adding GNU dc ("desk calculator")
[unix-history] / usr.sbin / keymap / keymap / README.keycap
This file is a preliminary explanation of the keycap data base format.
Read termcap(5) first to get a feeling what you have to do.
There are numeric entries, boolean entries and string entries.
Boolean entries:
de Sets the default mapping built into the kernel
t0 Clears the CTRL map
l0 Clears the ALTGR map
D1..D127 Disables the given key (1..127) entirely
Numeric Entries:
These are entered as 'xx#num', e.g. l1#60 sets an ALT function to key 60.
m1..m9 Key numbers of the META Keys (you may have up to 9 keys
with this function, which is overdimensioned)
l1..l9 Key numbers of the ALTGR keys (up to 9)
h1..h9 Key numbers of the SHIFT keys (up to 9)
t1..t9 Key numbers of the CTRL keys (up to 9)
ca Key number of the CAPS LOCK key
sh Key number of the SHIFT LOCK key
nl Key number of the NUM LOCK key
sc Key number of the SCROLL LOCK key
ag Key number of the ALTGR LOCK key
p1-p9 Key number of a diacritical prefix (see below)
la Behaviour of the CAPS LED:
0: Standard: CAPS LED follows CAPS LOCK
ck Key number of the COMPOSE key (not yet)
Please note that the default mapping already has all these keys (except
ALTGR, ALTGR LOCK and SHIFT LOCK) in the proper locations.
String entries:
These are associated with a key number. They consist of a
letter and upto three digits, describing the key number, followed by an
equal symbol (=) and a string of up to 15(16) characters. The string is
delimited by a colon (:), which begins the next entry.
If the first character is a tilde (~), this key is influenced by
one of the CAPS LOCK keys. This is default for the letters A-Z, but
can be extended to national letter keys.
This means that the colon and the tilde, if in the first position cannot be
entered directly. Instead, there is an octal escape, like in the C language.
The escape starts with the character backslash \ and is followed by exactly
three octal characters. The usual symbols \\, \n, \r, \t, \f are also
The following key declarators exist:
K1..K127 strings to be emitted without any modifier key (first key layer)
S1..S127 strings to be emitted with SHIFT (first key layer)
C1..C127 strings to be emitted with CTRL
M1..M127 strings to be emitted with META
A1..A127 strings to be emitted with ALTGR (second key layer)
X1..X127 strings to be emitted with ALTGRLOCK (second key layer)
Other string entries:
fn0=path Pathname of an ISO-LATIN1 font
fn1=path Pathname of an additional font
Diacritical prefixes:
Normally, keys like ` ' ^ ~ have their regular meaning and return the
corresponding ASCII code. If the corresponding key gets the "diacritical
prefix attribute", it behaves different: Returning the ASCII code is retained
until a second character. If this is a character, which may have an
additional diacritical mark, then the corresponding diacritical character
is returned. If the character is a blank, the original ASCII code of the
prefix is returned. Otherwise the prefix is absorbed. Example:
To get the A with an accent grave, press first ` , then A.
Compose key:
not yet, but RSN.
See /usr/share/misc/keycap for examples.
The default mapping is the following:
keynum key type unshift shift ctrl
/* 1*/ KBD_ASCII, "`", "~", "`",
/* 2*/ KBD_ASCII, "1", "!", "!",
/* 3*/ KBD_ASCII, "2", "@", "\000",
/* 4*/ KBD_ASCII, "3", "#", "#",
/* 5*/ KBD_ASCII, "4", "$", "$",
/* 6*/ KBD_ASCII, "5", "%", "%",
/* 7*/ KBD_ASCII, "6", "^", "\036",
/* 8*/ KBD_ASCII, "7", "&", "&",
/* 9*/ KBD_ASCII, "8", "*", "\010",
/* 10*/ KBD_ASCII, "9", "(", "(",
/* 11*/ KBD_ASCII, "0", ")", ")",
/* 12*/ KBD_ASCII, "-", "_", "\037",
/* 13*/ KBD_ASCII, "=", "+", "+",
/* 14*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 15*/ KBD_ASCII, "\177", "\177", "\010",
/* 16*/ KBD_ASCII, "\t", "\177\t","\t",
/* 17*/ KBD_ASCII, "q", "Q", "\021",
/* 18*/ KBD_ASCII, "w", "W", "\027",
/* 19*/ KBD_ASCII, "e", "E", "\005",
/* 20*/ KBD_ASCII, "r", "R", "\022",
/* 21*/ KBD_ASCII, "t", "T", "\024",
/* 22*/ KBD_ASCII, "y", "Y", "\031",
/* 23*/ KBD_ASCII, "u", "U", "\025",
/* 24*/ KBD_ASCII, "i", "I", "\011",
/* 25*/ KBD_ASCII, "o", "O", "\017",
/* 26*/ KBD_ASCII, "p", "P", "\020",
/* 27*/ KBD_ASCII, "[", "{", "\033",
/* 28*/ KBD_ASCII, "]", "}", "\035",
/* 29*/ KBD_ASCII, "\\", "|", "\034",
/* 30*/ KBD_CAPS, "", "", "",
/* 31*/ KBD_ASCII, "a", "A", "\001",
/* 32*/ KBD_ASCII, "s", "S", "\023",
/* 33*/ KBD_ASCII, "d", "D", "\004",
/* 34*/ KBD_ASCII, "f", "F", "\006",
/* 35*/ KBD_ASCII, "g", "G", "\007",
/* 36*/ KBD_ASCII, "h", "H", "\010",
/* 37*/ KBD_ASCII, "j", "J", "\n",
/* 38*/ KBD_ASCII, "k", "K", "\013",
/* 39*/ KBD_ASCII, "l", "L", "\014",
/* 40*/ KBD_ASCII, ";", ":", ";",
/* 41*/ KBD_ASCII, "'", "\"", "'",
/* 42*/ KBD_ASCII, "\\", "|", "\034", /* special */
/* 43*/ KBD_ASCII, "\r", "\r", "\n", /* RETURN */
