AT&T doesn't use the man macros...
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / cpio / cpio.1
.\" @(#)cpio.1 5.2 (Berkeley) %G%
.TH CPIO 1 ""
.UC 7
cpio - copy file archives in and out
cpio -o [ acBv ]
cpio -i [ BcdmrtuvfsSb6 ] [ patterns ]
cpio -p [ adlmruv ] directory
Cpio -o (copy out) reads the standard input to obtain a list
of path names and copies those files onto the standard
output together with path name and status information.
Output is padded to a 512-byte boundary.
Cpio -i (copy in) extracts files from the standard input,
which is assumed to be the product of a previous cpio -o.
Only files with names that match patterns are selected.
Patterns are given in the name-generating notation of sh(1).
In patterns, meta-characters ?, *, and [...] match the
slash / character. Multiple patterns may be specified and
if no patterns are specified, the default for patterns is *
(i.e., select all files). The extracted files are
conditionally created and copied into the current directory
tree based upon the options described below. The
permissions of the files will be those of the previous cpio
-o. The owner and group of the files will be that of the
current user unless the user is super-user, which causes
cpio to retain the owner and group of the files of the
previous cpio -o.
Cpio -p (pass) reads the standard input to obtain a list of
path names of files that are conditionally created and
copied into the destination directory tree based upon the
options described below.
The meanings of the available options are:
.IP a
Reset access times of input files after they have been
Input/output is to be blocked 5,120 bytes to the record
(does not apply to the pass options; meaningful only
with data directed to or from /dev/rmt/??).
.IP d
Directories are to be created as needed.
.IP c
Write header information in ASCII character form for
.IP r
Interactively rename files. If the user types a null
line, the files is skipped.
.IP t
Print a table of contents of the input. No files are
.IP u
Copy unconditionally (normally, an older file will not
replace a newer file with the same name).
.IP v
Verbose: causes a list of file names to be printed.
When used with the t option, the table of contents
looks like the output of an ls -l command (see ls(1)).
.IP l
Whenever possible, link files rather than copying them.
Usable only with the -p option.
.IP m
Retain previous file modification time. This option is
ineffective on directories that are being copied.
.IP f
Copy in all files except those in patterns.
.IP s
Swap bytes. Use only with the -i option.
Swap halfwords. Use only with the -i option.
.IP b
Swap both bytes and halfwords. Use only with the -i
.IP 6
Process an old (i.e., UNIX System Sixth Edition format)
file. Only useful with -i (copy in).
The first example below copies the contents of a directory
into an archive; the second duplicates a directory
.in +5
ls | cpio -o >/dev/rmt/0m
cd olddir
find . -depth -print | cpio -pdl newdir
.in -5
The trivial case
.in +5
``find . -depth -print | cpio -oB >/dev/fmt/0m''
.in -5
can be handled more efficiently by:
.in +5
find . -cpio /dev/rmt/0m
.in -5
ar(1), find(1), ls(1).
cpio(4) in the UNIX System User Reference Manual.
Path names are restricted to 128 characters. If there are
too many unique linked files, the program runs out of memory
to keep track of them and, thereafter, linking information
is lost. Only the super-user can copy special files. The
-B option does not work with certain magnetic tape drives
(see un32(7) in the UNIX System Administrator Reference