BSD 2 development
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-1 / exrefm / exrefmb.n
.if !\n(xx .so tmac.e
Option descriptions
autoindent, ai default: noai
.I autoindent
option can be used to ease the preparation of structured program text.
At the beginning of each
.I append ,
.I change
.I insert
or when a new line is
.I opened
or created by an
.I append ,
.I change ,
.I insert ,
.I substitute
operation within
.I open
.I visual
looks at the line being appended after,
the first line
.I changed
or the line inserted before and calculates the amount of white space
at the start of the line.
It then aligns the cursor at the level of indentation so determined.
If the user then types lines of text in,
they will continue to be justified at the displayed indenting level.
If more white space is typed at the beginning of a line,
the following line will start aligned with the first non-white character
of the previous line.
To back the cursor up to the preceding tab stop one can hit
The tab stops going backwards are defined at multiples of the
.I shiftwidth
.B cannot
backspace over the indent,
except by sending an end-of-file with a \s-2CTRL\s0(D).
Specially processed in this mode is a line with no characters added
to it, which turns into a completely blank line (the white
space provided for the
.I autoindent
is discarded.)
Also specially processed in this mode are lines beginning with
an `^' or `\(ua' and immediately followed by a \s-2CTRL\s0(D).
This causes the input to be repositioned at the beginning of the line,
but retaining the previous indent for the next line.
Similarly, a `0' followed by a \s-2CTRL\s0(D)
repositions at the beginning but without
retaining the previous indent.
.I Autoindent
doesn't happen in
.I global
commands or when the input is not a terminal.
autoprint, ap default: ap
.I autoprint
option causes the current line to be printed after each
.I delete ,
.I copy ,
.I join ,
.I move ,
.I substitute ,
.I tabulate ,
.I transcribe ,
.I undo ,
.I xpand
shift command.
This has the same effect as supplying a trailing `p'
to each such command.
.I Autoprint
is suppressed in globals,
and only applies to the last of many commands on a line.
beautify default: nobeautify
Causes all control characters except tab, newline and form-feed
to be discarded from the input.
A complaint is registered the first time a
backspace character is discarded.
.I Beautify
does not apply to command input,
or to text insertion mode.
It applies only when you have entered text input mode by issuing a
.I insert ,
.I delete ,
.I change
command from command mode.
directory, dir default: dir=/tmp
.I directory
option specifies the directory in which
.I ex
places it buffer file.
If this directory in not
writable, then the editor will exit abruptly when it fails to be
able to create its buffer there.
edited no default
The current file is considered to be
.I edited
when the buffer contents are directly
related to it.
In this case the
.I write
command will write to the file even though it exists.
In all normal editing patterns the current file is considered
.I edited .
When the current file name is explicitly changed by the
.I file
then the file is not considered
.I edited
to protect a previous existing file of the same name
from accidental destruction.
If a file is not successfully read in by an
.I edit
command, then it is not considered
.I edited
so that the possibly incomplete image of the file in the editing buffer
will not be accidentally written over its contents.
editany, ea default: noea
Disables the
.I edit
.I read
command file sensibility checks.
errorbells, eb default: eb
.I eb
then error messages are preceded by two bells.
The bell ringing in
.I open
.I visual
on errors is not suppressed by setting
.I noeb .
fork default: fork
.I nofork
shell escapes will be inhibited the first time they are attempted
if there has been ``No write'' of the buffer since the last change
In this case, the aborted command can be repeated by using the command
form `!!'.
.I fork ,
the default,
a warning is given, but the command is given to a shell for execution
home default: user-dependent
.I home
directory is an image of the user's entry in the
.I htmp
data base.
It is used initially as the origin of the file
.B \&.exrc
and is the default directory for the
.I chdir
hush default: nohush
Inhibits interactive diagnostic information including
printing of file names,
line and character counts,
command feedback,
and echoing by the `!' shell escape.
ignorecase, ic default: noic
.I ignorecase
is set,
all upper case characters in the text are mapped to lower case in regular
expression matching.
In addition, all upper case characters in regular expressions are mapped
to lower case except in character class specifications.
indicateul, iu default: noiu
.I indicateul
is set,
non-blank characters overstruck with underlines (and vice-versa)
cause output lines to be split into two parts for printing \-
the text and the underlining.
list default: nolist
.I list
is set,
all printed lines will be displayed (more) unambiguously,
as is done by the
.I list
magic default: magic\u\s-2\(dg\s0\d
\(dg Default is \fInomagic\fR for \fIedit\fR.
.I nomagic
is set, the number of regular expression metacharacters is greatly reduced,
with only `\(ua' or `^' and `$' having magic effects.
In addition the metacharacters
of the replacement pattern are treated as normal characters.
All the normal metacharacters may be made
.I magic
.I nomagic
is set by preceding them with a `\e'.
mode default: mode=644
.I Mode
is the value the permission bits of any file created by the
.I write
command will have initially.
The default allows reading and writing of the created file by its
owner, as well as reading of the file by others.
notify default: notify=5\u\s-2\(dd\s0\d
\(dd \fINotify\fR=1 for \fIedit\fR.
.I notify
option specifies a threshold for feedback from commands.
Any command which modifies more than the specified number of lines
will provide feedback as to the scope of its changes.
For commands such as
.I global ,
.I open ,
.I undo ,
.I visual
which have potentially more far reaching scope,
the net change in the number of lines in the buffer is
presented at the end of the command, subject to this same threshold.
Thus notification is suppressed during a
.I global
command on the individual commands performed.
number default: nonumber
.I number
option may be set to cause all output lines to be printed with their
line numbers.
In addition each input line will be prompted for by supplying the line number
it will have.
open default: open\u\s-2\(dg\s0\d
\(dg \fINoopen\fR for \fIedit\fR.
.I noopen
then the commands
.I open
.I visual
are not permitted.
This is set for
.I edit
to prevent confusion resulting from accidental entry to
.I open
.I visual
optimize default: optimize
.I optimize
is set,
and the terminal permits,
throughput of text is expedited by setting the terminal
to not do automatic carriage returns and to
.I noecho
mode when printing more than one (logical) line of output.
This can greatly speed output on terminals without addressible
cursors if leading blanks are present, but causes all type-ahead
to be lost.
.I optimize ,
after a multi-line print you cannot type ahead until the prompt reappears.
printall, pa default: noprintall
.I printall
is set then all characters will be printed in the output
as they appear in the line when the
.I print
command is used.
Normally, the blanks and tabs in the line may be rearranged
or replaced with cursor addressing to improve throughput,
and non-printing characters are printed as `?'.
.I printall
these modifications to the pure line text are suppressed.
prompt default: prompt
Command mode input is prompted for with a `:' if
.I prompt
option is set.
scroll default: scroll=12
.I scroll
option determines the number of logical lines scrolled when an end-of-file
is received from a terminal input.
shell, sh default: sh=/bin/sh
.I shell
option gives the path name of the shell forked for
the shell escape command `!'.
shiftwidth, sw default: sw=8
.I shiftwidth
option gives the width a software tab stop.
This is used in reverse tabbing with \s-2CTRL\s0(D) when using
.I autoindent
to append text,
and by the shift commands.
Note that the tab character always references tab stops every eight
positions and is
.B not
affected by this option.
sticky default: nosticky
.I sticky
is set then flags like `l', `#' and `:',
given after a command,
stick around until new flags are specified,
allowing more lines to be printed in the same way
without permanently changing options or continually hitting these keys.
terse default: noterse
.I terse
is set,
shorter error diagnostics are produced.
These are designed for the experienced user.
ttytype, tty default: terminal dependent
This option gives the terminal type of the output device.
.I ttytype
indicates the special capabilities of the terminal in use.
Current terminal types are defined by the
.I ttycap
data base.
This data base is conveniently handled using the
.I ttytype
For most hard-wired ports,
.I ttytype
should be set correctly automatically.
A mechanism exists using
.I ttytype
for setting the type semi-automatically on dial-up lines.
visualmessage, vm default: novm
Interconsole messages are prohibited during
.I visual
commands if
.I novm
is set.
window default: window=23
The number of lines in a text window for the
.I z
command is specified by the
.I window
wrap default: wrap
.I nowrap
then searches using the regular expressions in addressing
will not wrap around past the end of the file.