update to 9/7/82 configuration
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / berknet / config.h
/* @(#)config.h 4.2 (Berkeley) %G% */
These are machine-configuration dependent
tables. To add a machine, be sure to update all
these tables, add the "ifdef" entry in "mach.h",
and add config? to gothru() in sub.c.
The tables must be consistent.
For Berkeley, this file corresponds to the following network:
September 7 1982
KIM-----\ | /----ERNIE /--earvax
\ | / /
C70-----\ \ / /----CAD-----ESVAX
Onyx-----/ /|\ \----ARPA \--medea----oz
/ | \
t----statvax-----/ | \-------y
| /------jade(h)
| |
| |
f b----e----s
Name Char Run By Type Vers. Default Mach.
---- ---- ------ ---- ---- -------------
A a CFO 11/70 V7 C
B b CFO 11/70 V7 E
C c CFO 11/70 V7 A
D d CFO 11/70 V7 G
E e CFO 11/70 V7 C
F f CFO 11/70 V7 G
G g CFO VAX/780 V7 C
H(jade) h CFO VAX/750 V7 G
ing70 i CSSG 11/70 V7 INGVAX
INGVAX j Ingres Group VAX/780 V7 Ing70
ucbvax k CS network hub VAX/750 V7
oz l Brodersen VAX/750 V7 medea
medea m EE-Signal Proc. VAX/750 V7 ESVAX
KIM n Kim No-vax (RJF)VAX/780 V7 CSVAX
CAD p Newton CAD VAX/780 V7 ESVAX
SRC s CFO & SRC 11/45 V6 E
MathStat t Math/Stat Dept 11/45 V7 statvax
statvax w Stat Dept VAX/750 V7 UCBVAX
Onyx x CS Research Onyx V7 ARPAVAX
Cory y EECS Dept. 11/70 V7 UCBVAX
(the following machines are not connected or do not exist yet)
Phonology ? Linguistics 11/45 V6 ?
(Letters used: A-P, R-Z (total of 25))
(Letters free: Q (total of 1))
The links between A-C, C-E, C-G, G-D, G-F, G-CSVAX and CSVAX-ARPAVAX
run at 9600 baud, all others run at 1200 Baud.
Files 200,000 to 500,000 bytes are only transmitted between midnight and 6AM.
There is a file-length limit of 500,000 bytes.
Larger files must be split up (use the split command).
Free Commands (log in as user "network", no password):
bpq news vpq yank
epq ps w
finger pstat wc
help rcs where
lpq rcslog who
netlog rcsq whom
netq trq write
In addition, the "lpr" command is free on the Ingres machines.
Sending mail between machines, and netlpr between the Computer Center machines
is free. On the EARVAX, there are no free commands (but sending mail is free).
The netlpr command to Cory will allow the -c option to "epr" and "bpr",
and to the CSVAX will allow "vpr".
For RAND, these tables are:
VAX (C) ---------GRAPHICS (A)------- TP (B)
For NOSC, these tables are:
FCCMM ------ ATTS ------ MSSF ------ CCMM
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
OT34 ---- GATE40 ING70
# ifdef RAND
/* GRAPHICS = A */
char configA[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'a','b','c',000,000, /* a,b,c,d,e */
000,000,000,000,000, /* f,g,h,i,j */
000,000,000,000,000, /* k,l,m,n,o */
000,000,000,000,000, /* p,q,r,s,t */
000,000,000,000,000, /* u,v,w,x,y */
000,0 /* z */
/* TP = B */
char configB[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'a','b','a',000,000, /* a,b,c,d,e */
000,000,000,000,000, /* f,g,h,i,j */
000,000,000,000,000, /* k,l,m,n,o */
000,000,000,000,000, /* p,q,r,s,t */
000,000,000,000,000, /* u,v,w,x,y */
000,0 /* z */
/* VAX = C */
char configC[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'a','a','c',000,000, /* a,b,c,d,e */
000,000,000,000,000, /* f,g,h,i,j */
000,000,000,000,000, /* k,l,m,n,o */
000,000,000,000,000, /* p,q,r,s,t */
000,000,000,000,000, /* u,v,w,x,y */
000,0 /* z */
/* if machtype is
M_CC netlpr will do lpr w/o an acct.
Will pre-encrypt the password.
M_INGRES will allow higher file lengths.
M_OTHER will give no unusual effects.
