initial version by sklower
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / netinet / tcp_var.h
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
* @(#)tcp_var.h 7.10 (Berkeley) %G%
* TCP configuration: This is a half-assed attempt to make TCP
* self-configure for a few varieties of 4.2 and 4.3-based unixes.
* If you don't have a) a 4.3bsd vax or b) a 3.x Sun (x<6), check
* this carefully (it's probably not right). Please send me mail
* if you run into configuration problems.
* - Van Jacobson (
#ifndef BSD
#define BSD 42 /* if we're not 4.3, pretend we're 4.2 */
#define OLDSTAT /* set if we have to use old netstat binaries */
/* #define OLDSTAT /* set if we have to use old netstat binaries */
#if sun || BSD < 43
#define TCP_COMPAT_42 /* set if we have to interop w/4.2 systems */
#ifndef SB_MAX
#define SB_MAX SB_MAXCOUNT /* Sun has to be a little bit different... */
#define SB_MAX 32767 /* XXX */
#endif SB_MAX
* Bill Nowicki pointed out that the page size (CLBYTES) has
* nothing to do with the mbuf cluster size. So, we followed
* Sun's lead and made the new define MCLBYTES stand for the mbuf
* cluster size. The following define makes up backwards compatible
* with 4.3 and 4.2. If CLBYTES is >1024 on your machine, check
* this against the mbuf cluster definitions in /usr/include/sys/mbuf.h.
#ifndef MCLBYTES
* The routine in_localaddr is broken in Sun's 3.4. We redefine ours
* (in tcp_input.c) so we use can it but won't have a name conflict.
#ifdef sun
#define in_localaddr tcp_in_localaddr
/* --------------- end of TCP config ---------------- */
* Kernel variables for tcp.
* Tcp control block, one per tcp; fields:
struct tcpcb {
struct tcpiphdr *seg_next; /* sequencing queue */
struct tcpiphdr *seg_prev;
short t_state; /* state of this connection */
short t_timer[TCPT_NTIMERS]; /* tcp timers */
short t_rxtshift; /* log(2) of rexmt exp. backoff */
short t_rxtcur; /* current retransmit value */
short t_dupacks; /* consecutive dup acks recd */
u_short t_maxseg; /* maximum segment size */
char t_force; /* 1 if forcing out a byte */
u_char t_flags;
#define TF_ACKNOW 0x01 /* ack peer immediately */
#define TF_DELACK 0x02 /* ack, but try to delay it */
#define TF_NODELAY 0x04 /* don't delay packets to coalesce */
#define TF_NOOPT 0x08 /* don't use tcp options */
#define TF_SENTFIN 0x10 /* have sent FIN */
struct tcpiphdr *t_template; /* skeletal packet for transmit */
struct inpcb *t_inpcb; /* back pointer to internet pcb */
* The following fields are used as in the protocol specification.
* See RFC783, Dec. 1981, page 21.
/* send sequence variables */
tcp_seq snd_una; /* send unacknowledged */
tcp_seq snd_nxt; /* send next */
tcp_seq snd_up; /* send urgent pointer */
tcp_seq snd_wl1; /* window update seg seq number */
tcp_seq snd_wl2; /* window update seg ack number */
tcp_seq iss; /* initial send sequence number */
u_short snd_wnd; /* send window */
/* receive sequence variables */
u_short rcv_wnd; /* receive window */
tcp_seq rcv_nxt; /* receive next */
tcp_seq rcv_up; /* receive urgent pointer */
tcp_seq irs; /* initial receive sequence number */
* Additional variables for this implementation.
/* receive variables */
tcp_seq rcv_adv; /* advertised window */
/* retransmit variables */
tcp_seq snd_max; /* highest sequence number sent;
* used to recognize retransmits
/* congestion control (for slow start, source quench, retransmit after loss) */
u_short snd_cwnd; /* congestion-controlled window */
u_short snd_ssthresh; /* snd_cwnd size threshhold for
* for slow start exponential to
* linear switch
* transmit timing stuff. See below for scale of srtt and rttvar.
* "Variance" is actually smoothed difference.
short t_idle; /* inactivity time */
short t_rtt; /* round trip time */
tcp_seq t_rtseq; /* sequence number being timed */
short t_srtt; /* smoothed round-trip time */
short t_rttvar; /* variance in round-trip time */
u_short t_rttmin; /* minimum rtt allowed */
u_short max_sndwnd; /* largest window peer has offered */
/* out-of-band data */
char t_oobflags; /* have some */
char t_iobc; /* input character */
#define TCPOOB_HAVEDATA 0x01
#define TCPOOB_HADDATA 0x02
short t_softerror; /* possible error not yet reported */
#define intotcpcb(ip) ((struct tcpcb *)(ip)->inp_ppcb)
#define sototcpcb(so) (intotcpcb(sotoinpcb(so)))
* The smoothed round-trip time and estimated variance
* are stored as fixed point numbers scaled by the values below.
* For convenience, these scales are also used in smoothing the average
* (smoothed = (1/scale)sample + ((scale-1)/scale)smoothed).
* With these scales, srtt has 3 bits to the right of the binary point,
* and thus an "ALPHA" of 0.875. rttvar has 2 bits to the right of the
* binary point, and is smoothed with an ALPHA of 0.75.
