This version of these things seems to work.
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / tn3270 / tools / mkastosc / mkastosc.c
* This program scans a file which describes a keyboard. The output
* of the program is a series of 'C' declarations which describe a
* mapping between (scancode, shiftstate, altstate) and 3270 functions,
* characters, and AIDs.
* The format of the input file is as follows:
* keynumber [ scancode [ unshifted [ shifted [ alted [ shiftalted ] ] ] ] ]
* keynumber is in decimal, and starts in column 1.
* scancode is hexadecimal.
* unshifted, etc. - these are either a single ascii character,
* or the name of a function or an AID-generating key.
* all fields are separated by a single space.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "../keyboard/m4.out"
#include "../ascii/ascebc.h"
#include "../ctlr/ebc_disp.h"
#include "../ctlr/function.h"
#include "dohits.h"
int scancode;
int asciicode;
int empty;
int i;
int c;
int found;
struct hits *ph;
struct Hits *Ph;
TC_Ascii_t *TC;
struct thing *this;
struct {
char *shift;
int scancode;
} tbl[128], *Pt;
static char *shiftof[] = { "normal", "shifted", "alted", "shiftalted" };
dohits(); /* Set up "Hits" */
printf(" * Ascii to scancode conversion table. First\n");
printf(" * 128 bytes (0-127) correspond with actual Ascii\n");
printf(" * characters; the rest are TC types from termcodes.m4\n");
printf(" * (actually, from m4.out).\n");
printf(" */\n");
printf("struct asctosc {\n");
printf("\tenum shiftvalue { cantdo, normal, shifted, alted,");
printf(" shiftalted } shift;\n\tunsigned char scancode;");
printf("\n} asctosc[] = {\n");
/* Build the ascii part of the table. */
for (Ph = Hits, scancode = 0; Ph <= Hits+highestof(Hits);
Ph++, scancode++) {
ph = &Ph->hits;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (ph->hit[i].type == character) {
c = Ph->name[i][0]; /* "name" of this one */
if (tbl[c].shift[0] == 0) {
tbl[c].shift = shiftof[i];
tbl[c].scancode = scancode;
/* Now, output the table */
for (Pt = tbl, asciicode = 0; Pt <= tbl+highestof(tbl); Pt++, asciicode++) {
if (Pt->shift[0] == 0) {
if (isprint(asciicode) && (asciicode != ' ')) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to produce scancode sequence for");
fprintf(stderr, " ASCII character [%c]!\n", asciicode);
printf("\t{ cantdo, 0 },\t");
} else {
printf("\t{ %s, 0x%x },", Pt->shift, Pt->scancode);
printf("\t/* 0x%x", asciicode);
if (isprint(asciicode)) {
printf(" [%c]", asciicode);
printf(" */\n");
TC < &TC_Ascii[TC_LOWEST_USER-TC_LOWEST]; TC++, asciicode++) {
printf("\t{ cantdo, 0 },\t");
printf("\t/* 0x%x */\n", asciicode);
TC <= &TC_Ascii[TC_HIGHEST-TC_LOWEST]; TC++, asciicode++) {
/* Hack for "PFK" names (which should be "PF") */
if (memcmp(TC->tc_name, "PFK", 3) == 0) {
static char PFonly[100] = "PF";
strcpy(PFonly+2, TC->tc_name+3);
TC->tc_name = PFonly;
found = 0;
for (this = firstentry(TC->tc_name); (!found) && this;
this = this->next) {
if ((this->name[4] == TC->tc_name[0])
&& (strcmp(this->name+4, TC->tc_name) == 0)) {
/* this is the entry */
/* What we have is a TC entry matching a scancode entry */
Ph = this->hits; /* now, get hits */
if (Ph == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if ((Ph->name[i][4] == TC->tc_name[0])
&& (strcmp(Ph->name[i]+4, TC->tc_name) == 0)) {
/* This is THE hit! */
found = 1;
printf("\t{ ");
switch (i) {
case 0:
printf("normal, ");
case 1:
printf("shifted, ");
case 2:
printf("alted, ");
case 3:
printf("shitfalted, ");
printf("0x%02x },", Ph-Hits);
if (!found) {
printf("\t{ cantdo, 0 },\t");
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to produce TC_%s with scan codes!\n",
printf("\t/* 0x%x - %s */\n", asciicode, TC->tc_name);