New version numbering.
[unix-history] / usr / src / usr.bin / tn3270 / ascii / termin.c
* Copyright (c) 1984-1987 by the Regents of the
* University of California and by Gregory Glenn Minshall.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these
* programs and their documentation for any purpose and
* without fee is hereby granted, provided that this
* copyright and permission appear on all copies and
* supporting documentation, the name of the Regents of
* the University of California not be used in advertising
* or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs
* without specific prior permission, and notice be given in
* supporting documentation that copying and distribution is
* by permission of the Regents of the University of California
* and by Gregory Glenn Minshall. Neither the Regents of the
* University of California nor Gregory Glenn Minshall make
* representations about the suitability of this software
* for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)termin.c 3.1 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif /* ndef lint */
/* this takes characters from the keyboard, and produces 3270 keystroke
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "../general/general.h"
#include "../ctlr/function.h"
#include "../ctlr/inbound.ext"
#include "../ctlr/outbound.ext"
#include "../telnet.ext"
#include "termin.ext"
#include "../api/astosc.h"
#include "state.h"
#include "../general/globals.h"
#define IsControl(c) (!isprint(c) || (isspace(c) && ((c) != ' ')))
#define NextState(x) (x->next)
/* XXX temporary - hard code in the state table */
#define MATCH_ANY 0xff /* actually, match any character */
static unsigned char
ourBuffer[100], /* where we store stuff */
*ourPHead = ourBuffer, /* first character in buffer */
*ourPTail = ourBuffer, /* where next character goes */
*TransPointer = 0; /* For transparent mode data */
static int InControl;
static int WaitingForSynch;
static struct astosc
*spacePTR = 0; /* Space is hard to enter */
static state
*headOfControl = 0; /* where we enter code state table */
#define FullChar ((ourPTail+5) >= ourBuffer+sizeof ourBuffer)
#define EmptyChar (ourPTail == ourPHead)
* init_keyboard()
* Initialize the keyboard variables.
ourPHead = ourPTail = ourBuffer;
InControl = 0;
WaitingForSynch = 0;
* Initialize the keyboard mapping file.
extern state *InitControl();
register struct astosc *ptr;
if (!headOfControl) {
/* need to initialize */
headOfControl = InitControl((char *)0, 0, ascii_to_index);
if (!headOfControl) { /* should not occur */
for (ptr = &astosc[0]; ptr <= &astosc[highestof(astosc)]; ptr++) {
if (ptr->function == FCN_SPACE) {
spacePTR = ptr;
/* AddChar - put a function index in our buffer */
static void
int c;
if (!FullChar) {
*ourPTail++ = c;
} else {
RingBell("Typeahead buffer full");
/* FlushChar - put everything where it belongs */
static void
ourPTail = ourBuffer;
ourPHead = ourBuffer;
TransInput(onoff, mode)
int mode; /* Which KIND of transparent input */
int onoff; /* Going in, or coming out */
if (onoff) {
/* Flush pending input */
TransPointer = ourBuffer;
} else {
/* send data from us to next link in stream */
int work = 0;
register struct astosc *ptr;
while (!EmptyChar) { /* send up the link */
if (*ourPHead == ' ') {
ptr = spacePTR;
} else {
ptr = &astosc[*ourPHead];
if (AcceptKeystroke(ptr->scancode, ptr->shiftstate) == 1) {
work = 1;
} else {
if (EmptyChar) {
/* return value answers question: "did we do anything useful?" */
return work;
DataFromTerminal(buffer, count)
register char *buffer; /* the data read in */
register int count; /* how many bytes in this buffer */
register state *regControlPointer;
register char c;
register int result;
int origCount;
extern int bellwinup;
static state *controlPointer;
if (TransPointer) {
int i;
if ((count+TransPointer) >= (ourBuffer+sizeof ourBuffer)) {
i = ourBuffer+sizeof ourBuffer-TransPointer;
} else {
i = count;
while (i--) {
c = (*buffer++)&0x7f;
*TransPointer++ = c|0x80;
if (c == '\r') {
SendTransparent(ourBuffer, TransPointer-ourBuffer);
TransPointer = 0; /* Done */
return count;
if (bellwinup) {
origCount = count;
while (count) {
c = *buffer++&0x7f;
if (!InControl && !IsControl(c)) {
AddChar(c); /* add ascii character */
} else {
if (!InControl) { /* first character of sequence */
InControl = 1;
controlPointer = headOfControl;
/* control pointer points to current position in state table */
for (regControlPointer = controlPointer; ;
regControlPointer = NextState(regControlPointer)) {
if (!regControlPointer) { /* ran off end */
RingBell("Invalid control sequence");
regControlPointer = headOfControl;
InControl = 0;
count = 0; /* Flush current input */
if ((regControlPointer->match == c) /* hit this character */
|| (regControlPointer->match == MATCH_ANY)) {
result = regControlPointer->result;
if (result == STATE_GOTO) {
regControlPointer = regControlPointer->address;
break; /* go to next character */
if (WaitingForSynch) {
if (astosc[result].function == FCN_SYNCH) {
WaitingForSynch = 0;
} else {
RingBell("Need to type synch character");
else if (astosc[result].function == FCN_FLINP) {
FlushChar(); /* Don't add FLINP */
} else {
if (astosc[result].function == FCN_MASTER_RESET) {
AddChar(result); /* add this code */
InControl = 0; /* out of control now */
controlPointer = regControlPointer; /* save state */
(void) TerminalIn(); /* try to send data */