keep npartitions independent of byte order
[unix-history] / usr / src / games / cribbage / Makefile
# Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
# All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
# specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
# @(#)Makefile 5.2 (Berkeley) %G%
# make file for cribbage
HDRS= cribbage.h deck.h cribcur.h
OBJS= extern.o crib.o support.o cards.o score.o io.o
CFILES= extern.c crib.c support.c cards.c score.c io.c
TOBJS= test.o cards.o score.o io.o extern.o
cribbage: ${OBJS}
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o cribbage ${OBJS} -lcurses -ltermlib
all: cribbage crib.instr
crib.o io.o support.o: cribcur.h
test: ${TOBJS}
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o test ${TOBJS} -lcurses -ltermlib
crib.instr: cribbage.n macro
nroff cribbage.n > crib.instr
tags: ${HDRS} ${CFILES}
ctags -u $?
ed - tags < :ctfix
sort tags -o tags
rm -f ${OBJS} ? a.out core crib.instr cribbage errs
crib.o: deck.h cribbage.h cribcur.h
support.o: deck.h cribbage.h cribcur.h
test.o: deck.h
cards.o: deck.h
score.o: deck.h
io.o: deck.h cribcur.h
install: cribbage crib.instr
install -s cribbage $(DESTDIR)/usr/games
install -m 644 crib.instr $(DESTDIR)/usr/games/lib