#define TCP_RTT_SCALE 8 /* multiplier for srtt; 3 bits frac. */
#define TCP_RTT_SHIFT 3 /* shift for srtt; 3 bits frac. */
#define TCP_RTTVAR_SCALE 4 /* multiplier for rttvar; 2 bits */
#define TCP_RTTVAR_SHIFT 2 /* multiplier for rttvar; 2 bits */
* The initial retransmission should happen at rtt + 4 * rttvar.
* Because of the way we do the smoothing, srtt and rttvar
* will each average +1/2 tick of bias. When we compute
* the retransmit timer, we want 1/2 tick of rounding and
* 1 extra tick because of +-1/2 tick uncertainty in the
* firing of the timer. The bias will give us exactly the
* 1.5 tick we need. But, because the bias is
* statistical, we have to test that we don't drop below
* the minimum feasible timer (which is 2 ticks).
* This macro assumes that the value of TCP_RTTVAR_SCALE
* is the same as the multiplier for rttvar.
#define TCP_REXMTVAL(tp) \
(((tp)->t_srtt >> TCP_RTT_SHIFT) + (tp)->t_rttvar)
/* XXX
* We want to avoid doing m_pullup on incoming packets but that
* means avoiding dtom on the tcp reassembly code. That in turn means
* keeping an mbuf pointer in the reassembly queue (since we might
* have a cluster). As a quick hack, the source & destination
* port numbers (which are no longer needed once we've located the
* tcpcb) are overlayed with an mbuf pointer.
#define REASS_MBUF(ti) (*(struct mbuf **)&((ti)->ti_t))
* TCP statistics.
* Many of these should be kept per connection,
* but that's inconvenient at the moment.
struct tcpstat {
#ifdef OLDSTAT
* Declare statistics the same as in 4.3
* at the start of tcpstat (same size and
* position) for netstat.
int tcps_rcvbadsum;
int tcps_rcvbadoff;
int tcps_rcvshort;
int tcps_badsegs;
int tcps_unack;
#define tcps_badsum tcps_rcvbadsum
#define tcps_badoff tcps_rcvbadoff
#define tcps_hdrops tcps_rcvshort
#endif OLDSTAT
u_long tcps_connattempt; /* connections initiated */
u_long tcps_accepts; /* connections accepted */
u_long tcps_connects; /* connections established */
u_long tcps_drops; /* connections dropped */
u_long tcps_conndrops; /* embryonic connections dropped */
u_long tcps_closed; /* conn. closed (includes drops) */
u_long tcps_segstimed; /* segs where we tried to get rtt */
u_long tcps_rttupdated; /* times we succeeded */
u_long tcps_delack; /* delayed acks sent */
u_long tcps_timeoutdrop; /* conn. dropped in rxmt timeout */
u_long tcps_rexmttimeo; /* retransmit timeouts */
u_long tcps_persisttimeo; /* persist timeouts */
u_long tcps_keeptimeo; /* keepalive timeouts */
u_long tcps_keepprobe; /* keepalive probes sent */
u_long tcps_keepdrops; /* connections dropped in keepalive */
u_long tcps_sndtotal; /* total packets sent */
u_long tcps_sndpack; /* data packets sent */
u_long tcps_sndbyte; /* data bytes sent */
u_long tcps_sndrexmitpack; /* data packets retransmitted */
u_long tcps_sndrexmitbyte; /* data bytes retransmitted */
u_long tcps_sndacks; /* ack-only packets sent */
u_long tcps_sndprobe; /* window probes sent */
u_long tcps_sndurg; /* packets sent with URG only */
u_long tcps_sndwinup; /* window update-only packets sent */
u_long tcps_sndctrl; /* control (SYN|FIN|RST) packets sent */
u_long tcps_rcvtotal; /* total packets received */
u_long tcps_rcvpack; /* packets received in sequence */
u_long tcps_rcvbyte; /* bytes received in sequence */
u_long tcps_rcvbadsum; /* packets received with ccksum errs */
u_long tcps_rcvbadoff; /* packets received with bad offset */
u_long tcps_rcvshort; /* packets received too short */
u_long tcps_rcvduppack; /* duplicate-only packets received */
u_long tcps_rcvdupbyte; /* duplicate-only bytes received */
u_long tcps_rcvpartduppack; /* packets with some duplicate data */
u_long tcps_rcvpartdupbyte; /* dup. bytes in part-dup. packets */
u_long tcps_rcvoopack; /* out-of-order packets received */
u_long tcps_rcvoobyte; /* out-of-order bytes received */
u_long tcps_rcvpackafterwin; /* packets with data after window */
u_long tcps_rcvbyteafterwin; /* bytes rcvd after window */
u_long tcps_rcvafterclose; /* packets rcvd after "close" */
u_long tcps_rcvwinprobe; /* rcvd window probe packets */
u_long tcps_rcvdupack; /* rcvd duplicate acks */
u_long tcps_rcvacktoomuch; /* rcvd acks for unsent data */
u_long tcps_rcvackpack; /* rcvd ack packets */
u_long tcps_rcvackbyte; /* bytes acked by rcvd acks */
u_long tcps_rcvwinupd; /* rcvd window update packets */
#ifdef KERNEL
struct inpcb tcb; /* head of queue of active tcpcb's */
struct tcpstat tcpstat; /* tcp statistics */
struct tcpiphdr *tcp_template();
struct tcpcb *tcp_close(), *tcp_drop();
struct tcpcb *tcp_timers(), *tcp_disconnect(), *tcp_usrclosed();