386BSD 0.1 development
[unix-history] / usr / othersrc / contrib / isode / acsap / acsapinitiat.c
/* acsapinitiat.c - ACPM: initiator */
#ifndef lint
static char *rcsid = "$Header: /f/osi/acsap/RCS/acsapinitiat.c,v 7.4 91/02/22 09:14:09 mrose Interim $";
* $Header: /f/osi/acsap/RCS/acsapinitiat.c,v 7.4 91/02/22 09:14:09 mrose Interim $
* $Log: acsapinitiat.c,v $
* Revision 7.4 91/02/22 09:14:09 mrose
* Interim 6.8
* Revision 7.3 90/08/18 00:48:49 mrose
* touch-up
* Revision 7.2 90/07/09 14:30:32 mrose
* sync
* Revision 7.1 90/07/01 21:01:55 mrose
* pepsy
* Revision 7.0 89/11/23 21:21:50 mrose
* Release 6.0
* Acquisition, use, and distribution of this module and related
* materials are subject to the restrictions of a license agreement.
* Consult the Preface in the User's Manual for the full terms of
* this agreement.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "ACS-types.h"
#define ACSE
#include "acpkt.h"
#include "isoservent.h"
#include "tailor.h"
int AcAsynAssocRequest (context, callingtitle, calledtitle, callingaddr,
calledaddr, ctxlist, defctxname, prequirements, srequirements, isn,
settings, ref, data, ndata, qos, acc, aci, async)
OID context;
AEI callingtitle,
struct PSAPaddr *callingaddr,
int prequirements,
long isn;
struct PSAPctxlist *ctxlist;
OID defctxname;
struct SSAPref *ref;
PE *data;
struct QOStype *qos;
struct AcSAPconnect *acc;
struct AcSAPindication *aci;
SBV smask;
int result;
isodetailor (NULLCP, 0);
missingP (context);
#ifdef notdef
missingP (callingtitle);
missingP (calledtitle);
/* let presentation provider catch errors in presentation parameters */
/* except this one... */
missingP (ctxlist);
toomuchP (data, ndata, NACDATA, "initial");
if (data) { /* XXX: probably should have a more intensive check... */
register int i;
register PE *pep;
for (pep = data, i = ndata; i > 0; pep++, i--)
if ((*pep) -> pe_context == PE_DFLT_CTX)
return acsaplose (aci, ACS_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"default context not allowed for user-data at slot %d",
pep - data);
missingP (acc);
missingP (aci);
smask = sigioblock ();
result = AcAssocRequestAux (context, callingtitle, calledtitle,
callingaddr, calledaddr, ctxlist, defctxname, prequirements,
srequirements, isn, settings, ref, data, ndata, qos, acc, aci,
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return result;
/* \f */
static int AcAssocRequestAux (context, callingtitle, calledtitle, callingaddr,
calledaddr, ctxlist, defctxname, prequirements, srequirements, isn,
settings, ref, data, ndata, qos, acc, aci, async)
OID context;
AEI callingtitle,
struct PSAPaddr *callingaddr,
int prequirements,
long isn;
struct PSAPctxlist *ctxlist;
OID defctxname;
struct SSAPref *ref;
PE *data;
struct QOStype *qos;
struct AcSAPconnect *acc;
struct AcSAPindication *aci;
register int i;
int result;
PE pe;
register struct assocblk *acb;
register struct PSAPcontext *pp;
register struct PSAPconnect *pc = &acc -> acc_connect;
struct PSAPindication pis;
register struct PSAPindication *pi = &pis;
register struct PSAPabort *pa = &pi -> pi_abort;
register struct type_ACS_AARQ__apdu *pdu;
if ((acb = newacblk ()) == NULL)
return acsaplose (aci, ACS_CONGEST, NULLCP, "out of memory");
pe = NULLPE;
if ((pdu = (struct type_ACS_AARQ__apdu *) calloc (1, sizeof *pdu))
== NULL) {
no_mem: ;
