386BSD 0.1 development
[unix-history] / usr / othersrc / contrib / isode / ssap / ssaprelease1.c
/* ssaprelease1.c - SPM: initiate release */
#ifndef lint
static char *rcsid = "$Header: /f/osi/ssap/RCS/ssaprelease1.c,v 7.1 91/02/22 09:45:56 mrose Interim $";
* $Header: /f/osi/ssap/RCS/ssaprelease1.c,v 7.1 91/02/22 09:45:56 mrose Interim $
* $Log: ssaprelease1.c,v $
* Revision 7.1 91/02/22 09:45:56 mrose
* Interim 6.8
* Revision 7.0 89/11/23 22:25:34 mrose
* Release 6.0
* Acquisition, use, and distribution of this module and related
* materials are subject to the restrictions of a license agreement.
* Consult the Preface in the User's Manual for the full terms of
* this agreement.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "spkt.h"
int SRelRequest (sd, data, cc, secs, sr, si)
int sd;
char *data;
int cc;
int secs;
struct SSAPrelease *sr;
struct SSAPindication *si;
SBV smask;
int result;
register struct ssapblk *sb;
missingP (sr);
missingP (si);
smask = sigioblock ();
ssapPsig (sb, sd);
toomuchP (sb, data, cc, SF_SIZE, "release");
result = SRelRequestAux (sb, data, cc, secs, sr, si);
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return result;
/* \f */
#define dotoken(requires,shift,bit,type) \
{ \
if ((sb -> sb_requirements & requires) && !(sb -> sb_owned & bit)) \
return ssaplose (si, SC_OPERATION, NULLCP, \
"%s token not owned by you", type); \
static int SRelRequestAux (sb, data, cc, secs, sr, si)
register struct ssapblk *sb;
char *data;
int cc;
int secs;
struct SSAPrelease *sr;
struct SSAPindication *si;
register struct ssapkt *s;
dotokens ();
if (sb -> sb_flags & SB_CD)
return ssaplose (si, SC_OPERATION, NULLCP,
"capability data request in progress");
if (sb -> sb_flags & SB_CDA)
return ssaplose (si, SC_OPERATION, NULLCP,
"awaiting your capability data response");
if (sb -> sb_flags & SB_GTC)
return ssaplose (si, SC_OPERATION, NULLCP,
"give control request in progress");
if (sb -> sb_flags & SB_MAA)
return ssaplose (si, SC_OPERATION, "awaiting your majorsync response");
if (sb -> sb_flags & SB_RELEASE)
return ssaplose (si, SC_OPERATION, "release already in progress");
if (sb -> sb_xspdu || sb -> sb_spdu)
return ssaplose (si, SC_WAITING, NULLCP, NULLCP);
if ((s = newspkt (SPDU_FN)) == NULL)
return ssaplose (si, SC_CONGEST, NULLCP, "out of memory");
if (cc > 0) {
s -> s_mask |= SMASK_UDATA_PGI;
s -> s_udata = data, s -> s_ulen = cc;
s -> s_udata = NULL, s -> s_ulen = 0;
sb -> sb_retry = s;
return SRelRetryRequestAux (sb, secs, sr, si);
#undef dotoken
/* \f S-RELEASE-RETRY.REQUEST (pseudo) */
int SRelRetryRequest (sd, secs, sr, si)
int sd;
int secs;
struct SSAPrelease *sr;
struct SSAPindication *si;
SBV smask;
int result;
register struct ssapblk *sb;
missingP (sr);
missingP (si);
smask = sigioblock ();
if ((sb = findsblk (sd)) == NULL)
result = ssaplose (si, SC_PARAMETER, NULLCP,
"invalid session descriptor");
if (!(sb -> sb_flags & SB_RELEASE))
result = ssaplose (si, SC_OPERATION, "release not in progress");
result = SRelRetryRequestAux (sb, secs, sr, si);
(void) sigiomask (smask);
return result;
/* \f */
static int SRelRetryRequestAux (sb, secs, sr, si)
register struct ssapblk *sb;
int secs;
struct SSAPrelease *sr;
struct SSAPindication *si;
int code,
register struct ssapkt *s;
if (sb -> sb_flags & SB_RELEASE)
goto waiting;
code = SPDU_FN;
again: ;
if (((s = sb -> sb_retry) -> s_code = code) == SPDU_FN) {
s -> s_mask |= SMASK_FN_DISC;
s -> s_fn_disconnect = FN_DISC_RELEASE;
result = spkt2sd (s, sb -> sb_fd, 0, si);
if (s -> s_code == SPDU_FN) {
s -> s_mask &= ~(SMASK_UDATA_PGI | SMASK_FN_DISC);
s -> s_udata = NULL, s -> s_ulen = 0;
s -> s_fn_disconnect = 0;
if (result == NOTOK)
goto out1;
waiting: ;
if ((s = sb2spkt (sb, si, secs, NULLTX)) == NULL) {
register struct SSAPabort *sa = &si -> si_abort;
if (sa -> sa_reason == SC_TIMER) {
sb -> sb_flags |= SB_RELEASE;
return NOTOK;
goto out2;
bzero ((char *) sr, sizeof *sr);
switch (s -> s_code) {
case SPDU_FN:
freespkt (s);
code = SPDU_DN;
goto again;
case SPDU_DN:
sr -> sr_affirmative = 1;
copySPKTdata (s, sr);
freespkt (s);
freesblk (sb);
return OK;
case SPDU_NF:
if (!(sb -> sb_requirements & SR_RLS_EXISTS)
|| !(sb -> sb_owned & ST_RLS_TOKEN))
goto bad_nf;
sr -> sr_affirmative = 0;
copySPKTdata (s, sr);
freespkt (s);
return OK;
case SPDU_RS:
if (sb -> sb_spdu) /* XXX */
freespkt (sb -> sb_spdu);
sb -> sb_spdu = s;
return ssaplose (si, SC_WAITING, NULLCP, NULLCP);
case SPDU_AB:
si -> si_type = SI_ABORT;
register struct SSAPabort *sa = &si -> si_abort;
if (!(sa -> sa_peer = (s -> s_ab_disconnect & AB_DISC_USER)
? 1 : 0))
sa -> sa_reason = SC_ABORT;
sa -> sa_info = s -> s_udata, sa -> sa_cc = s -> s_ulen;
sa -> sa_realinfo = s -> s_udata, s -> s_udata = NULL;
bad_nf: ;
(void) spktlose (sb -> sb_fd, si, SC_PROTOCOL, NULLCP,
"session protocol mangled: not expecting 0x%x",
s -> s_code);
out2: ;
freespkt (s);
out1: ;
freesblk (sb);
return NOTOK;