the list of command line files not selected was not being printed.
[unix-history] / usr / src / bin / pax / pax.h
* Copyright (c) 1992 Keith Muller.
* Copyright (c) 1992 The Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by
* Keith Muller of the University of California, San Diego.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
* @(#)pax.h 1.2 (Berkeley) %G%
* BSD PAX global data structures and constants.
#define MAXBLK 32256 /* MAX blocksize supported (posix SPEC) */
/* WARNING: increasing MAXBLK past 32256 */
/* will violate posix spec. */
#define BLKMULT 512 /* blocksize must be even mult of 512 bytes */
/* Don't even think of changing this */
#define DEVBLK 8192 /* default read blksize for devices */
#define FILEBLK 10240 /* default read blksize for files */
#define PAXPATHLEN 3072 /* maximium path length for pax. MUST be */
/* longer than the system MAXPATHLEN */
* Pax modes of operation
#define LIST 0 /* List the file in an archive */
#define EXTRACT 1 /* extract the files in an archive */
#define ARCHIVE 2 /* write a new archive */
#define APPND 3 /* append to the end of an archive */
#define COPY 4 /* copy files to destination dir */
#define DEFOP LIST /* if no flags default is to LIST */
* Device type of the current archive volume
#define ISREG 0 /* regular file */
#define ISCHR 1 /* character device */
#define ISBLK 2 /* block device */
#define ISTAPE 3 /* tape drive */
#define ISPIPE 4 /* pipe/socket */
* Format Specific Routine Table
* The format specific routine table allows new archive formats to be quickly
* added. Overall pax operation is independent of the actual format used to
* form the archive. Only those routines which deal directly with the archive
* are tailored to the oddities of the specifc format. All other routines are
* independent of the archive format. Data flow in and out of the format
* dependent routines pass pointers to ARCHD structure (described below).
typedef struct {
char *name; /* name of format, this is the name the user */
/* gives to -x option to select it. */
int bsz; /* default block size. used when the user */
/* does not specify a blocksize for writing */
/* Appends continue to with the blocksize */
/* the archive is currently using.*/
int hsz; /* Header size in bytes. this is the size of */
/* the smallest header this format supports. */
/* Headers are assumed to fit in a BLKMULT. */
/* If they are bigger, get_head() and */
/* get_arc() must be adjusted */
int udev; /* does append require unique dev/ino? some */
/* formats use the device and inode fields */
/* to specify hard links. when members in */
/* the archive have the same inode/dev they */
/* are assumed to be hard links. During */
/* append we may have to generate unique ids */
/* to avoid creating incorrect hard links */
int hlk; /* does archive store hard links info? if */
/* not, we do not bother to look for them */
/* during archive write operations */
int blkalgn; /* writes must be aligned to blkalgn boundry */
int inhead; /* is the trailer encoded in a valid header? */
/* if not, trailers are assumed to be found */
/* in invalid headers (i.e like tar) */
int (*id)(); /* checks if a buffer is a valid header */
/* returns 1 if it is, o.w. returns a 0 */
int (*st_rd)(); /* initialize routine for read. so format */
/* can set up tables etc before it starts */
/* reading an archive */
int (*rd)(); /* read header routine. passed a pointer to */
/* ARCHD. It must extract the info from the */
/* format and store it in the ARCHD struct. */
/* This routine is expected to fill all the */
/* fields in the ARCHD (including stat buf) */
/* 0 is returned when a valid header is */
/* found. -1 when not valid. This routine */
/* set the skip and pad fields so the format */
/* independent routines know the amount of */
/* padding and the number of bytes of data */
/* which follow the header. This info is */
/* used skip to the next file header */
off_t (*end_rd)(); /* read cleanup. Allows format to clean up */
/* RECORD (so append knows how many bytes */
/* to move back to rewrite the trailer) */
int (*st_wr)(); /* initialize routine for write operations */
int (*wr)(); /* write archive header. Passed an ARCHD */
/* filled with the specs on the next file to */
/* archived. Returns a 1 if no file data is */
/* is to be stored; 0 if file data is to be */
/* added. A -1 is returned if a write */
/* operation to the archive failed. this */
/* function sets the skip and pad fields so */
/* the proper padding can be added after */
/* file data. This routine must NEVER write */
/* a flawed archive header. */
int (*end_wr)(); /* end write. write the trailer and do any */
/* other format specific functions needed */
/* at the ecnd of a archive write */
int (*trail)(); /* returns 0 if a valid trailer, -1 if not */
/* For formats which encode the trailer */
/* outside of a valid header, a return value */
/* of 1 indicates that the block passed to */
/* it can never contain a valid header (skip */
/* this block, no point in looking at it) */
/* CAUTION: parameters to this function are */
/* different for trailers inside or outside */
/* of headers. See get_head() for details */
int (*rd_data)(); /* read/process file data from the archive */
int (*wr_data)(); /* write/process file data to the archive */
int (*options)(); /* process format specific options (-o) */
* Pattern matching structure
* Used to store command line patterns
typedef struct pattern {
char *pstr; /* pattern to match, user supplied */
int plen; /* length of pstr */
int flgs; /* processing/state flags */
#define MTCH 0x1 /* this pattern has been matched */
#define DIR_MTCH 0x2 /* this pattern matched a directory */
struct pattern *fow; /* next pattern */
* General Archive Structure (used internal to pax)
* This structure is used to pass information about archive members between
* the format independent routines and the format specific routines. When
* new archive formats are added, they must accept requests and supply info
* encoded in a structure of this type. The name fields are declared statically
* here, as there is only ONE of these floating around, size is not a major
* consideration. Eventually converting the name fields to a dynamic length
* may be required if and when the supporting operating system removes all
* restrictions on the length of pathnames it will resolve.
typedef struct {
int nlen; /* file name length */
char name[PAXPATHLEN+1]; /* file name */
int ln_nlen; /* link name length */
char ln_name[PAXPATHLEN+1]; /* name to link to (if any) */
char *org_name; /* orig name in file system */
PATTERN *pat; /* ptr to pattern match (if any) */
struct stat sb; /* stat buffer see stat(2) */
off_t pad; /* bytes of padding after file xfer */
off_t skip; /* bytes of real data after header */
/* IMPORTANT. The st_size field does */
/* not always indicate the amount of */
/* data following the header. */
u_long crc; /* file crc */
int type; /* type of file node */
#define PAX_DIR 1 /* directory */
#define PAX_CHR 2 /* character device */
#define PAX_BLK 3 /* block device */
#define PAX_REG 4 /* regular file */
#define PAX_SLK 5 /* symbolic link */
#define PAX_SCK 6 /* socket */
#define PAX_FIF 7 /* fifo */
#define PAX_HLK 8 /* hard link */
#define PAX_HRG 9 /* hard link to a regular file */
#define PAX_CTG 10 /* high performance file */
* Format Specific Options List
* Used to pass format options to the format options handler
typedef struct oplist {
char *name; /* option variable name e.g. name= */
char *value; /* value for option variable */
struct oplist *fow; /* next option */
* General Macros
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
#define MAJOR(x) (((unsigned)(x) >> 8) & 0xff)
#define MINOR(x) ((x) & 0xff)
#define TODEV(x, y) (((unsigned)(x) << 8) | ((unsigned)(y)))
* General Defines
#define HEX 16
#define OCT 8
#define _PAX_ 1