(when in doubt, machtype should be M_OTHER)
char machtype[]= {
M_OTHER,M_OTHER,M_OTHER,0,0, /* a,b,c,d,e */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* f,g,h,i,j */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* k,l,m,n,o */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* p,q,r,s,t */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* u,v,w,x,y */
0, 0}; /* z */
/* this is basically the default machine for each local machine */
char remtable[] = {
'b','a','a',000,000, /* a,b,c,d,e */
000,000,000,000,000, /* f,g,h,i,j */
000,000,000,000,000, /* k,l,m,n,o */
000,000,000,000,000, /* p,q,r,s,t */
000,000,000,000,000, /* u,v,w,x,y */
000,0 /* z */
/* bad login names */
struct bstruct btable[] = {
0,0 };
/* this table shows the correspondence between
machine names like 'Cory' and their internal
names, like 'y' */
static struct tt {
char *bigname;
char lname;
} table[] = {
"Graphics", 'a',
"TP", 'b',
"VAX", 'c',
0, 0
/* end of Rand definitions */
# endif RAND
# ifdef NOSC
/* Naval Ocean Systems Center */
/* atts (a) */
char configA[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'a',000,'m',000,000, /* a,b,c,d,e */
'f','g',000,'i',000, /* f,g,h,i,j */
000,000,'m',000,'g', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'g',000,000,000,000, /* p,q,r,s,t */
000,000,000,000,000, /* u,v,w,x,y */
000,0 /* z */
/* ccmm (c) */
char configC[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'm',000,'c',000,000, /* a,b,c,d,e */
'm','m',000,'m',000, /* f,g,h,i,j */
000,000,'m',000,'m', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'm',000,000,000,000, /* p,q,r,s,t */
000,000,000,000,000, /* u,v,w,x,y */
000,0 /* z */
/* ccmm (f) */
char configF[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'a',000,'c',000,000, /* a,b,c,d,e */
'f','a',000,'a',000, /* f,g,h,i,j */
000,000,'a',000,'a', /* k,l,a,n,o */
'a',000,000,000,000, /* p,q,r,s,t */
000,000,000,000,000, /* u,v,w,x,y */
000,0 /* z */
/* mssf (m) */
char configM[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'a',000,'c',000,000, /* a,b,c,d,e */
'a','a',000,'a',000, /* f,g,h,i,j */
000,000,'m',000,'a', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'a',000,000,000,000, /* p,q,r,s,t */
000,000,000,000,000, /* u,v,w,x,y */
000,0 /* z */
/* ingres (i) proposed */
char configI[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'a',000,'a',000,000, /* a,b,c,d,e */
'a','a',000,'i',000, /* f,g,h,i,j */
000,000,'a',000,'a', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'a',000,000,000,000, /* p,q,r,s,t */
000,000,000,000,000, /* u,v,w,x,y */
000,0 /* z */
/* nosc-cc gateway 40 (g) */
char configG[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'a',000,'a',000,000, /* a,b,c,d,e */
'a','g',000,'a',000, /* f,g,h,i,j */
000,000,'a',000,'g', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'p',000,000,000,000, /* p,q,r,s,t */
000,000,000,000,000, /* u,v,w,x,y */
000,0 /* z */
/* ocean tech 34 (o) */
char configO[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'g',000,'g',000,000, /* a,b,c,d,e */
'g','g',000,'g',000, /* f,g,h,i,j */
000,000,'g',000,'o', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'g',000,000,000,000, /* p,q,r,s,t */
000,000,000,000,000, /* u,v,w,x,y */
000,0 /* z */
/* pwb at nosc (p) */
char configP[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'g',000,'g',000,000, /* a,b,c,d,e */
'g','g',000,'g',000, /* f,g,h,i,j */
000,000,'g',000,'g', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'p',000,000,000,000, /* p,q,r,s,t */
000,000,000,000,000, /* u,v,w,x,y */
000,0 /* z */
/* this table is used by netlpr to do lpr w/o an acct
and by net and netdaemon to do pre-emption */
/* sub.c uses the table in initdaemon to check machine
type - errormsg may be ignored */
char machtype[]= {
M_CC, 0,M_OTHER, 0, 0, /* a,b,c,d,e */
M_OTHER,M_OTHER, 0,M_INGRES, 0, /* f,g,h,i,j */
0, 0,M_CC, 0,M_OTHER, /* k,l,m,n,o */
M_OTHER, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* p,q,r,s,t */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* u,v,w,x,y */
0}; /* z */
/* this is basically the default machine for each local machine */
char remtable[] = {
'm',000,'m',000,000, /* a,b,c,d,e */
'a','a',000,'a',000, /* f,g,h,i,j */
000,000,'a',000,'g', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'g',000,000,000,000, /* p,q,r,s,t */
000,000,000,000,000, /* u,v,w,x,y */
000,0 /* z */
/* bad login names */
struct bstruct btable[] = {
"op", 'a',
0,0 };
/* this table shows the correspondence between
machine names like 'Cory' and their internal
names, like 'y' */
static struct tt {
char *bigname;
char lname;
} table[] = {
"ATTS", 'a',
"CCMM", 'c',
"FCCMM", 'f',
"MSSF", 'm',
"INGRES", 'i',
"GATEWAY", 'g',
"OT34", 'o',
"PWB", 'p',
0, 0 };
# endif NOSC
# ifdef BERKELEY
/* Berkeley definitions */
/* Computer Center A Machine (A) */
char configA[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'a','c','c','c','c', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'c','c','c','c','c', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'c','c','c','c','c', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'c','c','c','c','c', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'c','c','c','c','c', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'c',0 /* z */
/* Computer Center B Machine (B) */
char configB[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'e','b','e','e','e', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'e','e','e','e','e', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'e','e','e','e','e', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'e','e','e','e','e', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'e','e','e','e','e', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'e',0 /* z */
/* Computer Center C Machine (C) */
char configC[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'a','e','c','g','e', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'g','e','g','e','g', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'g',0 /* z */
/* Computer Center D Machine (D) */
char configD[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'g','g','g','d','g', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'g',0 /* z */
/* Computer Center E Machine (E) */
char configE[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'c','b','c','c','e', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'c','c','c','c','c', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'c','c','c','c','c', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'c','c','c','s','c', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'c','c','c','c','c', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'c',0 /* z */
