BSD 4_3_Net_2 development
[unix-history] / usr / src / contrib / isode / ronot / ronotunbind1.c
/* ronotunbind1.c - RONOT: Maps ABSTRACT-UNBIND onto A-RELEASE.REQUEST */
#ifndef lint
static char *rcsid = "$Header: /f/osi/ronot/RCS/ronotunbind1.c,v 7.2 91/02/22 09:50:34 mrose Interim $";
* $Header: /f/osi/ronot/RCS/ronotunbind1.c,v 7.2 91/02/22 09:50:34 mrose Interim $
* $Log: ronotunbind1.c,v $
* Revision 7.2 91/02/22 09:50:34 mrose
* Interim 6.8
* Revision 7.1 90/07/26 14:34:01 mrose
* template
* Acquisition, use, and distribution of this module and related
* materials are subject to the restrictions of a license agreement.
* Consult the Preface in the User's Manual for the full terms of
* this agreement.
#include "tailor.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "ronot.h"
#include "RONOT-types.h"
int RoUnBindRequest (sd, unbindargpe, secs, acr, rni)
int sd;
PE unbindargpe;
int secs;
struct AcSAPrelease * acr;
struct RoNOTindication * rni;
int result;
PE user_data;
PE * user_data_p = &(user_data);
int ndata;
struct AcSAPindication aci_s;
struct AcSAPindication * aci = &aci_s;
struct AcSAPabort * aca = &(aci->aci_abort);
if (unbindargpe != NULLPE)
if (encode_RONOT_UnBindArgumentValue (user_data_p, 1, 0, NULLCP, unbindargpe) == NOTOK)
LLOG (rosap_log, LLOG_EXCEPTIONS, ("RoUnbindRequest: encode_RONOT_UnBindArgumentValue failed"));
return (ronotlose (rni, RBI_ENC_UNBIND_ARG, NULLCP, NULLCP));
(*user_data_p)->pe_context = unbindargpe->pe_context;
ndata = 1;
(*user_data_p) = NULLPE;
ndata = 0;
result = AcRelRequest (sd, ACF_NORMAL, user_data_p, ndata, secs, acr, aci);
if ((*user_data_p) != NULLPE)
pe_free ((*user_data_p));
if (result == NOTOK)
if (aci->aci_abort.aca_reason == ACS_TIMER)
/* ADT: Watch this !! */
/* more work needed !!! */
ACAFREE (aca);
return (DONE);
LLOG (rosap_log, LLOG_EXCEPTIONS, ("RoUnbindRequest: AcRelRequest failed"));
(void) acs2ronotlose (rni, "RO-UNBIND.REQUEST", aca);
ACAFREE (aca);
return (NOTOK);
if (ParseRoUnBindResponse (acr, rni) != OK)
LLOG (rosap_log, LLOG_EXCEPTIONS, ("RoUnbindRequest: ParseRoUnBindResponse failed"));
ACRFREE (acr);
return (NOTOK);
return (result);
int RoUnBindRetry (sd, secs, acr, rni)
int sd;
int secs;
struct AcSAPrelease * acr;
struct RoNOTindication * rni;
int result;
struct AcSAPindication aci_s;
struct AcSAPindication * aci = &(aci_s);
struct AcSAPabort * aca = &(aci->aci_abort);
result = AcRelRetryRequest (sd, secs, acr, aci);
if (result == NOTOK)
if (aci->aci_abort.aca_reason == ACS_TIMER)
/* ADT: Watch out for this */
/* more work needed !!! */
ACAFREE (aca);
return (DONE);
LLOG (rosap_log, LLOG_EXCEPTIONS, ("RoUnbindRetry: AcRelRetryRequest failed"));
(void) acs2ronotlose (rni, "RO-UNBIND.RETRY", aca);
ACAFREE (aca);
return (NOTOK);
if (ParseRoUnBindResponse (acr, rni) != OK)
LLOG (rosap_log, LLOG_EXCEPTIONS, ("RoUnbindRetry: ParseRoUnBindResponse failed"));
ACRFREE (acr);
return (NOTOK);
return (result);
int ParseRoUnBindResponse (acr, rni)
struct AcSAPrelease * acr;
struct RoNOTindication * rni;
PE pe;
if (acr->acr_ninfo == 0)
return (OK);
if (acr->acr_ninfo != 1)
return (ronotlose (rni, RBI_DEC_NINFO, NULLCP, NULLCP));
if (acr->acr_info[0] == NULLPE)
return (ronotlose (rni, RBI_DEC_NINFO, NULLCP, NULLCP));
/* ADT: Can we get rid of this copy? */
pe = acr->acr_info[0];
acr->acr_info[0] = NULLPE;
if (acr->acr_affirmative == ACS_ACCEPT)
if (decode_RONOT_UnBindResultValue (pe, 1, NULLIP, NULLVP, &acr->acr_info[0]) != OK)
LLOG (rosap_log, LLOG_EXCEPTIONS, ("ParseRoUnBindResponse: decode_RONOT_UnBindResultValue failed"));
acr->acr_ninfo = 0;
pe_free (pe);
return (ronotlose (rni, RBI_DEC_UNBIND_RES, NULLCP, NULLCP));
if (decode_RONOT_UnBindErrorValue (pe, 1, NULLIP, NULLVP, &acr->acr_info[0]) != OK)
LLOG (rosap_log, LLOG_EXCEPTIONS, ("ParseRoUnBindResponse: decode_RONOT_UnBindErrorValue failed"));
acr->acr_ninfo = 0;
pe_free (pe);
return (ronotlose (rni, RBI_DEC_UNBIND_RES, NULLCP, NULLCP));
pe_free (pe);
return (OK);