fixed setjmp/longjmp to save/restore the floating point masks (control word)
[unix-history] / sbin / init.chmr / init.conf
# This is the /etc/init.conf file.
# It is read on startup by the chmr-init program, before /etc/rc or
# singleuser shell is executed.
# WARNING: You can easily make your system unbootable if you specify
# wrong values in this file. Make sure you know exactly what you
# are doing, and always have a boot floppy prepared !
# Blank lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored.
# All keywords can be abbreviated to their shortest unambiguous form.
# ("st s" is the same as "startup_state singleuser").
# Case is ignored in keywords, but retained in string values.
# Set the debug level high, so that you can see the configuration process
# Note that you also have to edit /etc/syslog.conf so that messages of type
# daemon.debug are written somewhere. Otherwise they go to /dev/null.
# This keyword is only available if init was compiled with -DDEBUG .
# Note that it produces *a lot* of noise !
#debug 5
# You can also include another config file here:
#include "/etc/init.conf2"
# To which mode the machine boots: "singleuser" or "multiuser"
startup_state multiuser
# The command to be executed for a singleuser shell.
# Note that this is specified as "command arg0 arg1", i.e. the first argument
# give here is passed as argv[0] to the command.
singleusershell "/bin/sh -"
# Terminal type for singleusershell
singleuserterm "pc3"
# Device on which the singleusershell is started, relative to /dev.
singleuserdevice "console"
# autobootcommand is started to execute /etc/rc if the system is started
# directly to multiuser mode; In all other cases (transition from singleuser
# to multiuser) fastbootcommand isn't started.
autobootcommand "/bin/sh sh /etc/rc autoboot"
fastbootcommand "/bin/sh sh /etc/rc"
# Timeout values, in seconds for shutdown to singleuser mode:
# how long to wait for child processes after sending SIGTERM:
timeout shutdown sigterm 10
# how long to wait after sending SIGKILL:
timeout shutdown sigkill 30
# If an error occurs (out of memory, fork failed,...) retry the same operation
# after this many seconds (0 disables):
timeout error-retry 300
# Parameters for a failing getty process:
# check the exit status of the process to see if it is failing:
respawn checkstatus yes
# if the process terminates within this many seconds, assume it is failing:
respawn checktime 3
## don't check the time the process is alive
#respawn checktime no
# *************************************************************
# configuration parameters that are applicable to ALL processes
# *************************************************************
# Set an environment variable that is accessible from all processes on this
# system (not very useful, but it was easy to implement 8-)
setenv HOSTTYPE "386bsd"
# Configure default resource limits for *all* processes on this system, except
# init itself. Soft limits are quietly truncated to the corresponding
# hard limit. A limit is left alone if it is no specified or specified as
# 'default'.
# Cpu time limit; 1:00:00 == 1h == 60m == 3600s == 3600
hardlimit cputime unlimited
limit cputime unlimited
# Maximum file size; 1m == 1024k == 1048576b == 1024
hardlimit filesize unlimited
limit filesize 512m
# Maximum size of DATA segment
hardlimit datasize 32m
limit datasize 16m
# Stack segment...
hardlimit stacksize 32m
limit stacksize 512k
# Maximum size of a core dump
hardlimit coredumpsize unlimited
limit coredumpsize 0
# Maximum use of physical memory per process
hardlimit memoryuse default
limit memoryuse default
# Maximum number of bytes lockable in-core
hardlimit memorylocked default
limit memorylocked default
# Maximum number of processes per user
hardlimit maxprocesses 64
limit maxprocesses 40
# Maximum number of open files, per process
hardlimit openfiles default
limit openfiles 128
# End of configuration -- set debug level back to 0
#debug 0