BSD 4 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / cmd / eyacc / ey3.c
/* (c) 1979 Regents of the University of California */
# include "ey.h"
cpres(){ /* conpute an array with the beginnings of productions yielding given nonterminals
The array pres points to these lists */
int i,j,c;
pres = yalloc(nnonter+1);
c = i+NTBASE;
pres[i] = mem;
fatfl = 0; /* make undefined symbols nonfatal */
if (*prdptr[j] == c) *mem++ = prdptr[j]+1;
if(pres[i] == mem){
error("nonterminal %s not defined!", nontrst[i].name);
pres[i] = mem;
fatfl = 1;
if( nerrors ){
int indebug = 0;
cpfir() {
/* compute an array with the first of nonterminals */
int i, ch, **s, **t, changes, *p;
pfirst = yalloc(nnonter+1);
for (i=0;i<=nnonter;i++) {
aryfil( wsets[i].ws, tbitset, 0 );
t = pres[i+1];
for( s=pres[i]; s<t; ++s ){ /* initially fill the sets */
for( p = *s; (ch = *p) > 0 ; ++p ) {
if( ch < NTBASE ) {
wsets[i].ws[ch>>4] |= (1 << (ch&017) );
else if( !pempty[ch-NTBASE] ) break;
/* now, reflect transitivity */
changes = 1;
while( changes ){
changes = 0;
for( i=0; i<=nnonter; ++i ){
t = pres[i+1];
for( s=pres[i]; s<t; ++s ){
for( p = *s; ( ch = (*p-NTBASE) ) >= 0; ++p ) {
changes |= UNION( wsets[i].ws, wsets[i].ws, wsets[ch].ws );
if( !pempty[ch] ) break;
for( i=0; i<=nnonter; i++ ) pfirst[i] = flset( wsets[i].ws );
if( !indebug ) return;
for( i=0; i<=nnonter; i++ ){
fprintf( cout , "\n%s: ", nontrst[i].name );
prlook( pfirst[i] );
fprintf( cout , " %d\n", pempty[i] );
state(c){ /* sorts last state,and sees if it equals earlier ones. returns state number */
int s,size1,size2;
struct item *p1, *p2, *k, *l, *q1, *q2;
p1 = pstate[nstate];
p2 = pstate[nstate+1];
if(p1==p2) return(0); /* null state */
/* sort the items */
for(k=p2-1;k>p1;k--) { /* make k the biggest */
for(l=k-1;l>=p1;--l)if( l->pitem > k->pitem ){
s = k->pitem;
k->pitem = l->pitem;
l->pitem = s;
s = k->look;
k->look = l->look;
l->look = s;
size1 = p2 - p1; /* size of state */
for( i= (c>=NTBASE)?ntstates[c-NTBASE]:tstates[c]; i != 0; i = mstates[i] ) {
/* get ith state */
q1 = pstate[i];
q2 = pstate[i+1];
size2 = q2 - q1;
if (size1 != size2) continue;
for(l=q1;l<q2;l++) {
if( l->pitem != k->pitem ) break;
if (l != q2) continue;
/* found it */
pstate[nstate+1] = pstate[nstate]; /* delete last state */
/* fix up lookaheads */
for( l=q1; l<q2; ++l ){
if( UNION( clset.lset, l->look->lset, k->look->lset ) ) {
tystate[i] = 1;
/* register the new set */
l->look = flset( &clset );
return (i);
/* state is new */
pstate[nstate+2] = p2;
if(nstate+1 >= stsize) error("too many states");
if( c >= NTBASE ){
mstates[ nstate ] = ntstates[ c-NTBASE ];
ntstates[ c-NTBASE ] = nstate;
else {
mstates[ nstate ] = tstates[ c ];
tstates[ c ] = nstate;
int pidebug = 0; /* debugging flag for putitem */
putitem ( ptr, lptr ) int *ptr; struct looksets *lptr;{
int *jip, k;
struct item *i, *j;
if( pidebug ) {
fprintf( cout , "putitem(%s), state %d\n", writem(&ptr), nstate );
/* see if it's there */
j = pstate[nstate+1];
for( i=pstate[nstate]; i<j; ++i )
if(i->pitem == ptr) {
error("yacc error--duplicate item");
/* not there */
j->pitem = ptr;
j->look = flset( lptr );
pstate[nstate+1] = ++j;
jip = j;
if(jip-mem0 >= memsiz) error("out of state space");
cempty(){ /* mark nonterminals which derive the empty string */
int i, *p;
/* set pempty to 0 */
pempty = yalloc( nnonter );
aryfil( pempty, nnonter+1, 0 );
for( i=1; i<nprod; ++i ) /* loop over productions */
if( prdptr[i][1] <= 0 ) /* i is empty production */
pempty[ *prdptr[i]-NTBASE ] = 1;
/* now, all explicitly empty nonterminals marked with pempty = 1 */
/* loop as long as we keep finding nontrivial empty nonterminals */
for( i=1; i<nprod; ++i ){
if( pempty[ *prdptr[i]-NTBASE ]==0 ){ /* not known to be empty */
for( p=prdptr[i]+1; *p>=NTBASE && pempty[*p-NTBASE]!=0 ; ++p ) ;
if( *p < 0 ){ /* we have a nontrivially empty nonterminal */
pempty[*prdptr[i]-NTBASE] = 1;
goto again; /* got one ... try for another */
int gsdebug = 0;
stagen(){ /* generate the states */
int i, j, k, c;
/* initialize */
nstate = 0;
