support graphics if setup by somebody else.
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / window / ww.h
* @(#)ww.h 3.16 83/09/15
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sgtty.h>
#define NWW 30
struct ww_dim {
int nr; /* number of rows */
int nc; /* number of columns */
int t, b; /* top, bottom */
int l, r; /* left, right */
struct ww_pos {
int r; /* row */
int c; /* column */
struct ww {
struct ww *ww_forw; /* doubly linked list, for overlapping info */
struct ww *ww_back;
char ww_state; /* state of window creation */
char ww_wstate; /* state for printing charcters */
char ww_modes; /* current printing modes */
char ww_insert :1; /* insert mode, for printing */
char ww_mapnl :1; /* map \n to \r\n */
char ww_haspty :1; /* has pty */
char ww_hascursor :1; /* has fake cursor */
char ww_hasframe :1; /* frame it */
char ww_index; /* the index, for wwindex[] */
char ww_order; /* the overlapping order */
/* sizes and positions */
struct ww_dim ww_w; /* window size and pos */
struct ww_dim ww_b; /* buffer size and pos */
struct ww_dim ww_i; /* the part inside the screen */
struct ww_pos ww_cur; /* the cursor position, relative to ww_w */
/* arrays */
char **ww_win; /* the window */
union ww_char **ww_buf; /* the buffer */
char **ww_cov; /* the covered-by array */
char **ww_fmap; /* map for frame and box windows */
short *ww_nvis; /* how many ww_buf chars are visible per row */
/* things for the window process */
int ww_pty; /* file descriptor of pty */
int ww_tty; /* . . . tty */
int ww_pid; /* pid of process, if WWS_HASPROC true */
char ww_ttyname[11]; /* "/dev/ttyp?" */
/* things for the user, they really don't belong here */
char ww_center :1; /* center the label */
int ww_id; /* the user window id */
char *ww_label; /* the user supplied label */
struct ww_pos ww_altpos;/* alternate position */
struct ww_tty {
struct sgttyb ww_sgttyb;
struct tchars ww_tchars;
struct ltchars ww_ltchars;
int ww_lmode;
int ww_ldisc;
int ww_pgrp;
union ww_char {
short c_w; /* as a word */
struct {
char C_c; /* the character part */
char C_m; /* the mode part */
} c_un;
#define c_c c_un.C_c
#define c_m c_un.C_m
/* parts of ww_char */
#define WWC_CMASK 0x00ff
#define WWC_MMASK 0xff00
#define WWC_MSHIFT 8
/* c_m bits */
#define WWM_REV 0x01 /* reverse video */
#define WWM_BLK 0x02 /* blinking */
#define WWM_UL 0x04 /* underlined */
#define WWM_GLS 0x10 /* window only, glass, i.e. transparent */
#define WWM_COV 0x20 /* window only, covered */
/* ww_state values */
#define WWS_INITIAL 0 /* just opened */
#define WWS_HASPROC 1 /* forked, in parent */
#define WWS_INCHILD 2 /* forked, in child */
#define WWS_DEAD 3 /* child died */
/* flags for ww_fmap */
#define WWF_U 0x01
#define WWF_R 0x02
#define WWF_D 0x04
#define WWF_L 0x08
#define WWF_LABEL 0x40
#define WWF_TOP 0x80
/* flags to wwopen() */
#define WWO_PTY 0x01 /* want pty */
#define WWO_REVERSE 0x02 /* make it all reverse video */
#define WWO_GLASS 0x04 /* make it all glass */
#define WWO_FRAME 0x08 /* this is a frame window */
/* special ww_index value */
#define WWE_NOERR 0
#define WWE_SYS 1 /* system error */
#define WWE_NOMEM 2 /* out of memory */
#define WWE_TOOMANY 3 /* too many windows */
#define WWE_NOPTY 4 /* no more ptys */
#define WWE_SIZE 5 /* bad window size */
#define WWE_BADTERM 6 /* bad terminal type */
#define WWE_CANTDO 7 /* dumb terminal */
struct ww wwhead;
struct ww *wwindex[NWW + 1]; /* last location is for wwnobody */
struct ww wwnobody;
struct ww_tty wwoldtty; /* the old (saved) terminal settings */
struct ww_tty wwnewtty; /* the new (current) terminal settings */
struct ww_tty wwwintty; /* the terminal settings for windows */
char *wwterm; /* the terminal name */
char wwtermcap[1024]; /* place for the termcap */
char wwkeys[512]; /* termcap fields for the function keys */
int wwnrow, wwncol; /* the screen size */
char wwavailmodes; /* actually supported modes */
char wwcursormodes; /* the modes for the fake cursor */
char wwwrap; /* terminal has auto wrap around */
int wwdtablesize; /* result of getdtablesize() call */
char **wwsmap; /* the screen map */
union ww_char **wwos; /* the old (current) screen */
union ww_char **wwns; /* the new (desired) screen */
char *wwtouched; /* wwns changed flags */
int wwbaudmap[]; /* maps stty() baud rate code into number */
int wwbaud; /* wwbaudmap[wwoldtty.ww_sgttyb.sg_ospeed] */
int wwcursorrow, wwcursorcol; /* where we want the cursor to be */
int wwerrno; /* error number */
/* statistics */
int wwnwrite, wwnwritec;
int wwnupdate, wwntouched, wwnmiss;
/* quicky macros */
#define wwsetcursor(r,c) (wwcursorrow = (r), wwcursorcol = (c))
#define wwcurtowin(w) wwsetcursor((w)->ww_cur.r, (w)->ww_cur.c)
#define wwbell() putchar(CTRL(g))
#define wwunbox(w) wwunframe(w)
#define wwclreol(w,r,c) wwclreol1((w), (r), (c), 0)
#define wwredrawwin(w) wwredrawwin1((w), (w)->ww_i.t, (w)->ww_i.b, 0)
/* the window virtual terminal */
#define WWT_TERM "TERM=window"
#define WWT_TERMCAP "WW|window|window package:\
:al=\\EL:am:le=^H:bs:cd=\\EJ:ce=\\EK:cl=\\EE:cm=\\EY%+ %+ :\
#define WWT_REV "se=\\Eq:so=\\Ep:"
#define WWT_UL "ue=\\Es:us=\\Er:"
/* our functions */
struct ww *wwopen();
struct ww *wwfind();
int wwchild();
int wwsuspend();
char *unctrl();
char **wwalloc();
char *wwerror();
/* c library functions */
char *malloc();
char *calloc();
char *getenv();
char *tgetstr();
char *rindex();
char *strcpy();
char *strcat();
#undef MIN
#undef MAX
#define MIN(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (y) : (x))
#define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
#undef CTRL
#define CTRL(c) ('c'&0x1f)
#define DEL 0x7f
#define ISCTRL(c) ((c) < ' ' || (c) >= DEL)