Add support for encryption and authentication
[unix-history] / usr / src / include / arpa / ftp.h
* Copyright (c) 1983, 1989 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
* @(#)ftp.h 5.5 (Berkeley) %G%
* Definitions for FTP
* See RFC-765
* Reply codes.
#define PRELIM 1 /* positive preliminary */
#define COMPLETE 2 /* positive completion */
#define CONTINUE 3 /* positive intermediate */
#define TRANSIENT 4 /* transient negative completion */
#define ERROR 5 /* permanent negative completion */
* Type codes
#define TYPE_A 1 /* ASCII */
#define TYPE_E 2 /* EBCDIC */
#define TYPE_I 3 /* image */
#define TYPE_L 4 /* local byte size */
#ifdef FTP_NAMES
char *typenames[] = {"0", "ASCII", "EBCDIC", "Image", "Local" };
* Form codes
#define FORM_N 1 /* non-print */
#define FORM_T 2 /* telnet format effectors */
#define FORM_C 3 /* carriage control (ASA) */
#ifdef FTP_NAMES
char *formnames[] = {"0", "Nonprint", "Telnet", "Carriage-control" };
* Structure codes
#define STRU_F 1 /* file (no record structure) */
#define STRU_R 2 /* record structure */
#define STRU_P 3 /* page structure */
#ifdef FTP_NAMES
char *strunames[] = {"0", "File", "Record", "Page" };
* Mode types
#define MODE_S 1 /* stream */
#define MODE_B 2 /* block */
#define MODE_C 3 /* compressed */
#ifdef FTP_NAMES
char *modenames[] = {"0", "Stream", "Block", "Compressed" };
* Record Tokens
#define REC_ESC '\377' /* Record-mode Escape */
#define REC_EOR '\001' /* Record-mode End-of-Record */
#define REC_EOF '\002' /* Record-mode End-of-File */
* Block Header
#define BLK_EOR 0x80 /* Block is End-of-Record */
#define BLK_EOF 0x40 /* Block is End-of-File */
#define BLK_ERRORS 0x20 /* Block is suspected of containing errors */
#define BLK_RESTART 0x10 /* Block is Restart Marker */
#define BLK_BYTECOUNT 2 /* Bytes in this block */