/* 44*/ KBD_SHIFT, "", "", "", /* SHIFT left */
/* 45*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 46*/ KBD_ASCII, "z", "Z", "\032",
/* 47*/ KBD_ASCII, "x", "X", "\030",
/* 48*/ KBD_ASCII, "c", "C", "\003",
/* 49*/ KBD_ASCII, "v", "V", "\026",
/* 50*/ KBD_ASCII, "b", "B", "\002",
/* 51*/ KBD_ASCII, "n", "N", "\016",
/* 52*/ KBD_ASCII, "m", "M", "\r",
/* 53*/ KBD_ASCII, ",", "<", "<",
/* 54*/ KBD_ASCII, ".", ">", ">",
/* 55*/ KBD_ASCII, "/", "?", "\177",
/* 56*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 57*/ KBD_SHIFT, "", "", "", /* SHIFT right */
/* 58*/ KBD_CTL, "", "", "", /* CTL left */
/* 59*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 60*/ KBD_META, "", "", "", /* ALT left */
/* 61*/ KBD_ASCII, " ", " ", " ", /* SPACE */
/* 62*/ KBD_META, "", "", "", /* ALT right */
/* 63*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 64*/ KBD_CTL, "", "", "", /* CTL right */
/* 65*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 66*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 67*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 68*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 69*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 70*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 71*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 72*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 73*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 74*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 75*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[L", "\033|a", "\033|b", /* INS */
/* 76*/ KBD_FUNC, "\177", "\033|c", "\033|d", /* DEL */
/* 77*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 78*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 79*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[D", "\033|e", "\033|f", /* CU <- */
/* 80*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[H", "\033|g", "\033|h", /* HOME */
/* 81*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[F", "\033|i", "\033|j", /* END */
/* 82*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 83*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[A", "\033|k", "\033|l", /* CU ^ */
/* 84*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[B", "\033|m", "\033|n", /* CU v */
/* 85*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[I", "\033|o", "\033|p", /* PG UP */
/* 86*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[G", "\033|q", "\033|r", /* PG DN */
/* 87*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 88*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 89*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[C", "\033|s", "\033|t", /* CU -> */
/* 90*/ KBD_NUM, "", "", "",
/* 91*/ KBD_KP, "7", "\033[H", "7",
/* 92*/ KBD_KP, "4", "\033[D", "4",
/* 93*/ KBD_KP, "1", "\033[F", "1",
/* 94*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/* 95*/ KBD_KP, "/", "/", "/",
/* 96*/ KBD_KP, "8", "\033[A", "8",
/* 97*/ KBD_KP, "5", "\033[E", "5",
/* 98*/ KBD_KP, "2", "\033[B", "2",
/* 99*/ KBD_KP, "0", "\033[L", "0",
/*100*/ KBD_KP, "*", "*", "*",
/*101*/ KBD_KP, "9", "\033[I", "9",
/*102*/ KBD_KP, "6", "\033[C", "6",
/*103*/ KBD_KP, "3", "\033[G", "3",
/*104*/ KBD_KP, ".", "\177", ".",
/*105*/ KBD_KP, "-", "-", "-",
/*106*/ KBD_KP, "+", "+", "+",
/*107*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/*108*/ KBD_ASCII, "\r", "\r", "\n", /* RETURN */
/*109*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/*110*/ KBD_ASCII, "\033", "\033", "\033",
/*111*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",
/*112*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[M", "\033[Y", "\033[k", /* F1 */
/*113*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[N", "\033[Z", "\033[l", /* F2 */
/*114*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[O", "\033[a", "\033[m", /* F3 */
/*115*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[P", "\033[b", "\033[n", /* F4 */
/*116*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[Q", "\033[c", "\033[o", /* F5 */
/*117*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[R", "\033[d", "\033[p", /* F6 */
/*118*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[S", "\033[e", "\033[q", /* F7 */
/*119*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[T", "\033[f", "\033[r", /* F8 */
/*120*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[U", "\033[g", "\033[s", /* F9 */
/*121*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[V", "\033[h", "\033[t", /* F10 */
/*122*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[W", "\033[i", "\033[u", /* F11 */
/*123*/ KBD_FUNC, "\033[X", "\033[j", "\033[v", /* F12 */
/*124*/ KBD_KP, "\033[w", "\033[x", "\033[y",
/*125*/ KBD_SCROLL, "", "", "",
/*126*/ KBD_BREAK, "", "", "",
/*127*/ KBD_NONE, "", "", "",