new copyright notice
[unix-history] / usr / src / sys / deprecated / netimp / if_imphost.h
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1988 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
* @(#)if_imphost.h 7.7 (Berkeley) %G%
* Host structure used with IMP's.
* Used to hold outgoing packets which
* would exceed allowed RFNM count.
* These structures are packed into
* mbuf's and kept as small as possible.
struct host {
struct mbuf *h_q; /* holding queue */
u_short h_timer; /* used to stay off deletion */
u_short h_imp; /* host's imp number */
u_char h_host; /* host's number on imp */
u_char h_qcnt; /* size of holding q */
u_char h_rfnm; /* # outstanding rfnm's */
u_char h_flags; /* see below */
* A host structure is kept around (even when there are no
* references to it) for a spell to avoid constant reallocation
* and also to reflect IMP status back to sites which aren't
* directly connected to the IMP. When structures are marked
* idle, a timer is started; when the timer expires the structure
* is deallocated. A structure may be reused before the timer expires.
* A structure holds a reference on the containing mbuf when it is marked
#define HF_INUSE 0x1
#define HOSTTIMER 128 /* keep structure around awhile */
* Mark a host structure free; used if host entry returned by hostlookup
* isn't needed. h_rfnm must be zero.
#define hostfree(hp) { \
if ((hp)->h_timer == 0 && (hp)->h_qcnt == 0 && \
(hp)->h_flags & HF_INUSE) \
hostrelease(hp); \
* Release a host entry when last rfnm is received.
#define hostidle(hp) { (hp)->h_timer = HOSTTIMER; }
* Host structures, as seen inside an mbuf.
* Hashing on the host and imp is used to
* select an index into the first mbuf. Collisions
* are then resolved by searching successive
* mbuf's at the same index. Reclamation is done
* automatically at the time a structure is freed.
#define HPMBUF ((MLEN - sizeof(int)) / sizeof(struct host))
/* don't need to swab as long as HPMBUF is odd */
#if defined(notdef) && BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN
#define HOSTHASH(imp, host) ((unsigned)(ntohs(imp)+(host)) % HPMBUF)
#define HOSTHASH(imp, host) ((unsigned)((imp)+(host)) % HPMBUF)
* In-line expansions for queuing operations on
* host message holding queue. Queue is maintained
* as circular list with the head pointing to the
* last message in the queue.
#define HOST_ENQUE(hp, m) { \
register struct mbuf *n; \
(hp)->h_qcnt++; \
if ((n = (hp)->h_q) == 0) \
(hp)->h_q = (m)->m_act = (m); \
else { \
(m)->m_act = n->m_act; \
(hp)->h_q = n->m_act = (m); \
} \
#define HOST_DEQUE(hp, m) { \
if ((m) = (hp)->h_q) { \
if ((m)->m_act == (m)) \
(hp)->h_q = 0; \
else { \
(m) = (m)->m_act; \
(hp)->h_q->m_act = (m)->m_act; \
} \
(hp)->h_qcnt--; \
(m)->m_act = 0; \
} \
struct hmbuf {
int hm_count; /* # of struct's in use */
struct host hm_hosts[HPMBUF]; /* data structures proper */
#ifdef KERNEL
struct host *hostlookup();
struct host *hostenter();