result = acsaplose (aci, ACS_CONGEST, NULLCP, "out of memory");
goto out;
pdu -> application__context__name = context;
if (calledtitle) {
pdu -> called__AP__title = calledtitle -> aei_ap_title;
pdu -> called__AE__qualifier = calledtitle -> aei_ae_qualifier;
if (calledtitle -> aei_flags & AEI_AP_ID)
pdu -> called__AP__invocation__id =
(struct type_ACS_AP__invocation__id *)
&calledtitle -> aei_ap_id;
if (calledtitle -> aei_flags & AEI_AE_ID)
pdu -> called__AE__invocation__id =
(struct type_ACS_AE__invocation__id *)
&calledtitle -> aei_ae_id;
if (callingtitle) {
pdu -> calling__AP__title = callingtitle -> aei_ap_title;
pdu -> calling__AE__qualifier = callingtitle -> aei_ae_qualifier;
if (callingtitle -> aei_flags & AEI_AP_ID)
pdu -> calling__AP__invocation__id =
(struct type_ACS_AP__invocation__id *)
&callingtitle -> aei_ap_id;
if (callingtitle -> aei_flags & AEI_AE_ID)
pdu -> calling__AE__invocation__id =
(struct type_ACS_AE__invocation__id *)
&callingtitle -> aei_ae_id;
if (data
&& ndata > 0
&& (pdu -> user__information = info2apdu (acb, aci, data, ndata))
== NULL)
goto out;
result = encode_ACS_AARQ__apdu (&pe, 1, 0, NULLCP, pdu);
if (pdu -> user__information)
free_ACS_Association__information (pdu -> user__information);
free ((char *) pdu);
pdu = NULL;
if (result == NOTOK) {
(void) acsaplose (aci, ACS_CONGEST, NULLCP, "error encoding PDU: %s",
goto out;
if (ctxlist -> pc_nctx >= NPCTX) {
result = acsaplose (aci, ACS_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"too many contexts");
goto out;
register int ctx;
register OID oid;
if ((oid = ode2oid (AC_ASN)) == NULLOID) {
result = acsaplose (aci, ACS_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"%s: unknown", AC_ASN);
goto out;
for (pp = ctxlist -> pc_ctx, i = ctxlist -> pc_nctx - 1;
i >= 0;
pp++, i--)
if (oid_cmp (pp -> pc_asn, oid)) {
if (acb -> acb_rosid == PE_DFLT_CTX)
acb -> acb_rosid = pp -> pc_id;
ctx = 1;
for (pp = ctxlist -> pc_ctx, i = ctxlist -> pc_nctx - 1;
i >= 0;
i--, pp++) {
if (oid_cmp (pp -> pc_asn, oid) == 0) {
acb -> acb_id = pp -> pc_id;
acb -> acb_offset = pp - ctxlist -> pc_ctx;
pp = NULL;
goto ready;
if (ctx <= pp -> pc_id)
ctx = pp -> pc_id + 2;
pp -> pc_id = ctx;
if ((pp -> pc_asn = oid_cpy (oid)) == NULLOID)
goto no_mem;
if (pp -> pc_atn = ode2oid (BER))
pp -> pc_atn = oid_cpy (pp -> pc_atn);
acb -> acb_id = pp -> pc_id;
acb -> acb_offset = -1;
ctxlist -> pc_nctx++;
ready: ;
pe -> pe_context = acb -> acb_id;
PLOGP (acsap_log,ACS_ACSE__apdu, pe, "AARQ-apdu", 0);
bzero ((char *) acc, sizeof *acc);
result = PAsynConnRequest (callingaddr, calledaddr,
ctxlist, defctxname, prequirements, srequirements, isn,
settings, ref, &pe, 1, qos, pc, pi, async);
if (pp) {
oid_free (pp -> pc_asn);
if (pp -> pc_atn)
oid_free (pp -> pc_atn);
pp -> pc_asn = pp -> pc_atn = NULLOID;
ctxlist -> pc_nctx--;
pe_free (pe);
pe = NULLPE;
if (result == NOTOK) {
(void) ps2acslose (NULLACB, aci, "PAsynConnRequest", pa);
goto out;
acb -> acb_fd = pc -> pc_sd;
acb -> acb_flags |= ACB_ACS;
acb -> acb_uabort = PUAbortRequest;
if (async) {
switch (result) {
acc -> acc_sd = acb -> acb_fd;
return result;
if ((result = AcAsynRetryAux (acb, pc, pi, acc, aci)) == DONE && !async)
result = OK;
return result;
out: ;
if (pdu) {
if (pdu -> user__information)
free_ACS_Association__information (pdu -> user__information);
free ((char *) pdu);
if (pe)
pe_free (pe);
