AT&T doesn't use the man macros...
[unix-history] / usr / src / old / htable / parse.y
* Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
* provided that this notice is preserved and that due credit is given
* to the University of California at Berkeley. The name of the University
* may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission. This software
* is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
#ifndef lint
static char sccsid[] = "@(#)parse.y 5.3 (Berkeley) %G%";
#endif /* not lint */
#include "htable.h"
%union {
int number;
struct addr *addrlist;
struct name *namelist;
%start Table
%token END
%token <number> NUMBER KEYWORD
%token <namelist> NAME
%type <namelist> Names Cputype Opsys Protos Proto
%type <addrlist> Addresses Address
Table : Entry
| Table Entry
Entry : KEYWORD ':' Addresses ':' Names ':' END
= {
do_entry($1, $3, $5, NONAME, NONAME, NONAME);
| KEYWORD ':' Addresses ':' Names ':' Cputype ':' END
= {
do_entry($1, $3, $5, $7, NONAME, NONAME);
| KEYWORD ':' Addresses ':' Names ':' Cputype ':' Opsys ':' END
= {
do_entry($1, $3, $5, $7, $9, NONAME);
| KEYWORD ':' Addresses ':' Names ':' Cputype ':' Opsys ':' ':' END
= {
do_entry($1, $3, $5, $7, $9, NONAME);
| KEYWORD ':' Addresses ':' Names ':' Cputype ':' Opsys ':' Protos ':' END
= {
do_entry($1, $3, $5, $7, $9, $11);
| error END
| END /* blank line */
Addresses: Address
= {
$$ = $1;
| Address ',' Addresses
= {
$1->addr_link = $3;
$$ = $1;
= {
char *a;
$$ = (struct addr *)malloc(sizeof (struct addr));
a = (char *)&($$->addr_val);
a[0] = $1; a[1] = $3; a[2] = $5; a[3] = $7;
$$->addr_link = NOADDR;
Names : NAME
= {
$$ = $1;
| NAME ',' Names
= {
$1->name_link = $3;
$$ = $1;
Cputype : /* empty */
= {
$$ = NONAME;
= {
$$ = $1;
Opsys : /* empty */
= {
$$ = NONAME;
= {
$$ = $1;
Protos : Proto
= {
$$ = $1;
| Proto ',' Protos
= {
$1->name_link = $3;
$$ = $1;
Proto : NAME
= {
$$ = $1;
#include <stdio.h>
extern int yylineno;
char *msg;
fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %d: %s\n", infile, yylineno, msg);