/* Computer Center F Machine (F) */
char configF[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'f','g','g','g','g', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'g',0 /* z */
/* Computer Center G Machine (Comp Center VAX) */
char configG[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'c','c','c','d','c', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'f','g','h','k','k', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'k','k','k','c','k', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'k','k','k','k','c', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'k',0 /* z */
/* Computer Center Jade Machine (H) */
char configH[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'g','g','h','g','g', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'g',0 /* z */
/* Project INGRES 11/70 (Ing70) */
char configI[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'j','j','j','j','j', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'j','j','j','i','j', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'j','j','j','j','j', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'j','j','j','j','j', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'j','j','j','j','j', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'j',0 /* z */
/* Project INGRES VAX (IngVAX) */
char configJ[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'k','k','k','i','k', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'k',0 /* z */
/* UUCP gateway VAX (ucbvax) */
char configK[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'g','g','g','g','g', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'g','g','g','j','j', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'k','p','p','n','p', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'p',000,'r','g','w', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'u','v','w','x','y', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'p',0 /* z */
/* Brodersen EECS VLSI VAX (VLSI) */
char configL[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'm','m','m','m','m', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'm','m','m','m','m', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'm','l','m','m','m', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'm','m','m','m','m', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'm','m','m','m','m', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'm',0 /* z */
/* Sakrison's Image Project 11/40 (Image) */
char configM[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'o','o','o','o','o', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'o','o','o','o','o', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'o','l','m','o','o', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'o','o','o','o','o', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'o','o','o','o','o', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'o',0 /* z */
/* Fatemans Applied Math VAX (Kim) */
char configN[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'k','k','k','n','k', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'k',0 /* z */
/* Pfeister - Pollack - Sangiovanni Optimization VAX (ESVAX) */
char configO[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'p','p','p','p','p', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'p','p','p','p','p', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'p','m','m','p','o', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'p','p','p','p','p', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'p','p','p','p','p', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'z',0 /* z */
/* Newton's CAD machine (VAX 11/780) */
char configP[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'k','o','o','k','o', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'p','k','k','k','k', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'o',0 /* z */
/* Computer Center Q Machine (Q) */
char configQ[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'k','q','k','k','k', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'k',0 /* z */
/* Fabry's ARPA support VAX - ARPAVAX */
char configR[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'k','k','r','k','k', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'k',0 /* z */
/* Survey Research Center 11/40 (SRC) */
char configS[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'e','e','e','e','e', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'e','e','e','e','e', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'e','e','e','e','e', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'e','e','e','s','e', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'e','e','e','e','e', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'e',0 /* z */
/* Math-Stat Departement machine 11-45 (MathStat) */
char configT[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'w','w','w','w','w', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'w','w','w','w','w', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'w','w','w','w','w', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'w','w','w','w','t', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'w','w','w','w','w', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'w',0 /* z */
/* ARPANET gateway (ucbc70) */
char configU[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'u','k','k','k','k', /* u,v,w,x,p */
'k',0 /* z */
/* EECS Research (Fateman - Ernie) VAX (CSVAX) */
char configV[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'k','v','k','k','k', /* u,v,w,x,p */
'k',0 /* z */
/* Statistics VAX 11/780 (ucbstatvax) */
char configW[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'k','k','k','k','t', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'k','k','w','k','k', /* u,v,w,x,p */
'k',0 /* z */
/* CS Research Onyx Computer */
char configX[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'k','k','k','x','k', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'k',0 /* z */
/* EECS Instructional 11/70 (199 Cory) (Cory) */
char configY[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'k','k','k','k','y', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'k',0 /* z */
/* EECS Departmental 11/40 (EECS40) */
char configZ[] = { /* to get to i, config[i] */
'o','o','o','o','o', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'o','o','o','o','o', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'o','o','o','o','o', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'o','o','o','o','o', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'o','o','o','o','o', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'z',0 /* z */
/* if machtype is
M_CC netlpr will do lpr w/o an acct.
