BSD 4_2 development
[unix-history] / usr / doc / config / a.t
.ds LH "Building Systems With Config
.ds RH "Configuration File Grammar
.ds CF July 27, 1983
.nr H1 1
.ds CH "
.ds CH "\(hy \\n(PN \(hy
.sp 2
The following grammar is a compressed form of the actual
\fIyacc\fP\|(1) grammar used by
.I config
to parse configuration files.
Terminal symbols are shown all in upper case, literals
are emboldened; optional clauses are enclosed in brackets, ``[''
and ``]''; zero or more instantiations are denoted with ``*''.
Configuration ::= [ Spec \fB;\fP ]*
Spec ::= Config_spec
| Device_spec
| \fBtrace\fP
| /* lambda */
/* configuration specifications */
Config_spec ::= \fBmachine\fP ID
| \fBcpu\fP ID
| \fBoptions\fP Opt_list
| \fBident\fP ID
| System_spec
| \fBtimezone\fP [ \fB\-\fP ] NUMBER [ \fBdst\fP [ NUMBER ] ]
| \fBtimezone\fP [ \fB\-\fP ] FPNUMBER [ \fBdst\fP [ NUMBER ] ]
| \fBmaxusers\fP NUMBER
/* system configuration specifications */
System_spec ::= \fBconfig\fP ID System_parameter [ System_parameter ]*
System_parameter ::= swap_spec | root_spec | dump_spec | arg_spec
swap_spec ::= \fBswap\fP [ \fBon\fP ] swap_dev [ \fBand\fP swap_dev ]*
swap_dev ::= dev_spec [ \fBsize\fP NUMBER ]
root_spec ::= \fBroot\fP [ \fBon\fP ] dev_spec
dump_spec ::= \fBdumps\fP [ \fBon\fP ] dev_spec
arg_spec ::= \fBargs\fP [ \fBon\fP ] dev_spec
dev_spec ::= dev_name | major_minor
major_minor ::= \fBmajor\fP NUMBER \fBminor\fP NUMBER
dev_name ::= ID [ NUMBER [ ID ] ]
/* option specifications */
Opt_list ::= Option [ \fB,\fP Option ]*
Option ::= ID [ \fB=\fP Opt_value ]
Opt_value ::= ID | NUMBER
/* device specifications */
Device_spec ::= \fBdevice\fP Dev_name Dev_info Int_spec
| \fBmaster\fP Dev_name Dev_info
| \fBdisk\fP Dev_name Dev_info
| \fBtape\fP Dev_name Dev_info
| \fBcontroller\fP Dev_name Dev_info [ Int_spec ]
| \fBpseudo-device\fP Dev [ NUMBER ]
Dev_name ::= Dev NUMBER
Dev ::= \fBuba\fP | \fBmba\fP | ID
Dev_info ::= Con_info [ Info ]*
Con_info ::= \fBat\fP Dev NUMBER
| \fBat\fP \fBnexus\fP NUMBER
Info ::= \fBcsr\fP NUMBER
| \fBdrive\fP NUMBER
| \fBslave\fP NUMBER
| \fBflags\fP NUMBER
Int_spec ::= \fBvector\fP ID [ ID ]*
| \fBpriority\fP NUMBER
Lexical Conventions
The terminal symbols are loosely defined as:
One or more alphabetics, either upper or lower case, and underscore,
Approximately the C language specification for an integer number.
That is, a leading ``0x'' indicates a hexadecimal value,
a leading ``0'' indicates an octal value, otherwise the number is
expected to be a decimal value. Hexadecimal numbers may use either
upper or lower case alphabetics.
A floating point number without exponent. That is a number of the
form ``nnn.ddd'', where the fractional component is optional.
In special instances a question mark, ``?'', can be substituted for
a ``NUMBER'' token. This is used to effect wildcarding in device
interconnection specifications.
Comments in configuration files are indicated by a ``#'' character
at the beginning of the line; the remainder of the line is discarded.
A specification
is interpreted as a continuation of the previous line
if the first character of the line is tab.