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[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / diction / README
@(#)README 4.2 (Berkeley) 82/11/06"
The writing tools package contains 3 command files,
style, diction, and suggest.
``style'' reads a document and analyzes the surface
characteristics of the writing style of the document.
``diction'' locates all sentences in a document containing
commonly misused or wordy phrases.
``suggest'' is an interactive thesaures for the phrases found by diction.
suggest was originally named ``explain''.
The manual pages are in files style.1 and diction.1 - see the enclosed
documentation for more details.
``style'' is a runcom that runs 4 programs, style1, style2, style3, and deroff.
To make style:
set LIB in Makefile to the directory where the object files
are to be stored. (probably /usr/lib/style)
set BIN in Makefile to the directory for the shell programs
(usually /usr/bin)
in the file ``style'' set L to the same directory as LIB above.
the same is needed in ``topic'', which is installed
when you make style
if you wish to collect data on the documents run, also define SCATCH
otherwise delete the definition of SCATCH in Makefile
if you are collecting data, the file must exist and be writeable
by everyone
then run ``make style''
this will compile and install all of the programs in both
``diction'' is a runcom that runs 2 programs, dprog and deroff.
To make dprog:
set DICT in Makefile to the full path name of diction's data
file ``dict.d''
the file ``diction'' also needs L set to the same directory as LIB
the program ``dprog'' will get put in the same place as
the object files for style (LIB).
if you wish to collect data on the documents run, also define CATCH
otherwise delete the definition of CATCH in Makefile
the collection file must exist and be writeable by everyone
then run ``make diction''
The file ``suggest'' needs D set to the full path name of the file
Both ``style'' and ``diction'' expect the document to contain formatting
commands. A new version of deroff is included that knows about
the standard UNIX formatting macro packages.
the source for getopt.c is included just in case you don't have it.
if the loader complains about not finding getopt, compile & load
it with deroff.c
make deroff
will compile and install it in /usr/bin
The default flag passed to deroff (either -ms or -mm) in both
style and diction should be set to the proper one for your installation.
These programs will not compile under UNIX version 6 or PWB 1.2
because of size limitations on these systems.