pstate[0] = pstate[1] = mem;
aryfil( clset.lset, tbitset, 0 );
putitem( prdptr[0]+1, &clset );
tystate[0] = 1;
nstate = 1;
pstate[2] = pstate[1];
memact = 0;
aryfil( amem, actsiz, 0 );
/* now, the main state generation loop */
for( i=0; i<nstate; ++i ){
if( tystate[i] != 1 ) continue;
tystate[i] = 0;
aryfil( temp1, nterms+nnonter+1, 0 );
/* take state i, close it, and do gotos */
for( j=0; j<cwset; ++j ){ /* generate gotos */
if( wsets[j].flag ) continue;
wsets[j].flag = 1;
c = *(wsets[j].pitem);
if( c <= 1 ) {
if( pstate[i+1]-pstate[i] <= j ) tystate[i] = (tystate[i]==1)?1:2;
/* do a goto on c */
for( k=j; k<cwset; ++k ){
if( c == *(wsets[k].pitem) ){ /* this item contributes to the goto */
putitem( wsets[k].pitem + 1, wsets[k].ws );
wsets[k].flag = 1;
if( c < NTBASE ) temp1[c] = state(c);
else temp1[c-NTBASE+nterms] = state(c);
if( gsdebug ){
fprintf( cout , "%d: ", i );
for( j=1; j<=nterms; ++j ){
if( temp1[j] != 0 ) fprintf( cout , "%s %d, ", symnam(j), temp1[j]);
for( j=1; j<=nnonter; ++j ){
if( temp1[j+nterms] ) fprintf( cout , "%s %d, ", nontrst[j].name, temp1[j+nterms] );
fprintf( cout , "\n");
apstate[i] = apack( &temp1[0], nterms );
indgo[i] = apack( &temp1[nterms+1], nnonter-1 ) - 1;
goto more; /* we have done one goto; do some more */
/* no more to do... stop */
int cldebug = 0; /* debugging flag for closure */
closure(i){ /* generate the closure of state i */
int c, ch, work;
int *pi;
int **s, **t;
struct item *q;
_REGISTER struct item *p;
/* first, copy kernel of state i to wsets */
cwset = 0;
q = pstate[i+1];
for( p=pstate[i]; p<q; ++p ){
wsets[cwset].pitem = p->pitem;
wsets[cwset].flag = 1; /* this item must get closed */
for( k=0; k<tbitset; ++k ) wsets[cwset].ws[k] = p->look->lset[k];
/* now, go through the loop, closing each item */
work = 1;
while( work ){
work = 0;
for( j=0; j<cwset; ++j ){
if( wsets[j].flag == 0 ) continue;
c = *(wsets[j].pitem); /* dot is before c */
if( c < NTBASE ){
wsets[j].flag = 0;
continue; /* only interesting case is where . is before nonterminal */
/* compute the lookahead */
aryfil( clset.lset, tbitset, 0 );
/* find items involving c */
for( k=j; k<cwset; ++k ){
if( wsets[k].flag == 1 && *(pi=wsets[k].pitem) == c ){
wsets[k].flag = 0;
if( nolook ) continue;
while( (ch= *++pi)>0 ){
if( ch < NTBASE ){ /* terminal symbol */
clset.lset[ch>>4] |= (1<<(ch&017));
/* nonterminal symbol */
UNION( clset.lset, clset.lset, pfirst[ch-NTBASE] );
if( !pempty[ch-NTBASE] ) break;
if( ch<=0 ) UNION( clset.lset, clset.lset, wsets[k].ws );
/* now loop over productions derived from c */
c -= NTBASE; /* c is now nonterminal number */
t = pres[c+1];
for( s=pres[c]; s<t; ++s ){
/* put these items into the closure */
for( k=0; k<cwset; ++k ){ /* is the item there */
if( wsets[k].pitem == *s ){ /* yes, it is there */
if( nolook ) goto nexts;
if( UNION( wsets[k].ws, wsets[k].ws, clset.lset ) ) wsets[k].flag = work = 1;
goto nexts;
/* not there; make a new entry */
if( cwset+1 >= wssize ) error( "working set overflow" );
wsets[cwset].pitem = *s;
wsets[cwset].flag = 1;
if( nolook ){
goto nexts;
work = 1;
for( k=0; k<tbitset; ++k ) wsets[cwset].ws[k] = clset.lset[k];
nexts: ;
/* have computed closure; flags are reset; return */
if( cwset > zzcwset ) zzcwset = cwset;
if( !cldebug ) return;
fprintf( cout , "\nState %d, nolook = %d\n", i, nolook );
for( j=0; j<cwset; ++j ){
if( wsets[j].flag ) fprintf( cout , "flag set!\n");
wsets[j].flag = 0;
fprintf( cout , "\t%s", writem(&wsets[j].pitem));
prlook( wsets[j].ws );
fprintf( cout , "\n" );
struct looksets *flset( p )
struct looksets *p;
/* decide if the lookahead set pointed to by p is known */
/* return pointer to a perminent location for the set */
int j, *w;
_REGISTER *u, *v, i;
for( i=0; i<nlset; ++i ){
u = p->lset;
v = lkst[i].lset;
w = & v[tbitset];
while( v<w) if( *u++ != *v++ ) goto more;
/* we have matched */
return( & lkst[i] );
more: ;
/* add a new one */
if( nlset+1 >= lsetsz )error("too many lookahead sets");
for( j=0; j<tbitset; ++j ){
lkst[nlset].lset[j] = p->lset[j];
return( & lkst[nlset++]);