2;
splitnum = __log2(hashp->MAX_BUCKET);
max_free = hashp->SPARES[splitnum];
free_page = (max_free-1) >> (hashp->BSHIFT + BYTE_SHIFT);
free_bit = (max_free-1) & ((hashp->BSIZE << BYTE_SHIFT) - 1);
/* Look through all the free maps to find the first free block */
for ( i = 0; i <= free_page; i++ ) {
if (!(freep = (u_long *)hashp->mapp[i]) ) return(NULL);
if ( i == free_page ) in_use_bits = free_bit;
else in_use_bits = (hashp->BSIZE << BYTE_SHIFT) -1;
for (j = 0, bit = 0; bit <= in_use_bits; j++, bit += BITS_PER_MAP ) {
if ( freep[j] != ALL_SET ) goto found;
/* No Free Page Found */
offset = hashp->SPARES[splitnum] -
(splitnum ? hashp->SPARES[splitnum-1] : 0);
/* Check if we need to allocate a new bitmap page */
if ( free_bit == (hashp->BSIZE << BYTE_SHIFT) - 1 ) {
if ( free_page >= NCACHED ) {
fprintf ( stderr,
"HASH: Out of overflow pages. Increase page size\n" );
This is tricky. The 1 indicates that you want the
new page allocated with 1 clear bit. Actually, you
are going to allocate 2 pages from this map. The first
is going to be the map page, the second is the overflow
page we were looking for. The init_bitmap routine
automatically, sets the first bit of itself to indicate
that the bitmap itself is in use. We would explicitly
set the second bit, but don't have to if we tell init_bitmap
not to leave it clear in the first place.
__init_bitmap ( OADDR_OF(splitnum, offset), 1, free_page );
#ifdef DEBUG2
free_bit = 2;
} else {
Free_bit addresses the last used bit. Bump it to
address the first available bit.
SETBIT ( freep, free_bit );
/* Calculate address of the new overflow page */
if ( offset > SPLITMASK ) {
fprintf ( stderr,
"HASH: Out of overflow pages. Increase page size\n" );
addr = OADDR_OF(splitnum, offset);
#ifdef DEBUG2
fprintf ( stderr, "OVERFLOW_PAGE: ADDR: %d BIT: %d PAGE %d\n",
addr, free_bit, free_page );
bit = bit + first_free(freep[j]);
#ifdef DEBUG2
tmp1 = bit;
tmp2 = i;
Bits are addressed starting with 0, but overflow pages are
addressed beginning at 1. Bit is a bit addressnumber, so we
need to increment it to convert it to a page number.
bit = 1 + bit + (i * (hashp->BSIZE << BYTE_SHIFT));
/* Calculate the split number for this page */
for ( i = 0; (i < splitnum) && (bit > hashp->SPARES[i]); i++ );
offset =(i ? bit - hashp->SPARES[i-1] : bit );
if ( offset >= SPLITMASK ) return(NULL);/* Out of overflow pages */
addr = OADDR_OF(i, offset);
#ifdef DEBUG2
fprintf ( stderr, "OVERFLOW_PAGE: ADDR: %d BIT: %d PAGE %d\n",
addr, tmp1, tmp2 );
/* Allocate and return the overflow page */
return (addr);
Mark this overflow page as free.
__free_ovflpage ( obufp )
BUFHEAD *obufp;
register u_short addr = obufp->addr;
int free_page, free_bit;
int bit_address;
u_short ndx;
u_long *freep;
int j;
#ifdef DEBUG1
fprintf ( stderr, "Freeing %d\n", addr );
ndx = (((u_short)addr) >> SPLITSHIFT);
bit_address = (ndx ? hashp->SPARES[ndx-1] : 0) + (addr & SPLITMASK) - 1;
free_page = (bit_address >> (hashp->BSHIFT + BYTE_SHIFT));
free_bit = bit_address & ((hashp->BSIZE << BYTE_SHIFT) - 1);
freep = hashp->mapp[free_page];
CLRBIT(freep, free_bit);
#ifdef DEBUG2
fprintf ( stderr, "FREE_OVFLPAGE: ADDR: %d BIT: %d PAGE %d\n",
obufp->addr, free_bit, free_page );
__reclaim_buf ( obufp );
0 success
-1 failure
static int
sigset_t set, oset;
static char namestr[] = "_hashXXXXXX";
/* Block signals; make sure file goes away at process exit. */
sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP);
sigaddset(&set, SIGINT);
sigaddset(&set, SIGQUIT);
sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM);
(void)sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, &oset);
if ((hashp->fp = mkstemp ( namestr )) != -1) {
(void)fcntl(hashp->fp, F_SETFD, 1);
(void)sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oset, (sigset_t *)NULL);
return(hashp->fp != -1 ? 0 : -1);
We have to know that the key will fit, but the
last entry on the page is an overflow pair, so we
need to shift things.
static void
squeeze_key ( sp, key, val )
u_short *sp;
DBT *key;
DBT *val;
register char *p = (char *)sp;
u_short free_space, off;
u_short pageno, n;
n = sp[0];
free_space = FREESPACE(sp);
off = OFFSET(sp);
pageno = sp[n-1];
off -= key->size;
sp[n-1] = off;
bcopy ( key->data, p + off, key->size );
off -= val->size;
sp[n] = off;
bcopy ( val->data, p + off, val->size );
sp[0] = n+2;
sp[n+1] = pageno;
sp[n+2] = OVFLPAGE;
FREESPACE(sp) = free_space - PAIRSIZE(key,val);
OFFSET(sp) = off;
#ifdef DEBUG4
print_chain ( addr )
short addr;
BUFHEAD *bufp;
short *bp;
short oaddr;
fprintf ( stderr, "%d ", addr );
bufp = __get_buf ( (int)addr, NULL, 0 );
bp = (short *)bufp->page;
while ( bp[0] &&
((bp[bp[0]] == OVFLPAGE) ||
((bp[0] > 2) && bp[2] < REAL_KEY))) {
oaddr = bp[bp[0]-1];
fprintf ( stderr, "%d ", (int)oaddr );
bufp = __get_buf ( (int)oaddr, bufp, 0 );
bp = (short *)bufp->page;
fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );