BSD 2 development
[unix-history] / .ref-BSD-1 / pxp / hash.c
* pi - Pascal interpreter code translator
* Charles Haley, Bill Joy UCB
* Version 1.0 August 1977
* pxp - Pascal execution profiler
* Bill Joy UCB
* Version 1.0 August 1977
#include "whoami"
#include "0.h"
#include "yy.h"
* The definition for the segmented hash tables.
struct ht {
int *ht_low;
int *ht_high;
int ht_used;
} htab[MAXHASH];
* This is the array of keywords and their
* token values, which are hashed into the table
* by inithash.
struct kwtab yykey[] {
"and", YAND,
"array", YARRAY,
"assert", YASSERT,
"begin", YBEGIN,
"case", YCASE,
"const", YCONST,
"div", YDIV,
"do", YDO,
"downto", YDOWNTO,
"else", YELSE,
"end", YEND,
"file", YFILE,
"for", YFOR,
"forward", YFORWARD,
"function", YFUNCTION,
"goto", YGOTO,
"if", YIF,
"in", YIN,
"label", YLABEL,
"mod", YMOD,
"nil", YNIL,
"not", YNOT,
"of", YOF,
"or", YOR,
"packed", YPACKED,
"procedure", YPROCEDURE,
"program", YPROG,
"record", YRECORD,
"repeat", YREPEAT,
"set", YSET,
"then", YTHEN,
"to", YTO,
"type", YTYPE,
"until", YUNTIL,
"var", YVAR,
"while", YWHILE,
"with", YWITH,
"oct", YOCT, /* non-standard Pascal */
"hex", YHEX, /* non-standard Pascal */
char *lastkey &yykey[sizeof yykey/sizeof yykey[0]];
* Inithash initializes the hash table routines
* by allocating the first hash table segment using
* an already existing memory slot.
register int *ip;
static int hshtab[HASHINC];
htab[0].ht_low = hshtab;
htab[0].ht_high = &hshtab[HASHINC];
for (ip = yykey; *ip; ip =+ 2)
hash(ip[0], 0)[0] = ip;
* Hash looks up the s(ymbol) argument
* in the string table, entering it if
* it is not found. If save is 0, then
* the argument string is already in
* a safe place. Otherwise, if hash is
* entering the symbol for the first time
* it will save the symbol in the string
* table using savestr.
int *hash(s, save)
char *s;
int save;
register int *h;
register i;
register char *cp;
int *sym;
struct ht *htp;
int sh;
* The hash function is a modular hash of
* the sum of the characters with the sum
* doubled before each successive character
* is added.
cp = s;
if (cp == NIL)
cp = token; /* default symbol to be hashed */
i = 0;
while (*cp)
i = i*2 + *cp++;
sh = (i&077777) % HASHINC;
cp = s;
if (cp == NIL)
cp = token;
* There are as many as MAXHASH active
* hash tables at any given point in time.
* The search starts with the first table
* and continues through the active tables
* as necessary.
for (htp = htab; htp < &htab[MAXHASH]; htp++) {
if (htp->ht_low == NIL) {
cp = calloc(2, HASHINC);
if (cp == -1) {
yerror("Ran out of memory (hash)");
htp->ht_low = cp;
htp->ht_high = htp->ht_low + HASHINC;
cp = s;
if (cp == NIL)
cp = token;
h = htp->ht_low + sh;
* quadratic rehash increment
* starts at 1 and incremented
* by two each rehash.
i = 1;
do {
if (*h == 0) {
if (htp->ht_used > (HASHINC * 3)/4)
if (save != 0) {
*h = savestr(cp);
} else
*h = s;
return (h);
sym = *h;
if (sym < lastkey && sym >= yykey)
sym = *sym;
if (sym->pchar == *cp && strcmp(sym, cp) == 0)
return (h);
h =+ i;
i =+ 2;
if (h >= htp->ht_high)
} while (i < HASHINC);
yerror("Ran out of hash tables");