Will pre-encrypt the password.
M_INGRES will allow higher file lengths.
M_OTHER will give no unusual effects.
(when in doubt, machtype should be M_OTHER)
char machtype[]= {
M_CC, M_CC, M_CC, M_CC, M_CC, /* a,b,c,d,e */
M_CC, M_CC, M_CC, M_INGRES, M_INGRES, /* f,g,h,i,j */
M_OTHER, M_OTHER, M_OTHER, M_OTHER, M_OTHER, /* k,l,m,n,o */
M_OTHER, M_OTHER, M_OTHER, M_CC, M_OTHER, /* p,q,r,s,t */
M_OTHER, M_OTHER, M_OTHER, M_OTHER, M_OTHER, /* u,v,w,x,y */
M_OTHER, 0}; /* z */
/* this is basically the default machine for each local machine */
char remtable[] = {
'c','e','g','g','c', /* a,b,c,d,e */
'g','k','g','j','k', /* f,g,h,i,j */
'v','m','o','k','p', /* k,l,m,n,o */
'k','k','k','e','w', /* p,q,r,s,t */
'k','k','k','k','k', /* u,v,w,x,y */
'o',0 /* z */
/* bad login names */
struct bstruct btable[] = {
"op", 'a',
0,0 };
/* this table shows the correspondence between
machine names like 'Cory' and their internal names, like 'y' */
static struct tt {
char *bigname;
char lname;
} table[] = {
"A", 'a',
"ucbcfo-a", 'a',
"B", 'b',
"ucbcfo-b", 'b',
"C", 'c',
"ucbcfo-c", 'c',
"D", 'd',
"ucbcfo-d", 'd',
"E", 'e',
"ucbcfo-e", 'e',
"F", 'f',
"ucbcfo-f", 'f',
"G", 'g',
"ucbcfo-g", 'g',
"ucbjade", 'h',
"jade", 'h',
"H", 'h',
"Ing70", 'i',
"ucbing70", 'i',
"I", 'i',
"IngVAX", 'j',
"ucbingres", 'j',
"J", 'j',
"ucbvax", 'k',
"UCBVAX", 'k',
"K", 'k',
"OZ", 'l',
"ucboz", 'l',
"L", 'l',
"Image", 'm',
"ucbimage", 'm',
"ucbmedea", 'm',
"medea", 'm',
"M", 'm',
"Kim", 'n',
"ucbkim", 'n',
"N", 'n',
"ESVAX", 'o',
"ucbopt", 'o',
"O", 'o',
"CAD", 'p',
"ucbcad", 'p',
"P", 'p',
"Q", 'q',
"ARPAVAX", 'r',
"ucbarpa", 'r',
"R", 'r',
"SRC", 's',
"ucbsrc", 's',
"S", 's',
"MathStat", 't',
"ucbmathstat", 't',
"T", 't',
"ucbc70", 'u',
"C70", 'u',
"U", 'u',
"CSVAX", 'v',
"ucbernie", 'v',
"V", 'v',
"ucbstatvax", 'w',
"StatVax", 'w',
"W", 'w',
"ucbonyx", 'x',
"Onyx", 'x',
"X", 'x',
"Cory", 'y',
"ucbcory", 'y',
"Y", 'y',
"EARVAX", 'z',
"EECS40", 'z',
"ucbeecs40", 'z',
"ucbear", 'z',
"Z", 'z',
0, 0
# endif