freeacblk (acb);
return result;
/* \f A-ASYN-RETRY.REQUEST (pseudo) */
int AcAsynRetryRequest (sd, acc, aci)
int sd;
struct AcSAPconnect *acc;
struct AcSAPindication *aci;
SBV smask;
int result;
register struct assocblk *acb;
register struct PSAPconnect *pc;
struct PSAPindication pis;
register struct PSAPindication *pi = &pis;
register struct PSAPabort *pa = &pi -> pi_abort;
missingP (acc);
missingP (aci);
smask = sigioblock ();
if ((acb = findacblk (sd)) == NULL) {
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return acsaplose (aci, ACS_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"invalid association descriptor");
if (acb -> acb_flags & ACB_CONN) {
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return acsaplose (aci, ACS_OPERATION, NULLCP,
"association descriptor connected");
pc = &acc -> acc_connect;
bzero ((char *) acc, sizeof *acc);
switch (result = PAsynRetryRequest (acb -> acb_fd, pc, pi)) {
case NOTOK:
acb -> acb_fd = NOTOK;
(void) ps2acslose (acb, aci, "PAsynRetryRequest", pa);
freeacblk (acb);
case DONE:
result = AcAsynRetryAux (acb, pc, pi, acc, aci);
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return result;
/* \f */
static int AcAsynRetryAux (acb, pc, pi, acc, aci)
register struct assocblk *acb;
struct PSAPconnect *pc;
struct PSAPindication *pi;
struct AcSAPconnect *acc;
struct AcSAPindication *aci;
register int i;
int result;
PE pe;
register struct PSAPcontext *pp;
register struct PSAPabort *pa = &pi -> pi_abort;
struct type_ACS_ACSE__apdu *pdu;
register struct type_ACS_AARE__apdu *aare;
if (pc -> pc_result == PC_ABORTED) {
(void) ps2acsabort (acb, pa, aci);
acc -> acc_sd = NOTOK;
acc -> acc_result = ACS_ABORTED;
return DONE;
pe = NULLPE;
pdu = NULL;
if (pc -> pc_ninfo < 1) {
if (pc -> pc_result != PC_ACCEPT) {
bzero ((char *) pa, sizeof *pa);
pa -> pa_reason = pc -> pc_result;
acb -> acb_fd = NOTOK;
(void) ps2acslose (acb, aci, "PAsynConnRequest(pseudo)", pa);
acc -> acc_sd = NOTOK;
acc -> acc_result = aci -> aci_abort.aca_reason;
result = DONE;
result = acpktlose (acb, aci, ACS_PROTOCOL, NULLCP, NULLCP);
goto out;
acb -> acb_fd = pc -> pc_sd;
acb -> acb_sversion = pc -> pc_qos.qos_sversion;
result = decode_ACS_ACSE__apdu (pe = pc -> pc_info[0], 1, NULLIP, NULLVP,
#ifdef DEBUG
if (result == OK && (acsap_log -> ll_events & LLOG_PDUS))
pvpdu (acsap_log, print_ACS_ACSE__apdu_P, pe, "ACSE-apdu", 1);
pe_free (pe);
pe = pc -> pc_info[0] = NULLPE;
if (result == NOTOK) {
(void) acpktlose (acb, aci, ACS_PROTOCOL, NULLCP, "%s", PY_pepy);
goto out;
if (pdu -> offset != type_ACS_ACSE__apdu_aare) {
result = acpktlose (acb, aci, ACS_PROTOCOL, NULLCP,
"unexpected PDU %d on P-CONNECT", pdu -> offset);
goto out;
aare = pdu -> un.aare;
switch (aare -> result) {
case int_ACS_result_accepted:
if (pc -> pc_result != PC_ACCEPT) {
result = acpktlose (acb, aci, ACS_PROTOCOL, NULLCP,
"not accepted [%s]",
PErrString (pc -> pc_result));
goto out;
acb -> acb_flags |= ACB_CONN;
acc -> acc_sd = acb -> acb_fd;
acc -> acc_result = ACS_ACCEPT;
if ((i = acb -> acb_offset) < 0)
i = pc -> pc_ctxlist.pc_nctx - 1;
pp = pc -> pc_ctxlist.pc_ctx + i;
if (pp -> pc_id != acb -> acb_id) {
result = acpktlose (acb, aci, ACS_PROTOCOL, NULLCP,
"ACSE PCI not found");
goto out;
if (pp -> pc_result != PC_ACCEPT) {
result = acpktlose (acb, aci, ACS_PROTOCOL, NULLCP,
"ACSE PCI rejected");
goto out;
if (acb -> acb_offset < 0)
pc -> pc_ctxlist.pc_nctx--;
for (pp = pc -> pc_ctxlist.pc_ctx; i >= 0; i--, pp++)
if (pp -> pc_id != acb -> acb_id
&& pp -> pc_result == PC_ACCEPT) {
acb -> acb_rosid = pp -> pc_id;
case int_ACS_result_rejected__permanent:
acc -> acc_result = ACS_PERMANENT;
goto rejected;
case int_ACS_result_rejected__transient:
acc -> acc_result = ACS_TRANSIENT;
rejected: ;
if (pc -> pc_result != PC_ACCEPT)
acb -> acb_fd = NOTOK;
acc -> acc_sd = NOTOK;
if (acb -> acb_offset < 0
&& (i = pc -> pc_ctxlist.pc_nctx - 1) >= 0)
pc -> pc_ctxlist.pc_nctx = i;
switch (aare -> result__source__diagnostic -> offset) {
case type_ACS_Associate__source__diagnostic_acse__service__user:
acc -> acc_diagnostic =
aare -> result__source__diagnostic -> un.acse__service__user
case type_ACS_Associate__source__diagnostic_acse__service__provider:
acc -> acc_diagnostic =
aare -> result__source__diagnostic -> un.acse__service__provider
if ((result = apdu2info (acb, aci, aare -> user__information,
acc -> acc_info, &acc -> acc_ninfo)) == NOTOK)
goto out;
acc -> acc_context = aare -> application__context__name;
aare -> application__context__name = NULLOID;
acc -> acc_respondtitle.aei_ap_title = aare -> responding__AP__title;
aare -> responding__AP__title = NULLPE;
acc -> acc_respondtitle.aei_ae_qualifier =
aare -> responding__AE__qualifier;
aare -> responding__AE__qualifier = NULLPE;
if (aare -> responding__AP__invocation__id) {
acc -> acc_respondtitle.aei_ap_id =
aare -> responding__AP__invocation__id -> parm;
acc -> acc_respondtitle.aei_flags |= AEI_AP_ID;
if (aare -> responding__AE__invocation__id) {
acc -> acc_respondtitle.aei_ae_id =
aare -> responding__AE__invocation__id -> parm;
acc -> acc_respondtitle.aei_flags |= AEI_AE_ID;
for (i = pc -> pc_ninfo - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (pc -> pc_info[i]) {
pe_free (pc -> pc_info[i]);
pc -> pc_info[i] = NULL;
pc -> pc_ninfo = 0;
free_ACS_ACSE__apdu (pdu);
if (pc -> pc_result != PC_ACCEPT)
freeacblk (acb);
return DONE;
out: ;
if (pc -> pc_ninfo > 0 && pe == pc -> pc_info[0])
pe = NULLPE;
PCFREE (pc);
if (pe)
pe_free (pe);
if (pdu)
free_ACS_ACSE__apdu (pdu);
freeacblk (acb);
return result;
/* \f A-ASYN-NEXT.REQUEST (pseudo) */
int AcAsynNextRequest (sd, acc, aci)
int sd;
struct AcSAPconnect *acc;
struct AcSAPindication *aci;
SBV smask;
int result;
register struct assocblk *acb;
register struct PSAPconnect *pc;
struct PSAPindication pis;
register struct PSAPindication *pi = &pis;
register struct PSAPabort *pa = &pi -> pi_abort;
missingP (acc);
missingP (aci);
smask = sigioblock ();
if ((acb = findacblk (sd)) == NULL) {
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return acsaplose (aci, ACS_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"invalid association descriptor");
if (acb -> acb_flags & ACB_CONN) {
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return acsaplose (aci, ACS_OPERATION, NULLCP,
"association descriptor connected");
pc = &acc -> acc_connect;
bzero ((char *) acc, sizeof *acc);
switch (result = PAsynNextRequest (acb -> acb_fd, pc, pi)) {
case NOTOK:
acb -> acb_fd = NOTOK;
(void) ps2acslose (acb, aci, "PAsynRetryRequest", pa);
freeacblk (acb);
case DONE:
result = AcAsynRetryAux (acb, pc, pi, acc, aci);
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return result;