generate complete database
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / netstat / if.c
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)if.c 4.4 82/11/14";
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <stdio.h>
extern int kmem;
extern int tflag;
extern int nflag;
extern char *routename();
* Print a description of the network interfaces.
intpr(interval, ifnetaddr)
int interval;
off_t ifnetaddr;
struct ifnet ifnet;
char name[16];
if (ifnetaddr == 0) {
printf("ifnet: symbol not defined\n");
if (interval) {
sidewaysintpr(interval, ifnetaddr);
klseek(kmem, ifnetaddr, 0);
read(kmem, &ifnetaddr, sizeof ifnetaddr);
printf("%-5.5s %-5.5s %-10.10s %-12.12s %-7.7s %-5.5s %-7.7s %-5.5s",
"Name", "Mtu", "Network", "Address", "Ipkts", "Ierrs",
"Opkts", "Oerrs");
printf(" %-6.6s", "Collis");
if (tflag)
printf(" %-6.6s", "Timer");
while (ifnetaddr) {
struct sockaddr_in *sin;
register char *cp;
char *index();
struct in_addr in, inet_makeaddr();
klseek(kmem, ifnetaddr, 0);
read(kmem, &ifnet, sizeof ifnet);
klseek(kmem, (int)ifnet.if_name, 0);
read(kmem, name, 16);
name[15] = '\0';
cp = index(name, '\0');
*cp++ = ifnet.if_unit + '0';
if ((ifnet.if_flags&IFF_UP) == 0)
*cp++ = '*';
*cp = '\0';
printf("%-5.5s %-5d ", name, ifnet.if_mtu);
sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ifnet.if_addr;
in = inet_makeaddr(ifnet.if_net, INADDR_ANY);
printf("%-10.10s ", routename(in));
printf("%-12.12s %-7d %-5d %-7d %-5d %-6d",
ifnet.if_ipackets, ifnet.if_ierrors,
ifnet.if_opackets, ifnet.if_oerrors,
if (tflag)
printf(" %-6d", ifnet.if_timer);
ifnetaddr = (off_t) ifnet.if_next;
#define MAXIF 10
struct iftot {
char ift_name[16]; /* interface name */
int ift_ip; /* input packets */
int ift_ie; /* input errors */
int ift_op; /* output packets */
int ift_oe; /* output errors */
int ift_co; /* collisions */
} iftot[MAXIF];
* Print a running summary of interface statistics.
* Repeat display every interval seconds, showing
* statistics collected over that interval. First
* line printed at top of screen is always cumulative.
sidewaysintpr(interval, off)
int interval;
off_t off;
struct ifnet ifnet;
off_t firstifnet;
extern char _sobuf[];
register struct iftot *ip, *total;
register int line;
struct iftot *lastif, *sum, *interesting;
int maxtraffic;
setbuf(stdout, _sobuf);
klseek(kmem, off, 0);
read(kmem, &firstifnet, sizeof (off_t));
lastif = iftot;
sum = iftot + MAXIF - 1;
total = sum - 1;
for (off = firstifnet, ip = iftot; off;) {
char *cp;
klseek(kmem, off, 0);
read(kmem, &ifnet, sizeof ifnet);
klseek(kmem, (int)ifnet.if_name, 0);
ip->ift_name[0] = '(';
read(kmem, ip->ift_name + 1, 15);
ip->ift_name[15] = '\0';
cp = index(ip->ift_name, '\0');
sprintf(cp, "%d)", ifnet.if_unit);
if (ip >= iftot + MAXIF - 2)
off = (off_t) ifnet.if_next;
lastif = ip;
interesting = iftot;
printf(" input %-6.6s output ", interesting->ift_name);
if (lastif - iftot > 0)
printf(" input (Total) output ");
for (ip = iftot; ip < iftot + MAXIF; ip++) {
ip->ift_ip = 0;
ip->ift_ie = 0;
ip->ift_op = 0;
ip->ift_oe = 0;
ip->ift_co = 0;
printf("%-7.7s %-5.5s %-7.7s %-5.5s %-5.5s ",
"packets", "errs", "packets", "errs", "colls");
if (lastif - iftot > 0)
printf("%-7.7s %-5.5s %-7.7s %-5.5s %-5.5s ",
"packets", "errs", "packets", "errs", "colls");
line = 0;
sum->ift_ip = 0;
sum->ift_ie = 0;
sum->ift_op = 0;
sum->ift_oe = 0;
sum->ift_co = 0;
for (off = firstifnet, ip = iftot; off && ip < lastif; ip++) {
klseek(kmem, off, 0);
read(kmem, &ifnet, sizeof ifnet);
if (ip == interesting)
printf("%-7d %-5d %-7d %-5d %-5d ",
ifnet.if_ipackets - ip->ift_ip,
ifnet.if_ierrors - ip->ift_ie,
ifnet.if_opackets - ip->ift_op,
ifnet.if_oerrors - ip->ift_oe,
ifnet.if_collisions - ip->ift_co);
ip->ift_ip = ifnet.if_ipackets;
ip->ift_ie = ifnet.if_ierrors;
ip->ift_op = ifnet.if_opackets;
ip->ift_oe = ifnet.if_oerrors;
ip->ift_co = ifnet.if_collisions;
sum->ift_ip += ip->ift_ip;
sum->ift_ie += ip->ift_ie;
sum->ift_op += ip->ift_op;
sum->ift_oe += ip->ift_oe;
sum->ift_co += ip->ift_co;
off = (off_t) ifnet.if_next;
if (lastif - iftot > 0)
printf("%-7d %-5d %-7d %-5d %-5d\n",
sum->ift_ip - total->ift_ip,
sum->ift_ie - total->ift_ie,
sum->ift_op - total->ift_op,
sum->ift_oe - total->ift_oe,
sum->ift_co - total->ift_co);
*total = *sum;
if (interval)
if (line == 21)
goto banner;
goto loop;